107 research outputs found

    Dimensioning Renewable Energy Systems to Power Mobile Networks

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    To face the huge increase in the mobile traffic demand, denser cellular access networks are extensively deployed by mobile operators, entailing high cost for energy supply. Hence, renewable energy (RE) sources are often adopted to power base stations (BSs), in order to make them more self-sufficient and reduce the energy bill. Nevertheless, sizing an RE generation system is a critical task, and the dimensioning methods available in the literature are based on simulation or optimization approaches, hence resulting time consuming or computationally complex. This paper proposes and validates a simple still effective analytical method that, based on the location dependent mean value and variance of RE production, allows to find feasible combinations of photovoltaic (PV) panel and battery sizes, suitable to power a BS and decrease the storage depletion probability below a target threshold. Furthermore, the application of this method highlights the role of RE production variance. Higher values of the variance require larger PV panels, almost doubled with respect to locations with low variance. However, only locations with higher variance benefit from increasing the battery size and relaxing the constraint on energy self-sufficiency, with the scope of reducing the required PV panel capacity and the capital expenditures

    Green Mobile Networks: from self-sustainability to enhanced interaction with the Smart Grid

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    Nowadays, the staggering increase of the mobile traffic is leading to the deployment of denser and denser cellular access networks, hence Mobile Operators are facing huge operational cost due to power supply. Therefore, several research efforts are devoted to make mobile networks more energy efficient, with the twofold objective of reducing costs and improving sustainability. To this aim, Resource on Demand (RoD) strategies are often implemented in Mobile Networks to reduce the energy consumption, by dynamically adapting the available radio resources to the varying user demand. In addition, renewable energy sources are widely adopted to power base stations (BSs), making the mobile network more independent from the electric grid. At the same time, the Smart Grid (SG) paradigm is deeply changing the energy market, envisioning an active interaction between the grid and its customers. Demand Response (DR) policies are extensively deployed by the utility operator, with the purpose of coping with the mismatches between electricity demand and supply. The SG operator may enforce its users to shift their demand from high peak to low peak periods, by providing monetary incentives, in order to leverage the energy demand profiles. In this scenario, Mobile Operators can play a central role, since they can significantly contribute to DR objectives by dynamically modulating their demand in accordance with the SG requests, thus obtaining important electricity cost reductions. The contribution of this thesis consists in investigating various critical issues raised by the introduction of photovoltaic (PV) panels to power the BSs and to enhance the interaction with the Smart Grid, with the main objectives of making the mobile access network more independent from the grid and reducing the energy bill. When PV panels are employed to power mobile networks, simple and reliable Renewable Energy (RE) production models are needed to facilitate the system design and dimensioning, also in view of the intermittent nature of solar energy production. A simple stochastic model is hence proposed, where RE production is represented by a shape function multiplied by a random variable, characterized by a location dependent mean value and a variance. Our model results representative of RE production in locations with low intra-day weather variability. Simulations reveal also the relevance of RE production variability: for fixed mean production, higher values of the variance imply a reduced BS self-sufficiency, and larger PV panels are hence required. Moreover, properly designed models are required to accurately represent the complex operation of a mobile access network powered by renewable energy sources and equipped with some storage to harvest energy for future usage, where electric loads vary with the traffic demand, and