103 research outputs found

    Fuzzy rule based multiwavelet ECG signal denoising

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    Since different multiwavelets, pre- and post-filters have different impulse responses and frequency responses, different multiwavelets, pre- and post-filters should be selected and applied at different noise levels for signal denoising if signals are corrupted by additive white Gaussian noises. In this paper, some fuzzy rules are formulated for integrating different multiwavelets, pre- and post-filters together so that expert knowledge on employing different multiwavelets, pre- and post-filters at different noise levels on denoising performances is exploited. When an ECG signal is received, the noise level is first estimated. Then, based on the estimated noise level and our proposed fuzzy rules, different multiwavelets, pre- and post-filters are integrated together. A hard thresholding is applied on the multiwavelet coefficients. According to extensive numerical computer simulations, our proposed fuzzy rule based multiwavelet denoising algorithm outperforms traditional multiwavelet denoising algorithms by 30%

    Denoising by multiwavelet singularity detection

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    Wavelet denoising by singularity detection was proposed as an algorithm that combines Mallat and Donoho’s denoising approaches. With wavelet transform modulus sum, we can avoid the error and ambiguities of tracing the modulus maxima across scales and the complicated and computationally demanding reconstruction process. We can also avoid the visual artifacts produced by shrinkage. In this paper, we investigate a multiwavelet denoising algorithm based on a modified singularity detection approach. Improved signal denoising results are obtained in comparison to the single wavelet case

    Medical Image Denoising Using Mixed Transforms

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    يقترح في هذا البحث طريقة تعتمد على خليط من التحويلات Wavelet Transform(WT) و Multiwavelet Transform (MWT) من اجل تقليل التشوه في الصور الطبية . تعتمد الطريقة المقترحة على استخدام WT  و MWT بالتعاقب لتعزيز اداء ازالة التشوه من الصور الطبية. عمليا , يتم في البداية اضافة تشويه لصور الرنين المغناطيسي (MRI) والتصوير المقطعي المحوسب (CT)  من اجل الاختبار. ثم تعالج الصورة المشوهة بواسطة WT  لتنتج اربع تقسيمات للصورة موزعة على اساس التردد ويعالج كل تقسيم بواسطة MWT  قبل مرحلة ازالة التشوه المكثفة او البسيطة. اوضحت النتائج العملية ان نسبة الاشارة الى الضوضاء (PSNR) تحسنت بشكل ملحوظ وتم المحافظة على المعلومات الاساسية للصورة. بالاضافة الى ذلك, فان متوسط نسبة الخطا انخفض تبعا لذلك بالمقارنة مع الطرق الاخرى. In this paper,  a mixed transform method is proposed based on a combination of wavelet transform (WT) and multiwavelet transform (MWT) in order to denoise medical images. The proposed method consists of WT and MWT in cascade form to enhance the denoising performance of image processing. Practically, the first step is to add a noise to Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) or Computed Tomography (CT) images for the sake of testing. The noisy image is processed by WT to achieve four sub-bands and each sub-band is treated individually using MWT before the soft/hard denoising stage. Simulation results show that a high peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) is improved significantly and the characteristic features are well preserved by employing mixed transform of WT and MWT due to their capability of separating noise signals from image signals. Moreover, the corresponding mean square error (MSE) is decreased accordingly compared to other available methods

    Correspondence between Multiwavelet Shrinkage/Multiple Wavelet Frame Shrinkage and Nonlinear Diffusion

