28 research outputs found


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    PEMANFAATAN MEDIA AUGMENTED REALITY (AR) IPA INTEGRATIF KEARIFAN LOKAL DI SEKOLAH DASAR Ana Riani Universitas Negeri Jakarta Email : [email protected] Abstract: This study aims to develop learning media based on the Augmented Reality as a form of learning media that facilitates abstracs material become real, and is able to support the learning process in an effort to improve student learning understanding. The method used is research and development with the 4D (Four D) Model. This research was conducted on fifth grade students at the Aren Jaya XVIII Elementary School, Kota Bekasi, Indonesia. Data collection techniques used were tests, interviews, questionnaires, and documents. The results of this research can be concluded that learning media based on Augmented Reality in blood circulation system integrated martial art is developed effectively and can be uses to assistance as a teacher's aid in delivering learning material. Keyword : Augmented Reality media, Blood Circulation System, Martial Art Abstrak : penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis Augmented sebagai salah satu bentuk media pembelajaran yang memfasilitasi materi yang abstrak menjadi lebih nyata dan diharapkan mampu mendukung proses pembelajaran dalam upaya peningkatan hasil belajar pada siswa sekolah dasar. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan research and development dengan model yang digunakan 4D (four D). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa kelas V di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Aren Jaya XVIII Kota Bekasi-Indonesia. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes, wawancara, angket, dan dokumen. Hasil dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa media berbasis Augmented Reality sistem peredaran darah terintegrasi Penjaskes gerak dasar pencak silat ini layak dan dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu guru dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran kelas V sekolah dasar. Kata Kunci : Media Augmented Reality, Sistem peredaran darah, Pencak sila

    Digital dojo: a serious gaming approach for supplementing martial arts education using kinect motion capture analysis

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    The potential for learning through serious video games is something that has been examined closely in recent years. Teaching students through well-designed games has several potential benefits, such as immersing them in the subject material, boosting interest, comprehension, and motivation, and developing strong problem solving skills. While serious games have been heavily researched and applied to subjects such as economics and mathematics, physical tasks have traditionally been difficult to teach through computers for a number of reasons. Currently, there are no computer applications that supplement martial arts training by analyzing and critiquing students without the use of expensive and cumbersome peripherals. With the advent of compact, affordable natural human input devices such as the Microsoft Kinect, the user’s real-world body position can now be accessed and analyzed in real-time. Using current education theory, I have developed a serious game that utilizes the motion-tracking capabilities of the Microsoft Kinect device to supplement a traditional Judo education.M.S., Digital Media -- Drexel University, 201

    Utilizing gravity in movement-based games and play

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    This paper seeks to expand the understanding of gravity as a powerful but underexplored design resource for movement-based games and play. We examine how gravity has been utilized and manipulated in digital, physical, and mixed reality games and sports, considering five central and gravity-related facets of user experience: realism, affect, challenge, movement diversity, and sociality. For each facet, we suggest new directions for expanding the field of movement-based games and play, for example through novel combinations of physical and digital elements. Our primary contribution is a structured articulation of a novel point of view for designing games and interactions for the moving body. Additionally, we point out new research directions, and our conceptual framework can be used as a design tool. We demonstrate this in 1) creating and evaluating a novel gravity-based game mechanic, and 2) analyzing an existing movement-based game and suggesting future improvements

    Utilizing gravity in movement-based games and play

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    This paper seeks to expand the understanding of gravity as a powerful but underexplored design resource for movement-based games and play. We examine how gravity has been utilized and manipulated in digital, physical, and mixed reality games and sports, considering five central and gravity-related facets of user experience: realism, affect, challenge, movement diversity, and sociality. For each facet, we suggest new directions for expanding the field of movement-based games and play, for example through novel combinations of physical and digital elements. Our primary contribution is a structured articulation of a novel point of view for designing games and interactions for the moving body. Additionally, we point out new research directions, and our conceptual framework can be used as a design tool. We demonstrate this in 1) creating and evaluating a novel gravity-based game mechanic, and 2) analyzing an existing movement-based game and suggesting future improvements

    3DLive: A multi-modal sensing platform allowing tele-immersive sports applications

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    http://www.eusipco2014.org/program/3DLive project is developing a user-driven mixed reality platform, intended for augmented sports. Using latest sens-ing techniques, 3DLive will allow remote users to share a three-dimensional sports experience, interacting with each other in a mixed reality space. This paper presents the multi-modal sensing technologies used in the platform. 3DLive aims at delivering a high sense of tele-immersion among remote users, regardless of whether they are indoors or outdoors, in the context of augmented sports. In this paper, functional and technical details of the first prototype of the jogging scenario are presented, while a clear separation between indoor and outdoor users is given, since different technologies need to be employed for each case.This work was supported by the EU funded project 3DLive, GA 31848

    Virtual Performance Augmentation in an Immersive Jump & Run Exergame

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    Human performance augmentation through technology has been a recurring theme in science and culture, aiming to increase human capabilities and accessibility. We investigate a related concept: virtual performance augmentation (VPA), using VR to give users the illusion of greater capabilities than they actually have.We propose a method for VPA of running and jumping, based on in place movements, and studied its effects in a VR exergame. We found that in place running and jumping in VR can be used to create a somewhat natural experience and can elicit medium to high physical exertion in an immersive and intrinsically motivating manner. We also found that virtually augmenting running and jumping can increase intrinsic motivation, perceived competence and flow, and may also increase motivation for physical activity in general. We discuss implications of VPA for safety and accessibility, with initial evidence suggesting that VPA may help users with physical impairments enjoy the benefits ofexergaming

    Comparação da frequência cardíaca e percepção subjetiva de esforço entre o Tênis de mesa e o game table Tennis nos consoles Xbox Kinect e Nintendo Wii

