6,827 research outputs found

    Strengthened currents override the effect of warming on lobster larval dispersal & survival.

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    Human-induced climate change is projected to increase ocean temperature and modify circulation patterns, with potential widespread implications for the transport and survival of planktonic larvae of marine organisms. Circulation affects the dispersal of larvae, whereas temperature impacts larval development and survival. However, the combined effect of changes in circulation and temperature on larval dispersal and survival has rarely been studied in a future climate scenario. Such understanding is crucial to predict future species distributions, anticipate ecosystem shifts and design effective management strategies. We simulate contemporary (1990s) and future (2060s) dispersal of lobster larvae using an eddy-resolving ocean model in south-eastern Australia, a region of rapid ocean warming. Here we show that the effects of changes in circulation and temperature can counter each other: ocean warming favours the survival of lobster larvae, whereas a strengthened western boundary current diminishes the supply of larvae to the coast by restricting cross-current larval dispersal. Furthermore, we find that changes in circulation have a stronger effect on connectivity patterns of lobster larvae along south-eastern Australia than ocean warming in the future climate so that the supply of larvae to the coast reduces by ~4% and the settlement peak shifts poleward by ~270 km in the model simulation. Thus, ocean circulation may be one of the dominant factors contributing to climate-induced changes of species ranges

    Building the climate resilience of arid zone freshwater biota

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    Abstract This report describes the research undertaken to develop national guidelines for climate adaptation planning for arid zone aquatic ecosystems and freshwater biodiversity. The guidelines focus on the protection of habitats and processes that support the persistence of freshwater biota under a changing climate. They support policy development, planning and on-ground actions. The major climate adaptation goal is to reduce the risk of the loss of aquatic habitats, deteriorating water quality and the extinction of aquatic and water-dependent species. A portfolio of adaptation approaches to maintaining aquatic habitats, the water resources that support them, and the species that depend upon them, is proposed within a framework of strategic adaptive management. This approach best addresses the uncertainty that exists as to how climatic changes will play out across the arid zone with respect to water availability and ecological processes.  Recommended climate adaptation actions include: combining a national mapping program that identifies the major types of arid zone aquatic ecosystems, their biological assets and the surface water and groundwater resources that sustain them, with vulnerability assessments that determine the climate sensitivity and likely persistence of key habitats; recognising the importance of evolutionary refugia and ecological refuges as priority sites for arid zone climate adaptation planning and policy; protecting a dynamic (spatial and temporal) mosaic of perennial, temporary and ephemeral waterbodies to provide the range of conditions needed to support aquatic and water-dependent species with varying life history traits and dispersal abilities; maintaining the integrity of the dry sediments of temporary and ephemeral waters to ensure the persistence of viable seed and egg banks; recognising the importance of key hydrological and ecological processes, particularly connectivity and dispersal; reducing the existing stressors on aquatic ecosystems and aquatic biota; identifying new and novel waterbodies created by arid zone industries (e.g. mining, pastoralism) that could provide valuable offsets for aquatic systems lost through climatic drying; implementing climate adaptation actions within a strategic adaptive management framework accompanied by a dedicated program for indigenous, industry and local community engagement and education.  Please cite this report as: Davis, J, Sunnucks, P, Thompson, R, Sim, L, Pavlova, A, Morán-Ordóñez, A, Brim Box, J, McBurnie, G, Pinder, A, Choy, S, McNeil D, Hughes, J, Sheldon, F, Timms, B, 2013, Building the climate resilience of arid zone freshwater biota, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast, pp. 30. This report describes the research undertaken to develop national guidelines for climate adaptation planning for arid zone aquatic ecosystems and freshwater biodiversity. The guidelines focus on the protection of habitats and processes that support the persistence of freshwater biota under a changing climate. They support policy development, planning and on-ground actions. The major climate adaptation goal is to reduce the risk of the loss of aquatic habitats, deteriorating water quality and the extinction of aquatic and water-dependent species. A portfolio of adaptation approaches to maintaining aquatic habitats, the water resources that support them, and the species that depend upon them, is proposed within a framework of strategic adaptive management. This approach best addresses the uncertainty that exists as to how climatic changes will play out across the arid zone with respect to water availability and ecological processes.  Recommended climate adaptation actions include: combining a national mapping program that identifies the major types of arid zone aquatic ecosystems, their biological assets and the surface water and groundwater resources that sustain them, with vulnerability assessments that determine the climate sensitivity and likely persistence of key habitats; recognising the importance of evolutionary refugia and ecological refuges as priority sites for arid zone climate adaptation planning and policy; protecting a dynamic (spatial and temporal) mosaic of perennial, temporary and ephemeral waterbodies to provide the range of conditions needed to support aquatic and water-dependent species with varying life history traits and dispersal abilities; maintaining the integrity of the dry sediments of temporary and ephemeral waters to ensure the persistence of viable seed and egg banks; recognising the importance of key hydrological and ecological processes, particularly connectivity and dispersal; reducing the existing stressors on aquatic ecosystems and aquatic biota; identifying new and novel waterbodies created by arid zone industries (e.g. mining, pastoralism) that could provide valuable offsets for aquatic systems lost through climatic drying; implementing climate adaptation actions within a strategic adaptive management framework accompanied by a dedicated program for indigenous, industry and local community engagement and education.  Please cite this report as: Davis, J, Sunnucks, P, Thompson, R, Sim, L, Pavlova, A, Morán-Ordóñez, A, Brim Box, J, McBurnie, G, Pinder, A, Choy, S, McNeil D, Hughes, J, Sheldon, F, Timms, B, 2013, Building the climate resilience of arid zone freshwater biota, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast, pp. 30

