95,250 research outputs found

    Mathematical model and implementation of rational processing

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    Precision in computations is a considerable challenge to adequately addressing many current scientific or engineering problems. The way in which the numbers are represented constitutes the first step to compute them and determines the validity of the results. The aim of this research is to provide a formal framework and a set of computational primitives to address high precision problems of mathematical calculation in engineering and numerical simulation. The main contribution of this research is a mathematical model to build an exact arithmetical unit able to represent without error rational numbers in positional notation system. The functions under consideration are addition and multiplication because they form an algebraic commutative ring which contains a multiplicative inverse for every non-zero element. This paper reviews other specialized arithmetic units based on existing formats to show ways to make high precision computing. It is proposed a formal framework of the whole arithmetic architecture in which the operators are based. Then, the design of the addition operation is detailed and its hardware implementation is described. Finally, extensive evaluation of this operator is performed to prove its ability for exact processing

    Computational Visualistics: Dealing with Pictures in Computer Science

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    Building blocks from many disciplines have to be integrated into a general science of images. Computational visualistics has been formed as a contributing field embracing all aspects of dealing with images computationally. Two basic concepts of computer science are introduced. Applied to the concept "image", they determine the methodological core of computational visualistics. As the contribution of computer science to the subject of image theory, interactive pictures are examined. Finally, relations to other "image sciences" are sketched. * * * Bausteine vieler Disziplinen müssen in eine allgemeine Bildwissenschaft integriert werden. Als Beitrag aus der Informatik versteht sich die Computervisualistik, die alle Aspekte rechnergestützten Umgangs mit Bildern umfaßt. Zwei Grundbegriffe der Informatik werden vorgestellt und bestimmen, auf den Begriff "Bild" angewendet, den methodologischen Kern der Computervisualistik. Als Beitrag der Informatik zum Gegenstand der Bildtheorie werden interaktive Bilder betrachtet. Schließlich werden die Beziehungen zu anderen "Bildwissenschaften" kurz umrissen

    A Methodology for the Selection of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Methods in Real Estate and Land Management Processes

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    Real estate and land management are characterised by a complex, elaborate combination of technical, regulatory and governmental factors. In Europe, Public Administrators must address the complex decision-making problems that need to be resolved, while also acting in consideration of the expectations of the different stakeholders involved in settlement transformation. In complex situations (e.g., with different aspects to be considered and multilevel actors involved), decision-making processes are often used to solve multidisciplinary and multidimensional analyses, which support the choices of those who are making the decision. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods are included among the examination and evaluation techniques considered useful by the European Community. Such analyses and techniques are performed using methods, which aim to reach a synthesis of the various forms of input data needed to define decision-making problems of a similar complexity. Thus, one or more of the conclusions reached allow for informed, well thought-out, strategic decisions. According to the technical literature on MCDA, numerous methods are applicable in different decision-making situations, however, advice for selecting the most appropriate for the specific field of application and problem have not been thoroughly investigated. In land and real estate management, numerous queries regarding evaluations often arise. In brief, the objective of this paper is to outline a procedure with which to select the method best suited to the specific queries of evaluation, which commonly arise while addressing decision-making problems. In particular issues of land and real estate management, representing the so-called “settlement sector”. The procedure will follow a theoretical-methodological approach by formulating a taxonomy of the endogenous and exogenous variables of the multi-criteria analysis method

    Rational physical agent reasoning beyond logic

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    The paper addresses the problem of defining a theoretical physical agent framework that satisfies practical requirements of programmability by non-programmer engineers and at the same time permitting fast realtime operation of agents on digital computer networks. The objective of the new framework is to enable the satisfaction of performance requirements on autonomous vehicles and robots in space exploration, deep underwater exploration, defense reconnaissance, automated manufacturing and household automation

    The Cost of Rational Agency

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    The rational agency assumption limits systems to domains of application that have never been observed. Moreover, representing agents as being rational in the sense of maximising utility subject to some well specified constraints renders software systems virtually unscalable. These properties of the rational agency assumption are shown to be unnecessary in representations or analogies of markets. The demonstration starts with an analysis of how the rational agency assumption limits the applicability and scalability of the IBM information filetering economy. An unrestricted specification of the information filtering economy is developed from an analysis of the properties of markets as systems and the implementation of a model based on intelligent agents. This extended information filtering economy modelis used to test the analytical results on the scope for agents to act as intermediaries between human users and information sources

    Realization of Analog Wavelet Filter using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for On-line Epileptic Event Detection

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    © 2020 The Author(s). This open access work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.As the evolution of traditional electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring unit for epilepsy diagnosis, wearable ambulatory EEG (WAEEG) system transmits EEG data wirelessly, and can be made miniaturized, discrete and social acceptable. To prolong the battery lifetime, analog wavelet filter is used for epileptic event detection in WAEEG system to achieve on-line data reduction. For mapping continuous wavelet transform to analog filter implementation with low-power consumption and high approximation accuracy, this paper proposes a novel approximation method to construct the wavelet base in analog domain, in which the approximation process in frequency domain is considered as an optimization problem by building a mathematical model with only one term in the numerator. The hybrid genetic algorithm consisting of genetic algorithm and quasi-Newton method is employed to find the globally optimum solution, taking required stability into account. Experiment results show that the proposed method can give a stable analog wavelet base with simple structure and higher approximation accuracy compared with existing method, leading to a better spike detection accuracy. The fourth-order Marr wavelet filter is designed as an example using Gm-C filter structure based on LC ladder simulation, whose power consumption is only 33.4 pW at 2.1Hz. Simulation results show that the design method can be used to facilitate low power and small volume implementation of on-line epileptic event detector.Peer reviewe