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    O estudo objetivou verificar e comparar a frequência cardíaca (FC) e a percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE) durante o gameplay entre o Tênis de Mesa (TM) e o game do table tennis nos consoles Kinect Xbox (TTK) e no Nintendo Wii (TTW). Participaram do estudo 12 homens com 21,8 ± 3,1 (anos), 81 ± 11,24 (kg) e 176 ± 7 (cm). Os games geraram valores similares de FC média em TTW (83,67 ± 16,7 bpm) e TTK (89,67 ± 16,32 bpm), mas durante o TM foi observada demanda cardiovascular superior (103,50 ± 23,9 bpm). A PSE média encontrada no TTW (1,5 ± 0,67 ua) foi estatisticamente menor que no TM (2,67 ± 0,78 ua), mas não diferiu do TTK (2 ± 1,04 us). Os resultados sugerem que o Tênis de Mesa virtual, em ambos consoles, não é eficiente para aumentar a demanda cardiovascular.

    "I'm the Jedi!" - A Case Study of User Experience in 3D Tele-immersive Gaming

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    Abstract—In this paper, we present the results from a quantitative and qualitative study of distributed gaming in 3D tele-immersive (3DTI) environments. We explore the Qual-ity of Experience (QoE) of users in the new cyber-physical gaming environment. Guided by a theoretical QoE model, we conducted a case study and evaluated the impact of various Quality of Service (QoS) metrics (e.g., end-to-end delay, visual quality, etc.) on 3DTI gaming experience. We also identified a number of non-technical factors that are not captured by the original theoretical model, such as age, social interaction, and physical setup. Our analysis highlights new implications for the next-generation gaming system design, as well as a more comprehensive conceptual framework that captures non-technical influences for user experience in such environments

    Expanding exertion gaming

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    While exertion games - digital games where the outcome is determined by physical exertion - are of growing interest in HCI, we believe the current health and fitness focus in the research of exertion games limits the opportunities this field has to offer. In order to broaden the agenda on exertion games, we link the existing fields of sports and interactive entertainment (arguing these fields have much to offer) by presenting four of our own designs as case studies. Using our experiences with these designs we highlight three key strategies to guide designers in the creation of richer exertion game experiences: designing a temporal trajectory through games with reference to the way exertion changes over time, designing for the inevitable and not necessarily negative effects of pain in exertion games, and designing for the highly socially situated nature of exertion gaming

    Cultura digital e Educação Física: problematizando a inserção de Exergames no currículo

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    Games are known to be used in education, as teaching tools, because they can facilitate cognitive learning. Several areas such as Mathematics, Geography, History, Chemistry and Biology use this technology in reason of its illustrative potential on the content to be worked, something that many games make possible. Moreover, one of the most important aspects to be considered is the communication established between educator and learner, in which pleasure and entertainment are inherent features of the game, thus pleasing the student and enabling learning. Currently, a new class of games is taking the attention of children, young people and adults: the Exergames or Exertion Interfaces, which mix game and physical exercise. Not only as new educational tools that become available but also some attention concerning physiological and educational aspects for the human development begin to be demanded from areas like Health Sciences, especially Physical Education. This research aimed at discussing, in a critical way, issues related to the Exergames and the possibility for them to be included in the curriculum of Physical Education, both at school and in the undergraduate and graduate courses. Keywords: Exergame, Physical Education, Curriculum.Los juegos son conocidos por ser utilizados en la educación como herramientas pedagógicas, porque estos pueden facilitar el aprendizaje cognitivo. Diversas áreas como Matemáticas, Geografía, Historia, Química y Biología utilizan esta tecnología en razón de su potencial ilustrativo sobre el contenido a ser trabajado, algo que muchos juegos poseen. Además, uno de los aspectos más importantes a ser considerado es la comunicación establecida entre educador y educando, en la que el placer y el entretenimiento son características inherentes al juego, agradando así al alumno y permitiendo el aprendizaje. Actualmente, una nueva clase de juegos está llamando la atención de niños, jóvenes y adultos: los Exergames o Interfaces Esfuerzo, que mezcla juego y ejercicio físico. No apenas como nueva herramienta educacional, los Exergames se han vuelto indispensables en la atención a los aspectos fisiológico y educacional para el desarrollo humano, que comienza a exigirse en áreas como las Ciencias de la Salud, Educación y, especialmente, en la Educación Física. Esta investigación tuvo como meta discutir, de forma crítica, cuestiones relacionadas con los Exergames y la posibilidad de que estos sean incluidos en el currículo de Educación Física, en la escuela y en los cursos de graduación y posgrado. Palabras clave: Exergame, Educación Física, currículo.Os jogos são conhecidos por serem utilizados na educação, como ferramentas pedagógicas, porque eles podem facilitar a aprendizagem cognitiva. Diversas áreas, como Matemática, Geografia, História, Química e Biologia usam essa tecnologia em razão do seu potencial ilustrativo sobre o conteúdo a ser trabalhado, algo que muitos jogos possuem. Além disso, um dos aspectos mais importantes a serem considerados é a comunicação estabelecida entre educador e educando, em que o prazer e entretenimento são características inerentes ao jogo, agradando assim o aluno e permitindo o aprendizado. Atualmente, uma nova classe de jogos está tomando a atenção de crianças, jovens e adultos: os Exergames ou Interfaces Esforço, que misturam jogo e exercício físico. Não apenas como novas ferramentas educacionais, torna-se indispensável atenção em relação aos aspectos fisiológicos e educacional para o desenvolvimento humano, começa a ser exigido a partir de áreas como Ciências da Saúde, Educação, especialmente na Educação Física. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo discutir, de forma crítica, questões relacionadas com as Exergames e a possibilidade de que eles sejam incluídos no currículo de Educação Física, na escola e nos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação