4 research outputs found

    Mathematical model and implementation of rational processing

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    Precision in computations is a considerable challenge to adequately addressing many current scientific or engineering problems. The way in which the numbers are represented constitutes the first step to compute them and determines the validity of the results. The aim of this research is to provide a formal framework and a set of computational primitives to address high precision problems of mathematical calculation in engineering and numerical simulation. The main contribution of this research is a mathematical model to build an exact arithmetical unit able to represent without error rational numbers in positional notation system. The functions under consideration are addition and multiplication because they form an algebraic commutative ring which contains a multiplicative inverse for every non-zero element. This paper reviews other specialized arithmetic units based on existing formats to show ways to make high precision computing. It is proposed a formal framework of the whole arithmetic architecture in which the operators are based. Then, the design of the addition operation is detailed and its hardware implementation is described. Finally, extensive evaluation of this operator is performed to prove its ability for exact processing

    Use and abuse of calculators: implications for mathematics education

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    Fostering mathematical understanding and sense for numbers is an objective for current mathematics education. This paper presents a historical vision of the use of numbers and of calculation processes and reflects about the current need of electronic calculators. The coexistence of two different mathematical systems, one based on the Greek axiomatic mathematics and another, the floating point system, used in electronic calculators, can lead to some confusions that which affects the teaching of mathematics, especially in the numerical sense development. The paper also presents common mistakes caused by the missing verification of the results from calculations or lack of awareness about the limitations of calculators. Finally, the implications those elements have on the mathematical education are presented together with some conclusions

    Advancements in number representation for high-precision computing

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    Efficient representation of data is a fundamental prerequisite for addressing computational problems effectively using computers. The continual improvement in methods for representing numbers in computers serves as a critical step in expanding the scope and capabilities of computing systems. In this research, we conduct a comprehensive review of both fundamental and advanced techniques for representing numbers in computers. Additionally, we propose a novel model capable of representing rational numbers with absolute precision, catering to specific high precision applications. Specifically, we adopt fractional positional notation coupled with explicit codification of the periodic parts, thereby accommodating the entire rational number set without any loss of accuracy. We elucidate the properties and hardware representation of this proposed format and provide the results of extensive experiments to demonstrate its expressiveness and minimal codification error when compared to other real number representation formats. This research contributes to the advancement of numerical representation in computer systems, empowering them to handle complex computations with heightened accuracy, making them more reliable and versatile in a wide range of applications.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) (https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033) under project HPC4Industry PID2020-120213RB-I00

    Desarrollo de modelos de computación para sistemas Cloud Computing

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    El paradigma de computación Cloud constituye una de las estrategias más innovadoras en cuanto a la adopción de Tecnologías de la Información por la sociedad. Las ventajas de este modelo de gestión de las TIC van en la línea de la mejora de la eficiencia y la reducción de costes, al tiempo que ofrece recursos y servicios accesibles a toda la sociedad. En este proyecto se plantea avanzar en el desarrollo de modelos de computación que permitan optimizar los procesos de ahorro de energía de los servicios Cloud