some interaction with the Smart Grid can be envisioned. In this work various stochastic models based on discrete time Markov chains are designed, each featuring different characteristics, which depend on the various aspects of the system operation they aim to examine. We also analyze the effects of quantization of the parameters defined in these models, i.e. time, weather, and energy storage, when they are applied for power system dimensioning. Proper settings allowing to build an accurate model are derived for time granularity, discretization of the weather conditions, and energy storage quantization. Clearly, the introduction of RE to power mobile networks entails a proper system dimensioning, in order to balance the solar energy intermittent production, the traffic demand variability and the need for service continuity. This study investigates via simulation the RE system dimensioning in a mobile access network, trading off energy self-sufficiency targets and cost and feasibility constraints. In addition, to overcome the computational complexity and long computational time of simulation or optimization methods typically used to dimension the system, a simple analytical formula is derived, based on a Markovian model, for properly sizing a renewable system in a green mobile network, based on the local RE production average profile and variability, in order to guarantee the satisfaction of a target maximum value of the storage depletion probability. Furthermore, in a green mobile network scenario, Mobile Operators are encouraged to deploy strategies allowing to further increase the energy efficiency and reduce costs. This study aims at analyzing the impact of RoD strategies on energy saving and cost reduction in green mobile networks. Up to almost 40% of energy can be saved when RoD is applied under proper configuration settings, with a higher impact observed in traffic scenarios in which there is a better match between communication service demand and RE production. While a feasible PV panel and storage dimensioning can be achieved only with high costs and large powering systems, by slightly relaxing the constraint on self-sustainability it is possible to significantly reduce the size of the required PV panels, up to more than 40%, along with a reduction in the corresponding capital and operational expenditures. Finally, the introduction of RE in mobile networks contributes to give mobile operators the opportunity of becoming prominent stakeholders in the Smart Grid environment. In relation to the integration of the green network in a DR framework, this study proposes different energy management policies aiming at enhancing the interaction of the mobile network with the SG, both in terms of energy bill reduction and increased capability of providing ancillary services. Besides combining the possible presence of a local RE system with the application of RoD strategies, the proposed energy management strategies envision the implementation of WiFi offloading (WO) techniques in order to better react to the SG requests. Indeed, some of the mobile traffic can be migrated to neighbor Access Points (APs), in order to accomplish the requests of decreasing the consumption from the grid. The scenario is investigated either through a Markovian model or via simulation. Our results show that these energy management policies are highly effective in reducing the operational cost by up to more than 100% under proper setting of operational parameters, even providing positive revenues. In addition, WO alone results more effective than RoD in enhancing the capability to provide ancillary services even in absence of RE, raising the probability of accomplishing requests of increasing the grid consumption up to almost 75% in our scenario, twice the value obtained under RoD. Our results confirm that a good (in terms of energy bill reduction) energy management strategy does not operate by reducing the total grid consumption, but by timely increasing or decreasing the grid consumption when required by the SG. This work shows that the introduction of RE sources is an effective and feasible solution to power mobile networks, and it opens the way to new interesting scenarios, where Mobile Network Operators can profitably interact with the Smart Grid to obtain mutual benefits, although this definitely requires the integration of suitable energy management strategies into the communication infrastructure management

