847 research outputs found

    Expanded delta networks for very large parallel computers

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    In this paper we analyze a generalization of the traditional delta network, introduced by Patel [21], and dubbed Expanded Delta Network (EDN). These networks provide in general multiple paths that can be exploited to reduce contention in the network resulting in increased performance. The crossbar and traditional delta networks are limiting cases of this class of networks. However, the delta network does not provide the multiple paths that the more general expanded delta networks provide, and crossbars are to costly to use for large networks. The EDNs are analyzed with respect to their routing capabilities in the MIMD and SIMD models of computation.The concepts of capacity and clustering are also addressed. In massively parallel SIMD computers, it is the trend to put a larger number processors on a chip, but due to I/O constraints only a subset of the total number of processors may have access to the network. This is introduced as a Restricted Access Expanded Delta Network of which the MasPar MP-1 router network is an example

    A simple parallel prefix algorithm for compact finite-difference schemes

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    A compact scheme is a discretization scheme that is advantageous in obtaining highly accurate solutions. However, the resulting systems from compact schemes are tridiagonal systems that are difficult to solve efficiently on parallel computers. Considering the almost symmetric Toeplitz structure, a parallel algorithm, simple parallel prefix (SPP), is proposed. The SPP algorithm requires less memory than the conventional LU decomposition and is highly efficient on parallel machines. It consists of a prefix communication pattern and AXPY operations. Both the computation and the communication can be truncated without degrading the accuracy when the system is diagonally dominant. A formal accuracy study was conducted to provide a simple truncation formula. Experimental results were measured on a MasPar MP-1 SIMD machine and on a Cray 2 vector machine. Experimental results show that the simple parallel prefix algorithm is a good algorithm for the compact scheme on high-performance computers

    Image analysis by integration of disparate information

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    Image analysis often starts with some preliminary segmentation which provides a representation of the scene needed for further interpretation. Segmentation can be performed in several ways, which are categorized as pixel based, edge-based, and region-based. Each of these approaches are affected differently by various factors, and the final result may be improved by integrating several or all of these methods, thus taking advantage of their complementary nature. In this paper, we propose an approach that integrates pixel-based and edge-based results by utilizing an iterative relaxation technique. This approach has been implemented on a massively parallel computer and tested on some remotely sensed imagery from the Landsat-Thematic Mapper (TM) sensor

    Parallel matrix inversion techniques

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    In this paper, we present techniques for inverting sparse, symmetric and positive definite matrices on parallel and distributed computers. We propose two algorithms, one for SIMD implementation and the other for MIMD implementation. These algorithms are modified versions of Gaussian elimination and they take into account the sparseness of the matrix. Our algorithms perform better than the general parallel Gaussian elimination algorithm. In order to demonstrate the usefulness of our technique, we implemented the snake problem using our sparse matrix algorithm. Our studies reveal that the proposed sparse matrix inversion algorithm significantly reduces the time taken for obtaining the solution of the snake problem. In this paper, we present the results of our experimental work

    Linear mixing model applied to coarse resolution satellite data

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    A linear mixing model typically applied to high resolution data such as Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer, Thematic Mapper, and Multispectral Scanner System is applied to the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer coarse resolution satellite data. The reflective portion extracted from the middle IR channel 3 (3.55 - 3.93 microns) is used with channels 1 (0.58 - 0.68 microns) and 2 (0.725 - 1.1 microns) to run the Constrained Least Squares model to generate fraction images for an area in the west central region of Brazil. The derived fraction images are compared with an unsupervised classification and the fraction images derived from Landsat TM data acquired in the same day. In addition, the relationship betweeen these fraction images and the well known NDVI images are presented. The results show the great potential of the unmixing techniques for applying to coarse resolution data for global studies

    Massively parallel Poisson and QR factorization solvers

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    AbstractThe paper brings a massively parallel Poisson solver for rectangle domain and parallel algorithms for computation of QR factorization of a dense matrix A by means of Householder reflections and Givens rotations. The computer model under consideration is a SIMD mesh-connected toroidal n × n processor array.The Dirichlet problem is replaced by its finite-difference analog on an M × N (M + 1, N are powers of two) grid. The algorithm is composed of parallel fast sine transform and cyclic odd-even reduction blocks and runs in a fully parallel fashion. Its computational complexity is O(M N log Ln2), where L = max(M + 1, N). A parallel proposal of QR factorization by the Householder method zeros all subdiagonal elements in each column and updates all elements of the given submatrix in parallel. For the second method with Givens rotations, the parallel scheme of the Sameh and Kuck was chosen where the disjoint rotations can be computed simultaneously.The algorithms were coded in MPF and MPL parallel programming languages and results of computational experiments on the MasPar MP-1 system are also presented

    Vision-Based Road Detection in Automotive Systems: A Real-Time Expectation-Driven Approach

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    The main aim of this work is the development of a vision-based road detection system fast enough to cope with the difficult real-time constraints imposed by moving vehicle applications. The hardware platform, a special-purpose massively parallel system, has been chosen to minimize system production and operational costs. This paper presents a novel approach to expectation-driven low-level image segmentation, which can be mapped naturally onto mesh-connected massively parallel SIMD architectures capable of handling hierarchical data structures. The input image is assumed to contain a distorted version of a given template; a multiresolution stretching process is used to reshape the original template in accordance with the acquired image content, minimizing a potential function. The distorted template is the process output.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file