75 research outputs found

    Nondeterministic Strategies and their Refinement in Strategy Logic

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    Nondeterministic strategies are strategies (or protocols, or plans) that, given a history in a game, assign a set of possible actions, all of which are winning. An important problem is that of refining such strategies. For instance, given a nondeterministic strategy that allows only safe executions, refine it to, additionally, eventually reach a desired state of affairs. We show that strategic problems involving strategy refinement can be solved elegantly in the framework of Strategy Logic (SL), a very expressive logic to reason about strategic abilities. Specifically, we introduce an extension of SL with nondeterministic strategies and an operator expressing strategy refinement. We show that model checking this logic can be done at no additional computational cost with respect to standard SL, and can be used to solve a variety of problems such as synthesis of maximally permissive strategies or refinement of Nash equilibria

    On Decidability of Existence of Nonblocking Supervisors Resilient to Smart Sensor Attacks

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    Cybersecurity of discrete event systems (DES) has been gaining more and more attention recently, due to its high relevance to the so-called 4th industrial revolution that heavily relies on data communication among networked systems. One key challenge is how to ensure system resilience to sensor and/or actuator attacks, which may tamper data integrity and service availability. In this paper we focus on some key decidability issues related to smart sensor attacks. We first present a sufficient and necessary condition that ensures the existence of a smart sensor attack, which reveals a novel demand-supply relationship between an attacker and a controlled plant, represented as a set of risky pairs. Each risky pair consists of a damage string desired by the attacker and an observable sequence feasible in the supervisor such that the latter induces a sequence of control patterns, which allows the damage string to happen. It turns out that each risky pair can induce a smart weak sensor attack. Next, we show that, when the plant, supervisor and damage language are regular, it is computationally feasible to remove all such risky pairs from the plant behaviour, via a genuine encoding scheme, upon which we are able to establish our key result that the existence of a nonblocking supervisor resilient to smart sensor attacks is decidable. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result of its kind in the DES literature on cyber attacks. The proposed decision process renders a specific synthesis procedure that guarantees to compute a resilient supervisor whenever it exists, which so far has not been achieved in the literature.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Supervisory Control and Analysis of Partially-observed Discrete Event Systems

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    Nowadays, a variety of real-world systems fall into discrete event systems (DES). In practical scenarios, due to facts like limited sensor technique, sensor failure, unstable network and even the intrusion of malicious agents, it might occur that some events are unobservable, multiple events are indistinguishable in observations, and observations of some events are nondeterministic. By considering various practical scenarios, increasing attention in the DES community has been paid to partially-observed DES, which in this thesis refer broadly to those DES with partial and/or unreliable observations. In this thesis, we focus on two topics of partially-observed DES, namely, supervisory control and analysis. The first topic includes two research directions in terms of system models. One is the supervisory control of DES with both unobservable and uncontrollable events, focusing on the forbidden state problem; the other is the supervisory control of DES vulnerable to sensor-reading disguising attacks (SD-attacks), which is also interpreted as DES with nondeterministic observations, addressing both the forbidden state problem and the liveness-enforcing problem. Petri nets (PN) are used as a reference formalism in this topic. First, we study the forbidden state problem in the framework of PN with both unobservable and uncontrollable transitions, assuming that unobservable transitions are uncontrollable. For ordinary PN subject to an admissible Generalized Mutual Exclusion Constraint (GMEC), an optimal on-line control policy with polynomial complexity is proposed provided that a particular subnet, called observation subnet, satisfies certain conditions in structure. It is then discussed how to obtain an optimal on-line control policy for PN subject to an arbitrary GMEC. Next, we still consider the forbidden state problem but in PN vulnerable to SD-attacks. Assuming the control specification in terms of a GMEC, we propose three methods to derive on-line control policies. The first two lead to an optimal policy but are computationally inefficient for large-size systems, while the third method computes a policy with timely response even for large-size systems but at the expense of optimality. Finally, we investigate the liveness-enforcing problem still assuming that the system is vulnerable to SD-attacks. In this problem, the plant is modelled as a bounded PN, which allows us to off-line compute a supervisor starting from constructing the reachability graph of the PN. Then, based on repeatedly computing a more restrictive liveness-enforcing supervisor under no attack and constructing a basic supervisor, an off-line method that synthesizes a liveness-enforcing supervisor tolerant to an SD-attack is proposed. In the second topic, we care about the verification of properties related to system security. Two properties are considered, i.e., fault-predictability and event-based opacity. The former is a property in the literature, characterizing the situation that the occurrence of any fault in a system is predictable, while the latter is a newly proposed property in the thesis, which describes the fact that secret events of a system cannot be revealed to an external observer within their critical horizons. In the case of fault-predictability, DES are modeled by labeled PN. A necessary and sufficient condition for fault-predictability is derived by characterizing the structure of the Predictor Graph. Furthermore, two rules are proposed to reduce the size of a PN, which allow us to analyze the fault-predictability of the original net by verifying that of the reduced net. When studying event-based opacity, we use deterministic finite-state automata as the reference formalism. Considering different scenarios, we propose four notions, namely, K-observation event-opacity, infinite-observation event-opacity, event-opacity and combinational event-opacity. Moreover, verifiers are proposed to analyze these properties

