38,286 research outputs found

    Rewriting Abstract Structures: Materialization Explained Categorically

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    The paper develops an abstract (over-approximating) semantics for double-pushout rewriting of graphs and graph-like objects. The focus is on the so-called materialization of left-hand sides from abstract graphs, a central concept in previous work. The first contribution is an accessible, general explanation of how materializations arise from universal properties and categorical constructions, in particular partial map classifiers, in a topos. Second, we introduce an extension by enriching objects with annotations and give a precise characterization of strongest post-conditions, which are effectively computable under certain assumptions

    Failure dynamics of the global risk network

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    Risks threatening modern societies form an intricately interconnected network that often underlies crisis situations. Yet, little is known about how risk materializations in distinct domains influence each other. Here we present an approach in which expert assessments of risks likelihoods and influence underlie a quantitative model of the global risk network dynamics. The modeled risks range from environmental to economic and technological and include difficult to quantify risks, such as geo-political or social. Using the maximum likelihood estimation, we find the optimal model parameters and demonstrate that the model including network effects significantly outperforms the others, uncovering full value of the expert collected data. We analyze the model dynamics and study its resilience and stability. Our findings include such risk properties as contagion potential, persistence, roles in cascades of failures and the identity of risks most detrimental to system stability. The model provides quantitative means for measuring the adverse effects of risk interdependence and the materialization of risks in the network

    Hierarchical D ∗ algorithm with materialization of costs for robot path planning

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    In this paper a new hierarchical extension of the D ∗ algorithm for robot path planning is introduced. The hierarchical D ∗ algorithm uses a down-top strategy and a set of precalculated paths (materialization of path costs) in order to improve performance. This on-line path planning algorithm allows optimality and specially lower computational time. H-Graphs (hierarchical graphs) are modified and adapted to support on-line path planning with materialization of costs and multiple hierarchical levels. Traditional on-line robot path planning focused in horizontal spaces is also extended to vertical and interbuilding spaces. Some experimental results are showed and compared to other path planning algorithms

    LiteMat: a scalable, cost-efficient inference encoding scheme for large RDF graphs

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    The number of linked data sources and the size of the linked open data graph keep growing every day. As a consequence, semantic RDF services are more and more confronted with various "big data" problems. Query processing in the presence of inferences is one them. For instance, to complete the answer set of SPARQL queries, RDF database systems evaluate semantic RDFS relationships (subPropertyOf, subClassOf) through time-consuming query rewriting algorithms or space-consuming data materialization solutions. To reduce the memory footprint and ease the exchange of large datasets, these systems generally apply a dictionary approach for compressing triple data sizes by replacing resource identifiers (IRIs), blank nodes and literals with integer values. In this article, we present a structured resource identification scheme using a clever encoding of concepts and property hierarchies for efficiently evaluating the main common RDFS entailment rules while minimizing triple materialization and query rewriting. We will show how this encoding can be computed by a scalable parallel algorithm and directly be implemented over the Apache Spark framework. The efficiency of our encoding scheme is emphasized by an evaluation conducted over both synthetic and real world datasets.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur
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