6 research outputs found

    Scheduling with Many Shared Resources

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    Consider the many shared resource scheduling problem where jobs have to be scheduled on identical parallel machines with the goal of minimizing the makespan. However, each job needs exactly one additional shared resource in order to be executed and hence prevents the execution of jobs that need the same resource while being processed. Previously a (2m/(m+1))(2m/(m+1))-approximation was the best known result for this problem. Furthermore, a 6/56/5-approximation for the case with only two machines was known as well as a PTAS for the case with a constant number of machines. We present a simple and fast 5/3-approximation and a much more involved but still reasonable 1.5-approximation. Furthermore, we provide a PTAS for the case with only a constant number of machines, which is arguably simpler and faster than the previously known one, as well as a PTAS with resource augmentation for the general case. The approximation schemes make use of the N-fold integer programming machinery, which has found more and more applications in the field of scheduling recently. It is plausible that the latter results can be improved and extended to more general cases. Lastly, we give a 5/4−ε5/4 - \varepsilon inapproximability result for the natural problem extension where each job may need up to a constant number (in particular 33) of different resources

    Total Completion Time Minimization for Scheduling with Incompatibility Cliques

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    This paper considers parallel machine scheduling with incompatibilities between jobs. The jobs form a graph and no two jobs connected by an edge are allowed to be assigned to the same machine. In particular, we study the case where the graph is a collection of disjoint cliques. Scheduling with incompatibilities between jobs represents a well-established line of research in scheduling theory and the case of disjoint cliques has received increasing attention in recent years. While the research up to this point has been focused on the makespan objective, we broaden the scope and study the classical total completion time criterion. In the setting without incompatibilities, this objective is well known to admit polynomial time algorithms even for unrelated machines via matching techniques. We show that the introduction of incompatibility cliques results in a richer, more interesting picture. Scheduling on identical machines remains solvable in polynomial time, while scheduling on unrelated machines becomes APX-hard. Furthermore, we study the problem under the paradigm of fixed-parameter tractable algorithms (FPT). In particular, we consider a problem variant with assignment restrictions for the cliques rather than the jobs. We prove that it is NP-hard and can be solved in FPT time with respect to the number of cliques. Moreover, we show that the problem on unrelated machines can be solved in FPT time for reasonable parameters, e.g., the parameter pair: number of machines and maximum processing time. The latter result is a natural extension of known results for the case without incompatibilities and can even be extended to the case of total weighted completion time. All of the FPT results make use of n-fold Integer Programs that recently have received great attention by proving their usefulness for scheduling problems

    Sparcl:A Language for Partially-Invertible Computation

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    Non-Deterministic Functions as Non-Deterministic Processes (Extended Version)

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    We study encodings of the lambda-calculus into the pi-calculus in the unexplored case of calculi with non-determinism and failures. On the sequential side, we consider lambdafail, a new non-deterministic calculus in which intersection types control resources (terms); on the concurrent side, we consider spi, a pi-calculus in which non-determinism and failure rest upon a Curry-Howard correspondence between linear logic and session types. We present a typed encoding of lambdafail into spi and establish its correctness. Our encoding precisely explains the interplay of non-deterministic and fail-prone evaluation in lambdafail via typed processes in spi. In particular, it shows how failures in sequential evaluation (absence/excess of resources) can be neatly codified as interaction protocols