55 research outputs found

    Remarks on the energy of regular graphs

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    The energy of a graph is the sum of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix. This note is about the energy of regular graphs. It is shown that graphs that are close to regular can be made regular with a negligible change of the energy. Also a kk-regular graph can be extended to a kk-regular graph of a slightly larger order with almost the same energy. As an application, it is shown that for every sufficiently large n,n, there exists a regular graph GG of order nn whose energy G\left\Vert G\right\Vert_{\ast} satisfies G>12n3/2n13/10. \left\Vert G\right\Vert_{\ast}>\frac{1}{2}n^{3/2}-n^{13/10}. Several infinite families of graphs with maximal or submaximal energy are given, and the energy of almost all regular graphs is determined.Comment: 12 pages. V2 corrects a typo. V3 corrects Theorem 1

    On the sum of k largest singular values of graphs and matrices

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    In the recent years, the trace norm of graphs has been extensively studied under the name of graph energy. The trace norm is just one of the Ky Fan k-norms, given by the sum of the k largest singular values, which are studied more generally in the present paper. Several relations to chromatic number, spectral radius, spread, and to other fundamental parameters are outlined. Some results are extended to more general matrices.Comment: Some corrections applied in v

    Strongly Regular Graphs with Maximal Energy

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    The energy of a graph is the sum of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix. Koolen and Moulton have proved that the energy of a graph on n vertices is at most n(1 + √n)/2, and that equality holds if and only if the graph is strongly regular with parameters (n, (n+√n)/2, (n+2√n)/4, (n+2√n)/4). Such graphs are equivalent to a certain type of Hadamard matrices. Here we survey constructions of these Hadamard matrices and the related strongly regular graphs.Graph energy;Strongly regular graph;Hadamard matrix.

    Maximum norms of graphs and matrices, and their complements

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    In this paper, we mainly study the trace norm of the adjacency matrix of a graph, also known as the energy of graph. We give the maximum trace norms for the graph and its complement. In fact, the above problem is stated and solved in a more general setup - for nonnegative matrices with bounded entries. In particular, this study exhibits analytical matrix functions attaining maxima on matrices with rigid and complex combinatorial structure. In the last section the same questions are studied for Ky Fan norms. Possibe directions for further research are outlined, as it turns out that the above problems are just a tip of a larger multidimensional research area

    Regular graphs with maximal energy per vertex

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    We study the energy per vertex in regular graphs. For every k, we give an upper bound for the energy per vertex of a k-regular graph, and show that a graph attains the upper bound if and only if it is the disjoint union of incidence graphs of projective planes of order k-1 or, in case k=2, the disjoint union of triangles and hexagons. For every k, we also construct k-regular subgraphs of incidence graphs of projective planes for which the energy per vertex is close to the upper bound. In this way, we show that this upper bound is asymptotically tight

    The trace norm of r-partite graphs and matrices

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    The trace norm G\left\Vert G\right\Vert _{\ast} of a graph GG is the sum of its singular values, i.e., the absolute values of its eigenvalues. The norm G\left\Vert G\right\Vert _{\ast} has been intensively studied under the name of graph energy, a concept introduced by Gutman in 1978. This note studies the maximum trace norm of rr-partite graphs, which raises some unusual problems for r>2r>2. It is shown that, if GG is an rr-partite graph of order n,n, then G<n3/2211/r+(11/r)n. \left\Vert G\right\Vert _{\ast}<\frac{n^{3/2}}{2}\sqrt{1-1/r}+\left( 1-1/r\right) n. For some special rr this bound is tight: e.g., if rr is the order of a symmetric conference matrix, then, for infinitely many n,n, there is a graph G G\ of order nn with G>n3/2211/r(11/r)n. \left\Vert G\right\Vert _{\ast}>\frac{n^{3/2}}{2}\sqrt{1-1/r}-\left( 1-1/r\right) n.Comment: 12 page

    A majorization method for localizing graph topological indices

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    This paper presents a unified approach for localizing some relevant graph topological indices via majorization techniques. Through this method, old and new bounds are derived and numerical examples are provided, showing how former results in the literature could be improved.Comment: 11 page