1,098 research outputs found

    Nonlinear bilateral teleoperation using extended active observer for force estimation and disturbance suppression

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    A novel nonlinear teleoperation algorithm for simultaneous inertial parameters and force estimation at the master and slave sides of the teleoperation system is proposed. The scheme, called Extended Active Observer (EAOB), is an extension of the existing active observer. It provides effective force tracking at the master side with accurate position tracking at the slave side in the presence of inertial parameter variation and measurement noise. The proposed method only requires the measurement of robot position, and as a result significantly reduces the difficulty and cost of implementing bilateral teleoperation systems. The approach is described and its stability is analytically verified. The performance of the method is validated through computer simulation and compared with the Nicosia observer-based controller. According to the results, EAOB outperforms the Nicosia observer method and effectively rejects noise

    Study of an optical chaotic steganographic free space system

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    An optical communication system for the secure transmission of an information message in free-space is investigated. The message hiding, at the transmitter, is achieved by a steganographic encryption process onto an optical chaotic carrier generated by a semiconductor laser subjected to delayed optoelectronic feedback. The message recovery, at the receiver, is attained by subtracting the received signal from a reconstructed carrier obtained through the synchronization of a semiconductor laser similar to that used at the transmitter. A detailed numerical analysis of the system performance is performed for various configurations. the aim is to determine the quality of both the message masking and recovering. In questa Tesi viene studiato numericamente un sistema di comunicazione steganografica su portante ottica caotica in spazio libero. La portante caotica viene generata, al trasmettitore, mediante l'utilizzo di un laser a semiconduttore con retroazione optoelettronica ritardata. Il messaggio viene poi sovrapposto alla portante caotica così generata. Al ricevitore il messaggio viene recuperato usando un laser a semiconduttore, simile a quello usato al trasmettitore, in configurazione ad anello aperto. L'analisi delle prestazioni è volta a determinare sia la qualità della copertura del messaggio in trasmissione, sia la qualità di recupero dell'informazione in ricezione. Una accurata analisi numerica è effettuata prima in assenza del canale, e poi considerando la propagazione in spazio libero all'interno di un ambiente chiuso

    An investigation of techniques for nonlinear state observation

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering. Johannesburg, 2016An investigation and analysis of a collection of different techniques, for estimating the states of nonlinear systems, was undertaken. It was found that most of the existing literature on the topic could be organized into several groups of nonlinear observer design techniques, of which each group follows a specific concept and slight variations thereof. From out of this investigation it was discovered that a variation of the adaptive observer could be successfully applied to numerous nonlinear systems, given only limited output information. This particular technique formed the foundation on which a design procedure was developed in order to asymptotically estimate the states of nonlinear systems of a certain form, using only partial state information available. Lyapunov stability theory was used to prove the validity of this technique, given that certain conditions and assumptions are satisfied. A heuristic procedure was then developed to get a linearized model of the error transient behaviour that could form the upper bounds of the transient times of the observer. The technique above, characterized by a design algorithm, was then applied to three well-known nonlinear systems; namely the Lorenz attractor, the Rössler attractor, and the Van Der Pol oscillator. The results, illustrated through numerical simulation, clearly indicate that the technique developed is successful, provided all assumptions and conditions are satisfied.MT201