    On the Use of Small Solar Panels and Small Batteries to Reduce the RAN Carbon Footprint

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    The limited power requirements of new generations of base stations make the use of renewable energy sources, solar in particular, extremely attractive for mobile network operators. Exploiting solar energy implies a reduction of the network operation cost as well as of the carbon footprint of radio access networks. However, previous research works indicate that the area of the solar panels that are necessary to power a standard macro base station (BS) is large, making the solar panel deployment problematic, especially within urban areas.In this paper we use a modeling approach based on Markov reward processes to investigate the possibility of combining a connection to the power grid with small area solar panels and small batteries to run a macro base station. By so doing, it is possible to exploit a significant fraction of renewable energy to run a radio access network, while also reducing the cost incurred by the network operator to power its base stations. We assume that energy is drawn from the power grid only when needed to keep the BS operational, or during the night, which corresponds to the period with lowest electricity price. The proposed energy management policies have advantages in terms of both cost and carbon footprint. Our results show that solar panels of the order of 1-2 kW peak, i.e., with a surface of about 5-10 m2, combined with limited capacity energy storage (of the order of 1-5 kWh, corresponding to about 1-2 car batteries) and a smart energy management policy, can lead to an effective exploitation of renewable energy

    From self-sustainable Green Mobile Networks to enhanced interaction with the Smart Grid

