9 research outputs found

    IGAOR and multisplitting IGAOR methods for linear complementarity problems

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    AbstractIn this paper, we propose an interval version of the generalized accelerated overrelaxation methods, which we refer to as IGAOR, for solving the linear complementarity problems, LCP (M, q), and develop a class of multisplitting IGAOR methods which can be easily implemented in parallel. In addition, in regards to the H-matrix with positive diagonal elements, we prove the convergence of these algorithms and illustrate their efficiency through our numerical results

    Asynchronous iterations with flexible communication: contracting operators

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    AbstractThe concept of flexible communication permits one to model efficient asynchronous iterations on parallel computers. This concept is particularly useful in two practical situations. Firstly, when communications are requested while a processor has completed the current update only partly, and secondly, in the context of inner/outer iterations, when processors are also allowed to make use of intermediate results obtained during the inner iteration in other processors.In the general case of nonlinear or linear fixed point problems, we give a global convergence results for asynchronous iterations with flexible communication whereby the iteration operators satisfy certain contraction hypotheses. In this manner we extend to a contraction context previous results obtained for monotone operators with respect to a partial ordering


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    Abstract For a large-scale quadratic programming problem with separable objective function, a variant of the conjugate gradient method can effectively be applied to the dual problem. In this paper, we consider a block-parallel modification of the conjugate gradient method, which is suitable for implementation on a parallel computer. More precisely, the method proceeds in a block Jacobi manner and executes the conjugate gradient iteration to solve quadratic programming subproblems associated with respective blocks. We implement the method on a Connection Machine Model CM-5 in the Single-Program Multiple-Data model of computation. We report some numerical results, which show that the proposed method is effective particularly for problems with some block structure

    Author index for volumes 101–200

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    Author index to volumes 301–400

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