    Control of chaos in nonlinear circuits and systems

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    Nonlinear circuits and systems, such as electronic circuits (Chapter 5), power converters (Chapter 6), human brains (Chapter 7), phase lock loops (Chapter 8), sigma delta modulators (Chapter 9), etc, are found almost everywhere. Understanding nonlinear behaviours as well as control of these circuits and systems are important for real practical engineering applications. Control theories for linear circuits and systems are well developed and almost complete. However, different nonlinear circuits and systems could exhibit very different behaviours. Hence, it is difficult to unify a general control theory for general nonlinear circuits and systems. Up to now, control theories for nonlinear circuits and systems are still very limited. The objective of this book is to review the state of the art chaos control methods for some common nonlinear circuits and systems, such as those listed in the above, and stimulate further research and development in chaos control for nonlinear circuits and systems. This book consists of three parts. The first part of the book consists of reviews on general chaos control methods. In particular, a time-delayed approach written by H. Huang and G. Feng is reviewed in Chapter 1. A master slave synchronization problem for chaotic Lur’e systems is considered. A delay independent and delay dependent synchronization criteria are derived based on the H performance. The design of the time delayed feedback controller can be accomplished by means of the feasibility of linear matrix inequalities. In Chapter 2, a fuzzy model based approach written by H.K. Lam and F.H.F. Leung is reviewed. The synchronization of chaotic systems subject to parameter uncertainties is considered. A chaotic system is first represented by the fuzzy model. A switching controller is then employed to synchronize the systems. The stability conditions in terms of linear matrix inequalities are derived based on the Lyapunov stability theory. The tracking performance and parameter design of the controller are formulated as a generalized eigenvalue minimization problem which is solved numerically via some convex programming techniques. In Chapter 3, a sliding mode control approach written by Y. Feng and X. Yu is reviewed. Three kinds of sliding mode control methods, traditional sliding mode control, terminal sliding mode control and non-singular terminal sliding mode control, are employed for the control of a chaotic system to realize two different control objectives, namely to force the system states to converge to zero or to track desired trajectories. Observer based chaos synchronizations for chaotic systems with single nonlinearity and multi-nonlinearities are also presented. In Chapter 4, an optimal control approach written by C.Z. Wu, C.M. Liu, K.L. Teo and Q.X. Shao is reviewed. Systems with nonparametric regression with jump points are considered. The rough locations of all the possible jump points are identified using existing kernel methods. A smooth spline function is used to approximate each segment of the regression function. A time scaling transformation is derived so as to map the undecided jump points to fixed points. The approximation problem is formulated as an optimization problem and solved via existing optimization tools. The second part of the book consists of reviews on general chaos controls for continuous-time systems. In particular, chaos controls for Chua’s circuits written by L.A.B. Tôrres, L.A. Aguirre, R.M. Palhares and E.M.A.M. Mendes are discussed in Chapter 5. An inductorless Chua’s circuit realization is presented, as well as some practical issues, such as data analysis, mathematical modelling and dynamical characterization, are discussed. The tradeoff among the control objective, the control energy and the model complexity is derived. In Chapter 6, chaos controls for pulse width modulation current mode single phase H-bridge inverters written by B. Robert, M. Feki and H.H.C. Iu are discussed. A time delayed feedback controller is used in conjunction with the proportional controller in its simple form as well as in its extended form to stabilize the desired periodic orbit for larger values of the proportional controller gain. This method is very robust and easy to implement. In Chapter 7, chaos controls for epileptiform bursting in the brain written by M.W. Slutzky, P. Cvitanovic and D.J. Mogul are discussed. Chaos analysis and chaos control algorithms for manipulating the seizure like behaviour in a brain slice model are discussed. The techniques provide a nonlinear control pathway for terminating or potentially preventing epileptic seizures in the whole brain. The third part of the book consists of reviews on general chaos controls for discrete-time systems. In particular, chaos controls for phase lock loops written by A.M. Harb and B.A. Harb are discussed in Chapter 8. A nonlinear controller based on the theory of backstepping is designed so that the phase lock loops will not be out of lock. Also, the phase lock loops will not exhibit Hopf bifurcation and chaotic behaviours. In Chapter 9, chaos controls for sigma delta modulators written by B.W.K. Ling, C.Y.F. Ho and J.D. Reiss are discussed. A fuzzy impulsive control approach is employed for the control of the sigma delta modulators. The local stability criterion and the condition for the occurrence of limit cycle behaviours are derived. Based on the derived conditions, a fuzzy impulsive control law is formulated so that the occurrence of the limit cycle behaviours, the effect of the audio clicks and the distance between the state vectors and an invariant set are minimized supposing that the invariant set is nonempty. The state vectors can be bounded within any arbitrary nonempty region no matter what the input step size, the initial condition and the filter parameters are. The editors are much indebted to the editor of the World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science, Prof. Leon Chua, and to Senior Editor Miss Lakshmi Narayan for their help and congenial processing of the edition

    Clock Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks: An Overview

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    The development of tiny, low-cost, low-power and multifunctional sensor nodes equipped with sensing, data processing, and communicating components, have been made possible by the recent advances in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) assume a collection of such tiny sensing devices connected wirelessly and which are used to observe and monitor a variety of phenomena in the real physical world. Many applications based on these WSNs assume local clocks at each sensor node that need to be synchronized to a common notion of time. This paper reviews the existing clock synchronization protocols for WSNs and the methods of estimating clock offset and clock skew in the most representative clock synchronization protocols for WSNs

    A delay-product-type Lyapunov functional approach for enhanced synchronization of chaotic Lur'e systems using a quantized controller

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    The asymptotic synchronization problem of chaotic Lur'e systems in the master-slave framework was explored in this paper. A time-varying delay feedback controller with quantization considerations and a delay-product-type Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional technique were employed to tackle this problem. Consider an error system based on master and slave systems, for which sufficient asymptotic stability requirements are developed to assure that the addressed system achieves proper synchronization. Following that, the desired control gain was determined by finding a feasible solution to these stability requirements. The results of this paper were validated using a numerical example with simulations, which revealed that they were superior to previously published ones

    Theoretical and Experimental Investigations into Causality, its Measures and Applications

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    A major part of human scientific endeavour aims at making causal inferences of observed phenomena. While some of the studies conducted are experimental, others are observational, the latter often making use of recorded data. Since temporal data can be easily acquired and stored in today’s world, time-series causality estimation measures have come into wide use across a range of disciplines such as neuroscience, earth science and econometrics. In this context, model-free/data-driven methods for causality estimation are extremely useful, as the underlying model generating the data is often unknown. However, existing data-driven measures such as Granger Causality and Transfer Entropy impose strong statistical assumptions on the data and can only estimate causality by associational means. Associational causality, being the most rudimentary level of causality has several limitations. In this thesis, we propose a novel Interventional Complexity Causality scheme for time-series measurements so as to capture a higher level of causality based on intervention which until now could be inferred only through model-based measures. Based on this interventional scheme, we formulate a Compression-Complexity Causality (CCC) measure that is rigorously tested on simulations of stochastic and deterministic systems and shown to overcome the limitations of existing measures. CCC is then applied to infer causal relations from real data mainly in the domain of neuroscience. These include the study of brain connectivity in human subjects performing a motor task and a study to distinguish between awake and anaesthesia states in monkeys using electrophysiological brain recordings. Through theoretical and empirical advances in causality testing, the thesis also makes contributions to a number of allied disciplines. A causal perspective is given for the ubiquitous phenomenon of chaotic synchronization. One of the major contributions in this regard is the introduction of the notion of Causal Stability and formulation (with proof) of a novel Causal Stability Synchronization Theorem which gives a condition for complete synchronization of coupled chaotic systems. Further, we propose and test for techniques to analyse causality between sparse signals using compressed sensing. A real application is demonstrated for the case of sparse neuronal spike trains recorded from rat prefrontal cortex. The area of temporal-reversibility detection of time-series is also closely linked to the domain of causality testing. We develop and test a new method to check for time-reversibility of processes and explore the behaviour of causality measures on coupled time-reversed processes
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