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    Due to the staggering increase of mobile traffic, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) are facing considerable operational cost due to power supply. Renewable Energy (RE) sources to power Base Stations (BSs) represent a promising solution to lower the energy bill, but their intermittent nature may affect the service continuity and the system self-sufficiency. Furthermore, in the new energy market dominated by the Smart Grid, new potentialities arise for MNOs in a Demand Response (DR) framework, since they can dynamically modulate the mobile network energy demand in accordance with SG requests, thus obtaining significant rewards. This work proposes various stochastic models to reliably and accurately characterize the RE production and the operation of a green mobile network, also analyzing the impact of parameter quantization on the model performance. The RE system dimensioning is investigated, trading off cost saving and feasibility constraints, and evaluating the impact of Resource on Demand (RoD) strategies, that allow to achieve more than 40% cost reduction. Finally, by exploiting RoD and WiFi offloading techniques, various energy management policies are designed to enhance the interaction of a green mobile network with the SG in a DR framework, leading to fully erase the energy bill and even gain positive revenues

    Efficient energy management in ultra-dense wireless networks

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    The increase in demand for more network capacity has led to the evolution of wireless networks from being largely Heterogeneous (Het-Nets) to the now existing Ultra-dense (UDNs). In UDNs, small cells are densely deployed with the goal of shortening the physical distance between the base stations (BSs) and the UEs, so as to support more user equipment (UEs) at peak times while ensuring high data rates. Compared to Het-Nets, Ultra-dense networks (UDNs) have many advantages. These include, more network capacity, higher flexibility to routine configurations, and more suitability to achieve load-balancing, hence, fewer blind spots as well as lower call blocking probability. It should be noted that, in practice, due to the high density of deployed small cells in Ultra-Dense Networks, a number of issues, or rather concerns, come with this evolution from Het-Nets. Among these issues include problems with efficient radio resource management, user cell association, inter- and intra-cell interference management and, last but not least, efficient energy consumption. Some of these issues which impact the overall network efficiency are largely due to the use of obsolete algorithms, especially those whose resource allocation is based solely on received signal power (RSSP). In this paper, the focus is solely on the efficient energy management dilemma and how to optimally reduce the overall network energy consumption. Through an extensive literature review, a detailed report into the growing concern of efficient energy management in UDNs is provided in Chapter 2. The literature review report highlights the classification as well as the evolution of some of the Mobile Wireless Technologies and Mobile Wireless Networks in general. The literature review report provides reasons as to why the energy consumption issue has become a very serious concern in UltraDense networks as well as the various techniques and measures taken to mitigate this. It is shown that, due to the increasing Mobile Wireless Systems’ carbon footprint which carries serious negative environmental impact, and the general need to lower operating costs by the network operators, the management of energy consumption increases in priority. By using the architecture of a Fourth Generation Long Term Evolution (4G-LTE) UltraDense Network, the report further shows that more than 65% of the overall energy consumption is by the access network and base stations in particular. This phenomenon explains why most attention in energy efficiency management in UDNs is largely centred on reducing the energy consumption of the deployed base stations more than any other network components like the data servers or backhauling features used. Furthermore, the report also provides detailed information on the methods/techniques, their classification, implementation, as well as a critical analysis of the said implementations in literature. This study proposes a sub-optimal algorithm and Distributed Cell Resource Allocation with a Base Station On/Off scheme that aims at reducing the overall base station power consumption in UDNs, while ensuring that the overall Quality of Service (QoS) for each User Equipment (UE) as specified in its service class is met. The modeling of the system model used and hence formulation of the Network Energy Efficiency (NEE) optimization problem is done viii using stochastic geometry. The network model comprises both evolved Node B (eNB) type macro and small cells operating on different frequency bands as well as taking into account factors that impact NEE such as UE mobility, UE spatial distribution and small cells spatial distribution. The channel model takes into account signal interference from all base stations, path loss, fading, log normal shadowing, modulation and coding schemes used on each UE’s communication channels when computing throughout. The power consumption model used takes into account both static (site cooling, circuit power) and active (transmission or load based) base station power consumption. The formulation of the NEE optimization problem takes into consideration the user’s Quality-of-service (QoS), inter-cell interference, as well as each user’s spectral efficiency and coverage/success probability. The formulated NEE optimization problem is of type Nondeterministic Polynomial time (NP)-hard, due to the user-cell association. The proposed solution to the formulated optimization problem makes use of constraint relaxation to transform the NP-hard problem into a more solvable, convex and linear optimization one. This, combined with Lagrangian dual decomposition, is used to create a distributed solution. After cellassociation and resource allocation phases, the proposed solution in order to further reduce power consumption performs Cell On/Off. Then, by using the computer simulation tools/environments, the “Distributed Resource Allocation with Cell On/Off” scheme’s performance, in comparison to four other resource allocation schemes, is analysed and evaluated given a number of different network scenarios. Finally, the statistical and mathematical results generated through the simulations indicate that the proposed scheme is the closest in NEE performance to the Exhaustive Search algorithm, and hence superior to the other sub-optimal algorithms it is compared to

