24 research outputs found

    Implicational Logic, Relevance, and Refutability

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    The goal of this paper is to analyse Implicational Relevance Logic from the point of view of refutability. We also correct an inaccuracy in our paper “The RM paraconsistent refutation system” (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/LLP.2009.005)

    What is refutation?

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    The RM paraconsistent refutation system

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    The aim of this paper is to study the refutation system consisting of the refutation axiom p ∧ ¬p → q and the refutation rules: reverse substitution and reverse modus ponens (B/A, if A → B ∈ RM). It is shown that the refutation system is characteristic for the logic of the 3-element RM algebra

    Refutation Systems : An Overview and Some Applications to Philosophical Logics

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    Refutation systems are systems of formal, syntactic derivations, designed to derive the non-valid formulas or logical consequences of a given logic. Here we provide an overview with comprehensive references on the historical development of the theory of refutation systems and discuss some of their applications to philosophical logics

    A Generalisation of a Refutation-related Method in Paraconsistent Logics

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    This article describes a refutation method of proving maximality of three-valued paraconsistent logics. After outlining the philosophical background related to paraconsistent logics and the refutation approach to modern logic, we briefly describe how these two areas meet in the case of maximal paraconsistent logics. We focus on a method of proving maximality introduced in [34] and [37] that has the benefit of being simple and effective. We show how the method works on a number of examples, thus emphasising the fact that it provides a unifying approach to the search for maximal paraconsistent logics. Finally, we show how the method can be generalised to cover a wide range of paraconsistent logics. We also conduct a small experimental setting that confirms the theoretical results

    Hybrid Deduction-Refutation Systems for FDE-Based Logics

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    Hybrid deduction-refuation systems are presented for four first-degree entailment based logics. The hybrid systems are shown to be deductively and refutationally sound with respect to their logics. The proofs of completeness are presented in a uniform way. The paper builds on work by Goranko, who presented a deductively and refutationally sound and complete hybrid system for classical logic

    Hybrid Deduction-Refutation Systems for FDE-Based Logics

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    Hybrid deduction-refuation systems are presented for four first-degree entailment based logics. The hybrid systems are shown to be deductively and refutationally sound with respect to their logics. The proofs of completeness are presented in a uniform way. The paper builds on work by Goranko, who presented a deductively and refutationally sound and complete hybrid system for classical logic

    On the Scope of the Universal-Algebraic Approach to Constraint Satisfaction

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    The universal-algebraic approach has proved a powerful tool in the study of the complexity of CSPs. This approach has previously been applied to the study of CSPs with finite or (infinite) omega-categorical templates, and relies on two facts. The first is that in finite or omega-categorical structures A, a relation is primitive positive definable if and only if it is preserved by the polymorphisms of A. The second is that every finite or omega-categorical structure is homomorphically equivalent to a core structure. In this paper, we present generalizations of these facts to infinite structures that are not necessarily omega-categorical. (This abstract has been severely curtailed by the space constraints of arXiv -- please read the full abstract in the article.) Finally, we present applications of our general results to the description and analysis of the complexity of CSPs. In particular, we give general hardness criteria based on the absence of polymorphisms that depend on more than one argument, and we present a polymorphism-based description of those CSPs that are first-order definable (and therefore can be solved in polynomial time).Comment: Extended abstract appeared at 25th Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2010). This version will appear in the LMCS special issue associated with LICS 201

    Supervaluationism and Paraconsistency

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    . Supervaluational semantics have been applied rather successfully to a variety of phenomena involving truth-value gaps, such as vagueness, lack of reference, sortal incorrectedness. On the other hand, they have not registered a comparable fortune (if any) in connection with truth-value gluts, i.e., more generally, with semantic phenomena involving overdeterminacy or inconsistency as opposed to indeterminacy and incompleteness. In this paper I review some basic routes that are available for this purpose. The outcome is a family of semantic systems in which (i) logical truths and falsehoods retain their classical status even in the presence gaps and gluts, although (ii) the general notions of satifiability and refutability are radically non-classical. 1. Introduction Since its first appearance in van Fraassen's semantics for free logic [1966a, 1966b], the notion of a supervaluation has been regarded by many as a powerful tool for dealing with truth-value gaps and, more generally, with..

    Analytic Tableaux for Simple Type Theory and its First-Order Fragment

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    We study simple type theory with primitive equality (STT) and its first-order fragment EFO, which restricts equality and quantification to base types but retains lambda abstraction and higher-order variables. As deductive system we employ a cut-free tableau calculus. We consider completeness, compactness, and existence of countable models. We prove these properties for STT with respect to Henkin models and for EFO with respect to standard models. We also show that the tableau system yields a decision procedure for three EFO fragments