10,357 research outputs found

    International Tourism in the System of Modern Globalization Processes

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    Стаття присвячена процесам глобалізації, що відбуваються у сучасному світі. Особлива увага приділяється впливу глобалізації на туризм. Розглядаються як позитивні, так і негативні впливи глобалізаційних процесів на різні сфери життя суспільства. У статті описані основні фактори глобалізації у міжнародному туризмі та їх вплив на його розвиток. Глобалізація часто розглядається як особливий стан людського суспільства. В контексті туризму глобалізація дозволяє сприймати туристів як споживачів, привносячи культуру споживання в країни, що розвиваються і сприяючи зростанню глобального суспільства. Розглядається вплив COVID-19 на міжнародні туристичні потоки. Міжнародний туризм. Глобалізація. Короновірус Статья посвящена процессам глобализации, происходящим в современном мире. Особое внимание уделяется влиянию глобализации на туризм. Рассматриваются как положительные, так и отрицательные воздействия глобализационных процессов на различные сферы жизни общества. В статье описаны основные факторы глобализации в международном туризме и их влияние на его развитие. Глобализация часто рассматривается как особое состояние человеческого общества. В контексте туризма глобализация позволяет воспринимать туристов как потребителей, привнося культуру потребления в развивающиеся страны и способствуя росту глобального общества. Рассматривается влияние COVID-19 на международные туристические потоки. Международный туризм. Глобализация. КороновирусThe article is devoted to globalization processes taking place in the modern world. Particular attention is paid to the impact of globalization on tourism. Both positive and negative effects of globalization processes on different spheres of society are considered. The article describes the main factors of globalization in international tourism and their impact on its development. Globalization is often seen as a special state of human society. In the context of tourism, globalization allows tourists to be perceived as consumers, bringing a culture of consumption to developing countries and contributing to the growth of global society. International Tourism, Globalization, COVID-1

    The importance of English for the Engineering and Medicine Schools´ Faculty´ at the University of El Salvador

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    English has become a worldwide language and there is no doubt about its importance in the present time. Many reasons can be mentioned to the spread of English, for example; the expansion of communication among people around the world through internet; also it is said that it is the language of science and technology, and its presence is remarked in medicine, engineering, education, tourism and in the entire world of business as well. The evolution that this society experiences especially related tote phenomenon of globalization requires having skilled professionals to face the challenges of this world. The English Language Revolution is intrinsically tied in with the progression of a technological global world and professional development. English has a big importance in most of the professional areas but it is necessary to say that there are some of them where English is considered as a fundamental tool of development. It can be said that English also helps professionals to develop themselves not only in their fields of work but also as a component in their professional growth. It is unfortunate that even though the clear evidence of the importance of the English Language is stated, there are still some professionals who do not show any interest at all about its learning. The perspective of non English-speaking professionals whose field the English Language is not demanded may not be concerned in the language. Based on the fact that learning English is essential, its use is present in almost all areas of knowledge and professional growing; practically, English is the Lingua Franca in this era of globalization; for that reason, nobody around the world ignores that English is a synonymous of progress and excellence in the professional development in a global higher education. The domain of English represents big opportunities for human beings in our society which demands not just one language to survive in any work field. In this sense, English plays a key role among professionals of education, especially, in Engineering and Medicine schools where the knowledge of second Language to develop academic activities is essential. The research project will be focused on the importance of English for the Engineering and Medicine schools ́ faculty ́ at the University of El Salvador, as well as, it describes and identifies the advantages of mastering English in the use of the technology

    Graduate School of Business Academic Catalog 2012 - 2013

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    Tax as an Alternative Legal Protection for Business Enterprises in E-Commerce

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    legal protection is usually only one-sided on the consumer. but this time businesses in the trade of electronic transaction or commonly referred to as e-commerce should also get the same legal protection in accordance rights. This is an alternative legal protection by the tax assessment in commercial transaction of e-commerce. Tax provides legal certainty in e-commerce trading because the taxes business are protected from foreign competition product pric


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    The importance of logistic management for the general developmentstrategy of functioning of the enterprise is a stimulus to consider it in terms of newmethodology in enterprise management. Taking into account the up-to-date experiencesof logistics, either as a scientific branch or a practice, logistic management cannot betreated in the same way as the system management, through its aims, or the strategicmanagement understood as new method of management.logistic, management, enterprises

    Realizing People's Welfare in Economic Globalization, Perspective of the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions

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    Globalization that occurs in the economic field today certainly affects the trade between several countries that are free. This is due to the fact that the use of technology has encouraged rapid business growth, because various information can be presented through long distance relationships and those who wish to conduct transactions do not have to meet face to face, but simply through computer and telecommunications equipment. Utilization of ITE Technology is carried out based on the principles of legal certainty, benefits, prudence, good faith, and freedom to choose technology or technology neutrality. This study aims to determine the development and concept of people's prosperity in economic globalization in Indonesia, with the presence of the ITE Law in creating a just economy. This research uses normative legal research which is descriptive analytical with a qualitative approach to primary data, secondary data and tertiary data which includes the content and structure of positive law. used as a reference in reviewing legal issues that are the object of study. The results of the study indicate that the existence of the ITE Law in creating a just economy at this time has major implications for the development of social life . Economic justice must be understood as a condition where the people control the course of economic activity, through the use of information and technology which is carried out based on the principles of legal certainty, benefits, prudence, good faith, and freedom to choose technology or technology neutrality. This is in line with the goals of the state as stated in the fourth paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution

    Technology, Innovation and Latecomer Strategies: Evidence from the Mobile Handset Manufacturing Sector in China

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    Since the entry of Chinese domestic mobile handset manufacturers in 1998, Chinese domestic suppliers have successfully surpassed the market share of joint ventures (JVs) while direct imports have been largely phased out. By examining China’s mobile handset manufacturing sector as a whole and through case studies, we found several factors that contributed to the success of China’s domestic handset manufacturers which can be classified into three categories: market conditions, competition, and government’s support.

    Graduate School of Business Academic Catalog 2007 - 2008

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    Graduate School of Business Academic Catalog 2008 - 2009

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    Graduate School of Business Academic Catalog 2011 - 2012

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