    A Process Algebra for Supervisory Coordination

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    A supervisory controller controls and coordinates the behavior of different components of a complex machine by observing their discrete behaviour. Supervisory control theory studies automated synthesis of controller models, known as supervisors, based on formal models of the machine components and a formalization of the requirements. Subsequently, code generation can be used to implement this supervisor in software, on a PLC, or embedded microprocessor. In this article, we take a closer look at the control loop that couples the supervisory controller and the machine. We model both event-based and state-based observations using process algebra and bisimulation-based semantics. The main application area of supervisory control that we consider is coordination, referred to as supervisory coordination, and we give an academic and an industrial example, discussing the process-theoretic concepts employed.Comment: In Proceedings PACO 2011, arXiv:1108.145

    Supervisor Synthesis for Discrete Event Systems under Partial Observation and Arbitrary Forbidden State Specifications

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    In this paper, we consider the forbidden state problem in discrete event systems modeled by partially observed and partially controlled Petri nets. Assuming that the reverse net of the uncontrollable subnet of the Petri net is structurally bounded, we compute a set of weakly forbidden markings from which forbidden markings can be reached by firing a sequence of uncontrollable/unobservable transitions. We then use reduced consistent markings to represent the set of consistent markings for Petri nets with structurally bounded unobservable subnets. We determine the control policy by checking if the firing of a certain controllable transition will lead to a subsequent reduced consistent marking that belongs to the set of weakly forbidden markings; if so, we disable the corresponding controllable transition. This approach is shown to be minimally restrictive in the sense that it only disables behavior that can potentially lead to a forbidden marking. The setting in this paper generalizes previous work by studying supervisory control for partially observed and partially controlled Petri nets with a general labeling function and a finite number of arbitrary forbidden states. In contrast, most previous work focuses on either labeling functions that assign a unique label to each observable transition or forbidden states that are represented using linear inequalities. More importantly, we demonstrate that, in general, the separation between observation and control (as considered in previous work) may not hold in our setting

    A survey on compositional algorithms for verification and synthesis in supervisory control

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    This survey gives an overview of the current research on compositional algorithms for verification and synthesis of modular systems modelled as interacting finite-state machines. Compositional algorithms operate by repeatedly simplifying individual components of a large system, replacing them by smaller so-called abstractions, while preserving critical properties. In this way, the exponential growth of the state space can be limited, making it possible to analyse much bigger state spaces than possible by standard state space exploration. This paper gives an introduction to the principles underlying compositional methods, followed by a survey of algorithmic solutions from the recent literature that use compositional methods to analyse systems automatically. The focus is on applications in supervisory control of discrete event systems, particularly on methods that verify critical properties or synthesise controllable and nonblocking supervisors

    Verification of the observer property in discrete event systems

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    The observer property is an important condition to be satisfied by abstractions of Discrete Event System (DES) models. This technical note presents a new algorithm that tests if an abstraction of a DES obtained through natural projection has the observer property. The procedure, called OP-Verifier, can be applied to (potentially nondeterministic) automata, with no restriction on the existence of cycles of 'non-relevant' events. This procedure has quadratic complexity in the number of states. The performance of the algorithm is illustrated by a set of experiments