122 research outputs found

    Privatization of Mexico's public enterprises and the restructuring of the private sector

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    Public enterprises, Government enterprises, Privatization, Private sector, Mexico

    Past, Present, and Infinite Future

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    I was supposed to deliver one of the speeches at Wolfgang Thomas\u27s retirement ceremony. Wolfgang had called me on the phone earlier and posed some questions about temporal logic, but I hadn\u27t had good answers at the time. What I decided to do at the ceremony was to take up the conversation again and show how it could have evolved if only I had put more effort into answering his questions. Here is the imaginary conversation with Wolfgang. The contributions are (1) the first direct translation from counter-free omega-automata into future temporal formulas, (2) a definition of bimachines for omega-words, (3) a translation from arbitrary temporal formulas (including both, future and past operators) into counter-free omega-bimachines, and (4) an automata-based proof of separation: every arbitrary temporal formula is equivalent to a boolean combination of pure future, present, and pure past formulas when interpreted in omega-words

    Crecimiento y concentración de los principales grupos empresariales en México

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    Incluye BibliografíaEn este trabajo se discuten diversas hipótesis sobre el origen yoperación de los grupos económicos y se plantea un modelo destinadoa explicar las fuentes de crecimiento de los activos totales. Se muestrala creciente contribución de los grupos económicos mexicanos al pib,mientras que sus aportaciones en términos del empleo y las utilidadesson menores. Se observa a lo largo del tiempo un claro fenómenode concentración de las ventas y activos en favor de los grupos másimportantes. Se concluye que la principal fuente de financiamiento dela expansión de los activos entre 2005 y 2007 fueron el crecimientode los pasivos y, en segundo lugar, las aportaciones patrimonialesde los accionistas. Se determina que la inversión de los principalesgrupos se realiza de manera discreta en el tiempo y que estos tiendena "sobreinvertir" como una forma de obstruir la entrada de otroscompetidores

    Immobilization of Homogeneous Monomeric, Oligomeric and Fibrillar Aβ Species for Reliable SPR Measurements

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    There is strong evidence that the amyloid-beta peptide (Aß) plays a central role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In this context, a detailed quantitative description of the interactions with different Aß species is essential for characterization of physiological and artificial ligands. However, the high aggregation propensity of Aß in concert with its susceptibility to structural changes due to even slight changes in solution conditions has impeded surface plasmon resonance (SPR) studies with homogeneous Aß conformer species. Here, we have adapted the experimental procedures to state-of-the-art techniques and established novel approaches to reliably overcome the aforementioned challenges. We show that the application of density gradient centrifugation (DGC) for sample purification and the use of a single chain variable fragment (scFv) of a monoclonal antibody directed against the amino-terminus of Aß allows reliable SPR measurements and quality control of the immobilized Aß aggregate species at any step throughout the experiment

    Fall Commencement Ceremony

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    Program for the Fall Commencement ceremonies held at UNF Arena

    Fall Commencement Ceremony

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    Program for the Fall Commencement ceremonies held at UNF Arena