197,142 research outputs found

    Web mathematics anyone?

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    The World Wide Web has had an impact on many areas of teaching and learning. Mathematics teaching however has only recently begun to utilise and develop this educational resource. This paper outlines a research program, which aims to uncover the extent the Internet, in particular the World Wide Web, is being used for High School mathematics education. The program includes searching out discernible Web-based teaching strategies and examining their impact on mathematics teaching and learning attitudes and achievements. Of particular interest is the extent to which deployment of the Web in mathematics teaching might increase student interest in mathematics. The first step in thisprocess is to develop a preliminary typology of mathematical elements on the Web. The nature of these elements, their categorisation and their possible roles in the teaching and learning of mathematics are discussed.<br /

    Use of the World Wide Web in Mathematics Instruction

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    Many mathematics instructors may find they can use the World Wide Web to distribute information and facilitate discussion and interaction in their classrooms, while actually reducing their administrative workload. Here is a discussion of some of the benefits (including better student understanding!) which an instructor might enjoy from taking the plunge

    Technology Integration in a Science and Mathematics Methods Course: Addressing Virginia\u27s Computer/Technology Standards of Learning

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    The Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools [1] require a high level of knowledge in the use of computers and technology on the part of both students and educators. The Education Department at Mary Washington College has decided to prepare its students to meet this challenge by adopting a strategy of program wide integration of technology, bringing appropriate uses of technology into each education course. This strategy calls for the use of technology by both students and instructors. The course Instructional Skills in the Elementary Classroom, a science and mathematics planning course, served as a proving ground for this approach. The integration of technology in this course includes the use of presentation software, spreadsheets, mathematics and science content software, the evaluation of World Wide Web-based resource materials, and a course web page. Halfway through the third semester of this integration experiment, We believe the integration approach to be a proven success. The students enrolled in the course have become enthusiastic users of technology, carrying the skills into other courses and student teaching, and they view the acquisition of these skills as an integral and important aspect of their preparation for teaching careers

    Technologies for teaching mathematics via the world wide web

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    Published ArticleThis paper tries to find answers to the question concerning the availability of suitable technologies to accommodate the teaching and learning of mathematics by means of the World Wide Web. It addresses three standards for the presentation of content mark-up and touches on the importance of adequate browser applicability with respect to MathML as one of the standards. Various tools for rendering MathML on the web, as well as plug-ins and extensions and other combinations of technologies, are discussed. The paper concludes with the introduction of a dynamic mathematics object model (DMOM) by Robert Miner from Design Science Inc. Requirements for a DMOM are formulated and its implementation is discussed

    A Report on the “MathBroker” Project for Brokering Mathematical Web Services?

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    We report on the past achievements and on the current status of a project on the development of a software framework for brokering mathematical services in the Web. The World Wide Web is currently evolving from an infrastructure for delivering static Web pages coded in HTML to an infrastructure for providing dynamic Web services that use XML as the common format for object data and metadata. These services communicate with clients (and other services) using the SOAP protocol [6], their interfaces are described in the Web Service Description Language WSDL [9], their behavior is described by semantic Web technologies like OWL-S [4], interface/behavior descriptions are stored in Web registries such as the one developed by the ebXML initiative [5] that can be queried by clients for lookup of appropriate services. While most Web developers focus on the use of Web service technologies for business applications, projects like our―MathBroker‖ project or the European MONET project [7] aim to support the area of computer mathematics where services provide functionality related to eg computer algebra or automate

    Web-Based Instruction and Learning: Analysis and Needs Assessment

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    An analysis and needs assessment was conducted to identify kindergarten through grade 14 (K-14) customer needs with regard to using the World Wide Web (WWW) for instruction and to identify obstacles K-14 teachers face in utilizing NASA Learning Technologies products in the classroom. The needs assessment was conducted as part of the Dryden Learning Technologies Project which is a collaboration between Dryden Flight Research Center (DFRC), Edwards, California and Tne Pennsylvania State University (PSU), University Park, Pennsylvania. The overall project is a multiyear effort to conduct research in the development of teacher training and tools for Web-based science, mathematics and technology instruction and learning

    Random Graphs: From Paul Erdős to the Internet

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    Paul Erdős, one of the greatest mathematicians of the twentieth century, was a champion of applications of probabilistic methods in many areas of mathematics, such as a graph theory, combinatorics and number theory. He also, almost fifty years ago, jointly with another great Hungarian mathematician Alfred Rényi, laid out foundation of the theory of random graphs: the theory which studies how large and complex systems evolve when randomness of the relations between their elements is incurred. In my talk I will sketch the long journey of this theory from the pioneering Erdős era to modern attempts to model properties of large real world networks which grow unpredictably, including the Internet, World Wide Web (WWW), peer-to-peer, social, neural and metabolic networks.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/math_dalrymple/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Perancangan dan pembuatan situs Web Fisika dan pengamatan waktu akses Browsing

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    Telah dilakukan perancangan dan pembuatan situs Web jurusan Fisika Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Diponegoro dan pengamatan lamanya waktu akses browsing. Pembuatan situs Web ini adalah untuk menyampaikan informasi mengenai jurusan Fisika Undip dan pengenalan lebih jauh mengenai World Wide Web dan cara pembuatannya. Halaman-halaman Web dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemformatan HyperText Mark-up Language (HTML) yang digunakan untuk memformat teks, membuat hyperlink, membuat daftar, menambahkan dan memformat grafik (gambar), membuat form, dan untuk membuat tabel. Untuk pengolahan grafisnya menggunakan PhotoShop 5.0, sebagai editor teks menggunakan Microsoft FrontPage 2000, dan JavaScript untuk menyusun form dengan method post. Dari pengamatan yang telah dilakukan diketahui bahwa lamanya waktu akses browsing dipengaruhi oleh pemilihan waktu akses dan modem yang digunakan, dengan menganggap bahwa parameter lain yang juga mempengaruhi yaitu media komunikasi komputer, komponen penyusun dan ukuran file yang ada dalam dokumen Web, serta server host dan situs Web adalah dalam keadaan sama dan tetap. The designing of the website of Physics Department, Mathematics and Science Faculty, Diponegoro University and the examination on the browsing time access have been done. The making of website in order to give the information Physics Department of Diponegoro University and a further introduction to World Wide Web and the making of it. The web pages are made using the HyperText Mark-up Language (HTML) which is used to format the text, make hyperlink, make a list, adding and formatting graphic (picture), make form and to make table. For graphic editing using Photoshop 5.0, and as the text editor using Microsoft FrontPage 2000, and JavaScript to make form by method post. Form the observation is knew that time to browsing access is influenced by choosing of the used access time and modem, with assume that another parameter that also influence that are computer communication media, arrangement component and file size that are in web document, also host server and web site are in the same condition and steady

    Using The Internet In Teaching Algebra To Middle School Students: A Study Of Teacher Perspectives And Attitudes

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    During the past decades, technological resources have been improved to support the teaching of mathematics. While the improvement of technological resources, the World Wide Web provides teachers and students many resources that engage students in rich mathematics experiences. There are a vast number of educational resources available through the Internet for students and teachers, which should be implemented in the classroom to support and improve algebra instructions. This study seeks to identify the extent of the middle school teacher’s awareness of using the Internet to teach and develop students’ learning of algebra. The participant’s teachers in this study are teaching in schools located in a rural Appalachian region of a Midwestern state in the United States.  The study found that the Internet’s function in the algebra classroom within this particular group of middle childhood teachers are used for purposes that do not contribute to algebra instruction.