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    There are numerous methodologies for signal and image denoising. Wavelet, wavelet frame shrinkage, and nonlinear diffusion are effective ways for signal and image denoising. Also, multiwavelet transforms and multiple wavelet frame transforms have been used for signal and image denoising. Multiwavelets have important property that they can possess the orthogonality, short support, good performance at the boundaries, and symmetry simultaneously. The advantage of multiwavelet transform for signal and image denoising was illustrated by Bui et al. in 1998. They showed that the evaluation of thresholding on a multiwavelet basis has produced good results. Further, Strela et al. have showed that the decimated multiwavelet denoising provides superior results than decimated conventional (scalar) wavelet denoising. Mrazek, Weickert, and Steidl in 2003 examined the association between one-dimensional nonlinear diffusion and undecimated Haar wavelet shrinkage. They proved that nonlinear diffusion could be presented by using wavelet shrinkage. High-order nonlinear diffusion in terms of one-dimensional frame shrinkage and two-dimensional frame shrinkage were presented in 2012 by Jiang, and in 2013 by Dong, Jiang, and Shen, respectively. They obtained that the correspondence between both approaches leads to a different form of diffusion equation that mixes benefits from both approaches. The objective of this dissertation is to study the correspondence between one-dimensional multiwavelet shrinkage and high-order nonlinear diffusion, and to study high-order nonlinear diffusion in terms of one-dimensional multiple frame shrinkage also well. Further, this dissertation formulates nonlinear diffusion in terms of 2D multiwavelet shrinkage and 2D multiple wavelet frame shrinkage. From the experiment results, it can be inferred that nonlinear diffusion in terms of multiwavelet shrinkage/multiple frame shrinkage gives better results than a scalar case. On the whole, this dissertation expands nonlinear diffusion in terms of wavelet shrinkage and nonlinear diffusion in terms of frame shrinkage from the scalar wavelets and frames to the multiwavelets and multiple frames

    Low Bit-rate Color Video Compression using Multiwavelets in Three Dimensions

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    In recent years, wavelet-based video compressions have become a major focus of research because of the advantages that it provides. More recently, a growing thrust of studies explored the use of multiple scaling functions and multiple wavelets with desirable properties in various fields, from image de-noising to compression. In term of data compression, multiple scaling functions and wavelets offer a greater flexibility in coefficient quantization at high compression ratio than a comparable single wavelet. The purpose of this research is to investigate the possible improvement of scalable wavelet-based color video compression at low bit-rates by using three-dimensional multiwavelets. The first part of this work included the development of the spatio-temporal decomposition process for multiwavelets and the implementation of an efficient 3-D SPIHT encoder/decoder as a common platform for performance evaluation of two well-known multiwavelet systems against a comparable single wavelet in low bitrate color video compression. The second part involved the development of a motion-compensated 3-D compression codec and a modified SPIHT algorithm designed specifically for this codec by incorporating an advantage in the design of 2D SPIHT into the 3D SPIHT coder. In an experiment that compared their performances, the 3D motion-compensated codec with unmodified 3D SPIHT had gains of 0.3dB to 4.88dB over regular 2D wavelet-based motion-compensated codec using 2D SPIHT in the coding of 19 endoscopy sequences at 1/40 compression ratio. The effectiveness of the modified SPIHT algorithm was verified by the results of a second experiment in which it was used to re-encode 4 of the 19 sequences with lowest performance gains and improved them by 0.5dB to 1.0dB. The last part of the investigation examined the effect of multiwavelet packet on 3-D video compression as well as the effects of coding multiwavelet packets based on the frequency order and energy content of individual subbands

    Mine gearbox fault diagnosis based on multiwavelets and maximum correlated kurtosis deconvolution

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    As the mine gearbox working conditions are poor, the fault signal is weak and usually drowned in background noise when gearbox occurring fault. The fault feature is very difficult to extract. Aiming at solving this problem, this paper proposed a mine gearbox fault feature extraction method which combines multiwavelets decomposition with maximum correlated kurtosis deconvolution (MCKD).The component of multiwavelets decomposing was processed by MCKD method, MCKD suppress the noise in the signal and enhance the weak impact feature of fault signal, the envelope of its deconvolution signal was calculated, then the fault could be judged by analyzing the prominent frequency component of envelope spectrum. Thus, the experiment analysis and engineering application verify the effectiveness of the proposed method