    Energy sustainability of next generation cellular networks through learning techniques

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    The trend for the next generation of cellular network, the Fifth Generation (5G), predicts a 1000x increase in the capacity demand with respect to 4G, which leads to new infrastructure deployments. To this respect, it is estimated that the energy consumption of ICT might reach the 51% of global electricity production by 2030, mainly due to mobile networks and services. Consequently, the cost of energy may also become predominant in the operative expenses of a Mobile Network Operator (MNO). Therefore, an efficient control of the energy consumption in 5G networks is not only desirable but essential. In fact, the energy sustainability is one of the pillars in the design of the next generation cellular networks. In the last decade, the research community has been paying close attention to the Energy Efficiency (EE) of the radio communication networks, with particular care on the dynamic switch ON/OFF of the Base Stations (BSs). Besides, 5G architectures will introduce the Heterogeneous Network (HetNet) paradigm, where Small BSs (SBSs) are deployed to assist the standard macro BS for satisfying the high traffic demand and reducing the impact on the energy consumption. However, only with the introduction of Energy Harvesting (EH) capabilities the networks might reach the needed energy savings for mitigating both the high costs and the environmental impact. In the case of HetNets with EH capabilities, the erratic and intermittent nature of renewable energy sources has to be considered, which entails some additional complexity. Solar energy has been chosen as reference EH source due to its widespread adoption and its high efficiency in terms of energy produced compared to its costs. To this end, in the first part of the thesis, a harvested solar energy model has been presented based on accurate stochastic Markov processes for the description of the energy scavenged by outdoor solar sources. The typical HetNet scenario involves dense deployments with a high level of flexibility, which suggests the usage of distributed control systems rather than centralized, where the scalability can become rapidly a bottleneck. For this reason, in the second part of the thesis, we propose to model the SBS tier as a Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MRL) system, where each SBS is an intelligent and autonomous agent, which learns by directly interacting with the environment and by properly utilizing the past experience. The agents implemented in each SBS independently learn a proper switch ON/OFF control policy, so as to jointly maximize the system performance in terms of throughput, drop rate and energy consumption, while adapting to the dynamic conditions of the environment, in terms of energy inflow and traffic demand. However, MRL might suffer the problem of coordination when finding simultaneously a solution among all the agents that is good for the whole system. In consequence, the Layered Learning paradigm has been adopted to simplify the problem by decomposing it in subtasks. In particular, the global solution is obtained in a hierarchical fashion: the learning process of a subtask is aimed at facilitating the learning of the next higher subtask layer. The first layer implements an MRL approach and it is in charge of the local online optimization at SBS level as function of the traffic demand and the energy incomes. The second layer is in charge of the network-wide optimization and it is based on Artificial Neural Networks aimed at estimating the model of the overall network.Con la llegada de la nueva generación de redes móviles, la quinta generación (5G), se predice un aumento por un factor 1000 en la demanda de capacidad respecto a la 4G, con la consecuente instalación de nuevas infraestructuras. Se estima que el gasto energético de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación podría alcanzar el 51% de la producción mundial de energía en el año 2030, principalmente debido al impacto de las redes y servicios móviles. Consecuentemente, los costes relacionados con el consumo de energía pasarán a ser una componente predominante en los gastos operativos (OPEX) de las operadoras de redes móviles. Por lo tanto, un control eficiente del consumo energético de las redes 5G, ya no es simplemente deseable, sino esencial. En la última década, la comunidad científica ha enfocado sus esfuerzos en la eficiencia energética (EE) de las redes de comunicaciones móviles, con particular énfasis en algoritmos para apagar y encender las estaciones base (BS). Además, las arquitecturas 5G introducirán el paradigma de las redes heterogéneas (HetNet), donde pequeñas BSs, o small BSs (SBSs), serán desplegadas para ayudar a las grandes macro BSs en satisfacer la gran demanda de tráfico y reducir el impacto en el consumo energético. Sin embargo, solo con la introducción de técnicas de captación de la energía ambiental, las redes pueden alcanzar los ahorros energéticos requeridos para mitigar los altos costes de la energía y su impacto en el medio ambiente. En el caso de las HetNets alimentadas mediante energías renovables, la naturaleza errática e intermitente de esta tipología de energías constituye una complejidad añadida al problema. La energía solar ha sido utilizada como referencia debido a su gran implantación y su alta eficiencia en términos de cantidad de energía producida respecto costes de producción. Por consiguiente, en la primera parte de la tesis se presenta un modelo de captación de la energía solar basado en un riguroso modelo estocástico de Markov que representa la energía capturada por paneles solares para exteriores. El escenario típico de HetNet supondrá el despliegue denso de SBSs con un alto nivel de flexibilidad, lo cual sugiere la utilización de sistemas de control distribuidos en lugar de aquellos que están centralizados, donde la adaptabilidad podría convertirse rápidamente en un reto difícilmente gestionable. Por esta razón, en la segunda parte de la tesis proponemos modelar las SBSs como un sistema multiagente de aprendizaje automático por refuerzo, donde cada SBS es un agente inteligente y autónomo que aprende interactuando directamente con su entorno y utilizando su experiencia acumulada. Los agentes en cada SBS aprenden independientemente políticas de control del apagado y encendido que les permiten maximizar conjuntamente el rendimiento y el consumo energético a nivel de sistema, adaptándose a condiciones dinámicas del ambiente tales como la energía renovable entrante y la demanda de tráfico. No obstante, los sistemas multiagente sufren problemas de coordinación cuando tienen que hallar simultáneamente una solución de forma distribuida que sea buena para todo el sistema. A tal efecto, el paradigma de aprendizaje por niveles ha sido utilizado para simplificar el problema dividiéndolo en subtareas. Más detalladamente, la solución global se consigue de forma jerárquica: el proceso de aprendizaje de una subtarea está dirigido a ayudar al aprendizaje de la subtarea del nivel superior. El primer nivel contempla un sistema multiagente de aprendizaje automático por refuerzo y se encarga de la optimización en línea de las SBSs en función de la demanda de tráfico y de la energía entrante. El segundo nivel se encarga de la optimización a nivel de red del sistema y está basado en redes neuronales artificiales diseñadas para estimar el modelo de todas las BSsPostprint (published version

