23 research outputs found

    Agents for invocation of web services

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    Web services are becoming popular and widely accepted on the Internet. UDDI is the standard for publishing and discovery of web services. In this paper, we investigate semantics description of web services based on domain ontology; based on this language, we propose an architecture for invoking agents to consume services within the UDDI registry. The semantics service description language together with agent creationarchitecture provides a new way to discover and utilise published web services. This method is flexible and extendable to accomplish complex web service requests.<br /

    Efficient matching of services with users in opportunistic network environments

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    Opportunistic Networks are a specific type of wireless ad hoc network where there is an absence of a continuous end-to-end path. The proliferation of mobile devices with Wi-Fi capability creates opportunities to forward packets by utilizing nodes as they present themselves. Such a dynamic networking environment enables services to be advertised by propagating from device to device, in order that all users in an area receive them. However, excessive propagation of service advertisements consumes energy from mobile devices, whilst also degrading the users’ experience if they receive adverts for services that are misaligned with their personal interests. In this article we propose an architecture for a protocol and an algorithm that facilitates the matching of relevant service adverts with interested recipients in an Opportunistic Networking environment, whilst serving to minimize energy consumption

    Modelo de servicio semántico de difusión selectiva de información (DSI) para bibliotecas digitales

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    We present the theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of a multi-agent SDI service model for specialized digital libraries, applying semantic web technologies that permit more efficient information management, improving agent-user communication processes and facilitating accurate access to relevant resources. To do this, rss feeds are used as "current awareness bulletins" to generate personalized bibliographic alerts. The SDI service model has an rss feeds management module and an information push module. In the first module, resources are represented as rss feed items and are also semi-automatically assigned subject terms by matching their associated keywords against the terms of a SKOS Core format thesaurus. In the information push module, bibliographic alerts are customized according to the preferences defined on users' profiles

    Agents in decentralised information ecosystems: the DIET approach

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    The complexity of the current global information infrastructure requires novel means of understanding and exploiting the dynamics of information. One means may be through the concept of an information ecosystem. An information ecosystem is analo gous to a natural ecosystem in which there are flo ws of materials and energy analo gous to information flow between many interacting individuals. This paper describes a multi-agent platform, DIET (Decentralised Information Ecosystem Technologies) that can be used to implement open, robust, adaptive and scalable ecosystem-inspired systems. We describe the design principles of the DIET software architecture, and present a simple example application based upon it. We go on to consider how the DIET system can be used to develop information brokering agents, and how these can contribute to the implementation of economic interactions between agents, as well as identifying some open questions relating to research in these areas. In this way we show the capacity of the DIET system to support applications using information agents.Future and Emerging Technologies arm of the IST Programme of the European Union, under the FET Proactive Initiative – Universal Information Ecosystems (FET, 1999), through project DIET (IST -1999-10088), BTexaCT Intelligent Systems Laboratory for stimulating discussion and comment

    Query Replication in Distributed Information Systems with Autonomous Participants

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    We consider Distributed Information Systems with Autonomous Participants (DISAP), i.e., participants (consumers and providers) may have special interests towards queries and other participants. Recent applications of DISAP on the Internet have emerged to share data, services, or computing resources at an unprecedented scale (e.g. SETI@home). With autonomous participants, the only way to avoid a participant to voluntarily leave the system is to satisfy its interests when allocating queries. But, participants' satisfaction may also be badly affected by other participants' failures or comportment. In this context, replicating queries is useful to address two different problems: tolerate providers' failures and deal with Byzantine providers. In this paper, we make the following main contributions. First, we formalize the query allocation problem over faulty participants in the context of DISAP. Second, we define participant's satisfaction and define a notion of global satisfaction, which considers participants' satisfaction and their probability of failure. Third, we propose a query replication algorithm, SbQR, which deals with the participants' failures by deciding on-line whether a query should be replicated and at which rate. Fourth, we propose another query replication algorithm, called SbQR+, which generalizes SbQR with the goal of prioritizing critical queries. Finally, we implemented both algorithms and compared them to the popular baseline algorithm. The results demonstrate that our algorithms significantly outperform the baseline algorithm from the performance and satisfaction points of view. In particular, Sb QR+ is excellent at choosing the queries that must be replicated to guarantee both participants' satisfaction and good system performance

