9 research outputs found

    The decomposition of the hypermetric cone into L-domains

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    The hypermetric cone \HYP_{n+1} is the parameter space of basic Delaunay polytopes in n-dimensional lattice. The cone \HYP_{n+1} is polyhedral; one way of seeing this is that modulo image by the covariance map \HYP_{n+1} is a finite union of L-domains, i.e., of parameter space of full Delaunay tessellations. In this paper, we study this partition of the hypermetric cone into L-domains. In particular, it is proved that the cone \HYP_{n+1} of hypermetrics on n+1 points contains exactly {1/2}n! principal L-domains. We give a detailed description of the decomposition of \HYP_{n+1} for n=2,3,4 and a computer result for n=5 (see Table \ref{TableDataHYPn}). Remarkable properties of the root system D4\mathsf{D}_4 are key for the decomposition of \HYP_5.Comment: 20 pages 2 figures, 2 table

    Discrete convexity and unimodularity. I

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    In this paper we develop a theory of convexity for a free Abelian group M (the lattice of integer points), which we call theory of discrete convexity. We characterize those subsets X of the group M that could be call "convex". One property seems indisputable: X should coincide with the set of all integer points of its convex hull co(X) (in the ambient vector space V). However, this is a first approximation to a proper discrete convexity, because such non-intersecting sets need not be separated by a hyperplane. This issue is closely related to the question when the intersection of two integer polyhedra is an integer polyhedron. We show that unimodular systems (or more generally, pure systems) are in one-to-one correspondence with the classes of discrete convexity. For example, the well-known class of g-polymatroids corresponds to the class of discrete convexity associated to the unimodular system A_n:={\pm e_i, e_i-ej} in Z^n.Comment: 26 pages, Late

    Comparing Perfect and 2nd Voronoi decompositions: the matroidal locus

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    We compare two rational polyhedral admissible decompositions of the cone of positive definite quadratic forms: the perfect cone decomposition and the 2nd Voronoi decomposition. We determine which cones belong to both the decompositions, thus providing a positive answer to a conjecture of V. Alexeev and A. Brunyate. As an application, we compare the two associated toroidal compactifications of the moduli space of principal polarized abelian varieties: the perfect cone compactification and the 2nd Voronoi compactification.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures, final version, to appear in Mathematische Annale

    On the sum of the Voronoi polytope of a lattice with a zonotope

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    A parallelotope PP is a polytope that admits a facet-to-facet tiling of space by translation copies of PP along a lattice. The Voronoi cell PV(L)P_V(L) of a lattice LL is an example of a parallelotope. A parallelotope can be uniquely decomposed as the Minkowski sum of a zone closed parallelotope PP and a zonotope Z(U)Z(U), where UU is the set of vectors used to generate the zonotope. In this paper we consider the related question: When is the Minkowski sum of a general parallelotope and a zonotope P+Z(U)P+Z(U) a parallelotope? We give two necessary conditions and show that the vectors UU have to be free. Given a set UU of free vectors, we give several methods for checking if P+Z(U)P + Z(U) is a parallelotope. Using this we classify such zonotopes for some highly symmetric lattices. In the case of the root lattice E6\mathsf{E}_6, it is possible to give a more geometric description of the admissible sets of vectors UU. We found that the set of admissible vectors, called free vectors, is described by the well-known configuration of 2727 lines in a cubic. Based on a detailed study of the geometry of PV(e6)P_V(\mathsf{e}_6), we give a simple characterization of the configurations of vectors UU such that PV(E6)+Z(U)P_V(\mathsf{E}_6) + Z(U) is a parallelotope. The enumeration yields 1010 maximal families of vectors, which are presented by their description as regular matroids.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, 4 table

    Equilibria with indivisible goods and package-utilities

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    We revisit the issue of existence of equilibrium in economies with indivisible goods and money, in which agents may trade many units of items. In [5] it was shown that the existence issue is related to discrete convexity. Classes of discrete convexity are characterized by the unimodularity of the allowable directions of one-dimensional demand sets. The class of graphical unimodular system can be put in relation with a nicely interpretable economic property of utility functions, the Gross Substitutability property. The question is still open as to what could be the possible, challenging economic interpretations and relevant examples of demand structures that correspond to other classes of discrete convexity. We consider here an economy populated with agents having a taste for complementarity; their utilities are generated by compounds of specific items grouped in 'packages'. Simple package-utilities translate in a straightforward fashion the fact that the items forming a package are complements. General package-utilities are obtained as the convolution (or aggregation) of simple packageutilities. We prove that if the collection of packages of items, that generates the utilities of agents in the economy, is unimodular then there exists a competitive equilibrium. Since any unimodular set of vectors can be implemented as a collection of 0-1 vectors ([3]), we get examples of demands for each class of discrete convexity

    On the tropical Torelli map

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    AbstractWe construct the moduli spaces of tropical curves and tropical principally polarized abelian varieties, working in the category of (what we call) stacky fans. We define the tropical Torelli map between these two moduli spaces and we study the fibers (tropical Torelli theorem) and the image of this map (tropical Schottky problem). Finally we determine the image of the planar tropical curves via the tropical Torelli map and we use it to give a positive answer to a question raised by Namikawa on the compactified classical Torelli map

    Understanding preferences: "demand types", and the existence of equilibrium with indivisibilities

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    We propose new techniques for understanding agents' valuations. Our classification into \demand types", incorporates existing definitions (substitutes, complements, \strong substitutes", etc.) and permits new ones. Our Unimodularity Theorem generalises previous results about when competitive equilibrium exists for any set of agents whose valuations are all of a \demand type" for indivisible goods. Contrary to popular belief, equilibrium is guaranteed for more classes of purely-complements, than of purely-substitutes, preferences. Our Intersection Count Theorem checks equilibrium existence for combinations of agents with specific valuations by counting the intersection points of geometric objects. Applications include matching and coalition-formation; and the Product-Mix Auction, introduced by the Bank of England in response to the financial crisis

    Introduction to Louis Michel’s lattice geometry through group action

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    Group action analysis developed and applied mainly by Louis Michel to the study of N-dimensional periodic lattices is the central subject of the book. Di¬fferent basic mathematical tools currently used for the description of lattice geometry are introduced and illustrated through applications to crystal structures in two- and three-dimensional space, to abstract multi-dimensional lattices and to lattices associated with integrable dynamical systems. Starting from general Delone sets the authors turn to di¬fferent symmetry and topological classifications including explicit construction of orbifolds for two- and three-dimensional point and space groups