    Thirty Years of Machine Learning: The Road to Pareto-Optimal Wireless Networks

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    Future wireless networks have a substantial potential in terms of supporting a broad range of complex compelling applications both in military and civilian fields, where the users are able to enjoy high-rate, low-latency, low-cost and reliable information services. Achieving this ambitious goal requires new radio techniques for adaptive learning and intelligent decision making because of the complex heterogeneous nature of the network structures and wireless services. Machine learning (ML) algorithms have great success in supporting big data analytics, efficient parameter estimation and interactive decision making. Hence, in this article, we review the thirty-year history of ML by elaborating on supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning and deep learning. Furthermore, we investigate their employment in the compelling applications of wireless networks, including heterogeneous networks (HetNets), cognitive radios (CR), Internet of things (IoT), machine to machine networks (M2M), and so on. This article aims for assisting the readers in clarifying the motivation and methodology of the various ML algorithms, so as to invoke them for hitherto unexplored services as well as scenarios of future wireless networks.Comment: 46 pages, 22 fig

    Pv-battery power supply for next-generation cellular telecommunication networks

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    Energy efficiency in wireless communication

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    This era would probably be recognized as the information age, hence as a paramount milestone in the progress of mankind, by the future historians. One of the most significant achievements of this age is, making it possible to transmit and receive information effectively and reliably via wireless radio technology. The demand of wireless communication is increasing in a never-resting pace, imposing bigger challenge not only on service providers but also on innovators and researches to innovate out-of-the-box technologies. These challenges include faster data communication over seamless, reliable and cost effective wireless networks, utilizing the limited physical radio resources as well as considering the environmental impact caused by the increasing energy consumption. The ever-expanding wireless communication infrastructure is withdrawing higher energy than ever, raising the need for finding more efficient systems. The challenge of developing efficient wireless systems can be addressed on several levels, starting from device electronics, up to the network-level architecture and protocols. The anticipated gains of achieving such efficiency is the key feature of extending mobile devices' battery life and reducing environmental and economic impacts of wireless communication infrastructure. Therefore energy efficient designs are urgently needed from both environmental and economic aspects of wireless networks. In this research, we explore the field of energy efficiency in MAC and Physical layers of wireless networks in order to enhance the performance and reliability of future wireless networks as well as to reduce its environmental footprint. In the first part of this research, we analyse the energy efficiency of two mostly used modulation techniques, namely MQAM and MFSK, for short range wireless transmissions, up to a few 100100s of meters, and propose optimum rate adaptation to minimize the energy dissipation during transmissions. Energy consumed for transmitting the data over a distance to maintain a prescribed error probability together with the circuit energy have been considered in our work. We provide novel results for optimal rate adaptation for improved energy efficiency. Our results indicate that the energy efficiency can be significantly improved by performing optimal rate adaptation given the radio and channel parameters, and furthermore we identify the maximum distance where optimal rate adaptation can be performed beyond which the optimum rate then becomes the same as the minimum data rate. In the second part of this research, we propose energy efficient algorithm for cellular base stations. In cellular networks, the base stations are the most energy consuming parts, which consume approximately 6080%60-80\% of the total energy. Hence control and optimization of energy consumption at base stations should be at the heart of any green radio engineering scheme. Sleep mode implementation in base stations has proven to be a very good approach for the energy efficiency of cellular BSs. Therefore, we have proposed a novel strategy for improving energy efficiency on ternary state transceivers for cellular BSs. We consider transceivers that are capable of switching between sleep, stand-by and active modes whenever required. We have modelled these ternary state transceivers as a three-state Markov model and have presented an algorithm based on Markov model to intelligently switch among the states of the transceivers based on the offered traffic whilst maintaining a prescribed minimum rate per user. We consider a typical macro BS with state changeable transceivers and our results show that it is possible to improve the energy efficiency of the BS by approximately 40%40\% using the proposed MDP based algorithm. In the third part of this research, we propose energy efficient algorithm for aerial base stations. Recently aerial base stations are investigated to provide wireless coverage to terrestrial radio terminals. The advantages of using aerial platforms in providing wireless coverage are many including larger coverage in remote areas, better line-of-sight conditions etc. Energy is a scarce resource for aerial base stations, hence the wise management of energy is quite beneficial for the aerial network. In this context, we study the means of reducing the total energy consumption by designing and implementing an energy efficient aerial base station. Sleep mode implementation in base stations (BSs) has proven to be a very good approach for improving the energy efficiency; therefore we propose a novel strategy for further improving energy efficiency by considering ternary state transceivers of aerial base stations. Using the three state model we propose a Markovian Decision process (MDP) based algorithm to switch between the states for improving the energy efficiency of the aerial base station. The MDP based approach intelligently switches between the states of the transceivers based on the offered traffic whilst maintaining a prescribed minimum channel rate per user. Our simulation results show that there is a around 40%40\% gain in the energy efficiency when using our proposed MDP algorithm together with the three-state transceiver model for the base station compared to the always active mode. We have also shown the energy-delay trade-off in order to design an efficient aerial base station. In the final part of our work, we propose a novel energy efficient handover algorithm, based on Markov decision process (MDP) for the two-tier LTE network, towards reducing power transmissions at the mobile terminal side. The proposed policy is LTE backward-compatible, as it can be employed by suitably adapting a prescribed SNR target and standard LTE measurements. Simulation results reveal that compared to the widely adopted policy based on strongest cell and another energy efficient policy, our proposed policy can greatly reduce the power consumption at the LTE mobile terminals. Most of our works presented in this dissertation has been published in conference proceeding and some of them are currently undergoing a review process for journals. These publications will be highlighted and identified at the end of the first chapter of this dissertation