    Analysis Of Aircraft Arrival Delay And Airport On-time Performance

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    While existing grid environments cater to specific needs of a particular user community, we need to go beyond them and consider general-purpose large-scale distributed systems consisting of large collections of heterogeneous computers and communication systems shared by a large user population with very diverse requirements. Coordination, matchmaking, and resource allocation are among the essential functions of large-scale distributed systems. Although deterministic approaches for coordination, matchmaking, and resource allocation have been well studied, they are not suitable for large-scale distributed systems due to the large-scale, the autonomy, and the dynamics of the systems. We have to seek for nondeterministic solutions for large-scale distributed systems. In this dissertation we describe our work on a coordination service, a matchmaking service, and a macro-economic resource allocation model for large-scale distributed systems. The coordination service coordinates the execution of complex tasks in a dynamic environment, the matchmaking service supports finding the appropriate resources for users, and the macro-economic resource allocation model allows a broker to mediate resource providers who want to maximize their revenues and resource consumers who want to get the best resources at the lowest possible price, with some global objectives, e.g., to maximize the resource utilization of the system

    A Conceptual Framework for Agent Definition and Development

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    The use of agents of many different kinds in a variety of fields of computer science and artificial intelligence is increasing rapidly and is due, in part, to their wide applicability. The richness of the agent metaphor that leads to many different uses of the term is, however, both a strength and a weakness: its strength lies in the fact that it can be applied in very many different ways in many situations for different purposes; the weakness is that the term agent is now used so frequently that there is no commonly accepted notion of what it is that constitutes an agent. This paper addresses this issue by applying formal methods to provide a defining framework for agent systems. The Z specification language is used to provide an accessible and unified formal account of agent systems, allowing us to escape from the terminological chaos that surrounds agents. In particular, the framework precisely and unambiguously provides meanings for common concepts and terms, enables alternative models of particular classes of system to be described within it, and provides a foundation for subsequent development of increasingly more refined concepts

    Combining MAS and P2P Systems: The Agent Trees Multi-Agent System (ATMAS)

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    The seamless retrieval of information distributed across networks has been one of the key goals of many systems. Early solutions involved the use of single static agents which would retrieve the unfiltered data and then process it. However, this was deemed costly and inefficient in terms of the bandwidth since complete files need to be downloaded when only a single value is often all that is required. As a result, mobile agents were developed to filter the data in situ before returning it to the user. However, mobile agents have their own associated problems, namely security and control. The Agent Trees Multi-Agent System (AT-MAS) has been developed to provide the remote processing and filtering capabilities but without the need for mobile code. It is implemented as a Peer to Peer (P2P) network of static intelligent cooperating agents, each of which control one or more data sources. This dissertation describes the two key technologies have directly influenced the design of ATMAS, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems and Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). P2P systems are conceptually simple, but limited in power, whereas MAS are significantly more complex but correspondingly more powerful. The resulting system exhibits the power of traditional MAS systems while retaining the simplicity of P2P systems. The dissertation describes the system in detail and analyses its performance

    A Self-Adaptable Query Allocation Framework for Distributed Information Systems

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    International audienceIn large-scale distributed information systems, where participants are autonomous and have special interests for some queries, query allocation is a challenge. Much work in this context has focused on distributing queries among providers in a way that maximizes overall performance (typically throughput and response time). However, preserving the participants' interests is also important. In this paper, we make the following contributions. First, we provide a model to define the participants' perception of the system regarding their interests and propose measures to evaluate the quality of query allocation methods. Then, we propose a framework for query allocation called Satisfaction-based Query Load Balancing (SQLB, for short), which dynamically trades consumers' interests for providers' interests based on their satisfaction. Finally, we compare SQLB, through experimentation, with two important baseline query allocation methods, namely CapacityBased and Mariposa-like. The results demonstrate that SQLB yields high efficiency while satisfying the participants' interests and significantly outperforms the baseline methods