61 research outputs found

    Quantum Multiplexers, Parrondo Games, and Proper Quantization

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    A quantum logic gate of particular interest to both electrical engineers and game theorists is the quantum multiplexer. This shared interest is due to the facts that an arbitrary quantum logic gate may be expressed, up to arbitrary accuracy, via a circuit consisting entirely of variations of the quantum multiplexer, and that certain one player games, the history dependent Parrondo games, can be quantized as games via a particular variation of the quantum multiplexer. However, to date all such quantizations have lacked a certain fundamental game theoretic property. The main result in this dissertation is the development of quantizations of history dependent quantum Parrondo games that satisfy this fundamental game theoretic property. Our approach also yields fresh insight as to what should be considered as the proper quantum analogue of a classical Markov process and gives the first game theoretic measures of multiplexer behavior.Comment: Doctoral dissertation, Portland State University, 138 pages, 22 figure

    A structure-preserving one-sided Jacobi method for computing the SVD of a quaternion matrix

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    Abstract(#br)In this paper, we propose a structure-preserving one-sided cyclic Jacobi method for computing the singular value decomposition of a quaternion matrix. In our method, the columns of the quaternion matrix are orthogonalized in pairs by using a sequence of orthogonal JRS-symplectic Jacobi matrices to its real counterpart. We establish the quadratic convergence of our method specially. We also give some numerical examples to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Adventures in Theoretical Physics: Selected Papers of Stephen L. Adler -- Commentaries

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    These are the commentaries for a volume of reprints of my selected papers with commentaries that I am preparing for publication by World Scientific. Contents: Preface; (1)Early Years, and Condensed Matter Physics; (2) High Energy Neutrino Reactions, PCAC Relations, and Sum Rules; (3) Anomalies: Chiral Anomalies and Their Nonrenormalization, Perturbative Corrections to Scaling, and Trace Anomalies to All Orders; (4) Quantum Electrodynamics; (5) Particle Phenomenology and Neutral Currents; (6) Gravitation; (7) Non-Abelian Monopoles, Confinement Models, and Chiral Symmetry Breaking; (8) Overrelaxation for Monte-Carlo and Other Algorithms; (9) Quaternionic Quantum Mechanics, Trace Dynamics, and Emergent Quantum Theory; (10) Where Next?Comment: Latex 115p; Final version. Book version will differ in reference format and indexing; version 3 differs from version 2 by minor copy-editing correction

    Extended Supersymmetries in One Dimension

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    This work covers part of the material presented at the Advanced Summer School in Prague. It is mostly devoted to the structural properties of Extended Supersymmetries in One Dimension. Several results are presented on the classification of linear, irreducible representations realized on a finite number of time-dependent fields. The connections between supersymmetry transformations, Clifford algebras and division algebras are discussed. A manifestly supersymmetric framework for constructing invariants without using the notion of superfields is presented. A few examples of one-dimensional, N-extended, off-shell invariant sigma models are computed. The relation between supersymmetry transformations and graph theory is outlined. The notion of the fusion algebra of irreps tensor products is presented. The relevance of one-dimensional Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics as a way to extract information on higher dimensional supersymmetric field theories is discussed.