    Continental-scale animal tracking reveals functional movement classes across marine taxa

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    Acoustic telemetry is a principle tool for observing aquatic animals, but coverage over large spatial scales remains a challenge. To resolve this, Australia has implemented the Integrated Marine Observing System's Animal Tracking Facility which comprises a continental-scale hydrophone array and coordinated data repository. This national acoustic network connects localized projects, enabling simultaneous monitoring of multiple species over scales ranging from 100 s of meters to 1000 s of kilometers. There is a need to evaluate the utility of this national network in monitoring animal movement ecology, and to identify the spatial scales that the network effectively operates over. Cluster analyses assessed movements and residency of 2181 individuals from 92 species, and identified four functional movement classes apparent only through aggregating data across the entire national network. These functional movement classes described movement metrics of individuals rather than species, and highlighted the plasticity of movement patterns across and within populations and species. Network analyses assessed the utility and redundancy of each component of the national network, revealing multiple spatial scales of connectivity influenced by the geographic positioning of acoustic receivers. We demonstrate the significance of this nationally coordinated network of receivers to better reveal intra-specific differences in movement profiles and discuss implications for effective management

    Do terrestrial ectoparasites disperse with penguins?

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    Dispersal plays a critical role in evolution. Rare long-distance movements can lead to allopatric speciation, whereas frequent movements can facilitate gene flow among disjunct populations and prevent divergence. Dispersal between populations of a species may be difficult to observe directly, and is often inferred from indirect measures such as species occurrence data. Increasingly, however, high resolution genomic data are being used to clarify dispersal and gene flow, in many cases contradicting past assumptions. Islands are excellent model regions for investigating dispersal as they offer replicated habitats with clear geographic boundaries. The sub-Antarctic comprises some of the most geographically isolated island ecosystems in the world, representing an ideal model system for assessing the evolutionary consequences of long-distance dispersal. Strong winds, circumpolar oceanic currents, and extreme climatic cycles are thought to have effectively isolated many sub-Antarctic ecosystems, but a growing body of molecular evidence is beginning to question this rhetoric, with numerous species showing connectivity across the region. Connectivity patterns are, however, complex and are not always predictable from an organism’s inferred dispersal capacity. With environmental change placing unprecedented pressure on isolated ecosystems, there is a pressing need for improved understanding of dispersal processes and population connectivity via genomic analyses of diverse taxa. A number of sub-Antarctic species exhibit gene flow across the region despite lacking active long-distance dispersal capabilities. Brooding, sedentary crustaceans have, for example, rafted on buoyant kelp across thousands of kilometres of open ocean in the sub-Antarctic. The close symbiotic or parasitic relationships that such species maintain with the kelp has resulted in whole communities dispersing together. Indeed, active dispersal is often limited in parasites, which can depend almost entirely on mobile hosts for long-distance movement. A parasite that is unable to travel far with its host would, therefore, be expected to show considerable phylogeographic structure. For example, penguins primarily travel underwater but are hosts to terrestrial ectoparasites (most commonly ticks - Ixodes spp.) when they come ashore to breed. Aquatic host movements may represent a challenge to the survival of penguin ticks, restricting gene flow across their range. This thesis first reviews connectivity patterns and challenges throughout the sub-Antarctic, and then uses a multidisciplinary approach (genomic and physiological data) to test whether some terrestrial parasites (ticks: Acari) are able to travel long distances at sea with their aquatically dispersing hosts (penguins). Results indicate that penguin ticks are physiologically resilient, and may be capable of surviving the conditions faced during aquatic penguin movements between colonies. However, these movements appear to be too sporadic to maintain gene flow across the ticks’ ranges, resulting in broad-scale geographic structure. In contrast, movement on fine scales (within colonies) is inferred – based on lack of genomic structure – to be common, possibly facilitated by social interactions of hosts. These results emphasise the important role of dispersal in isolated regions for range expansion and diversification, and highlight the adaptability of parasites to their hosts’ environments

    Will Wallace's Line save Australia from avian influenza?

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    Australia is separated from the Asian faunal realm by Wallace’s Line, across which there is relatively little avian migration. Although this does diminish the risk of high pathogenicity avian influenza of Asian origin arriving with migratory birds, the barrier is not complete. Migratory shorebirds, as well as a few landbirds, move through the region on annual migrations to and from Southeast Asia and destinations further north, although the frequency of infection of avian influenza in these groups is low. Nonetheless, high pathogenicity H5N1 has recently been recorded on the island of New Guinea in West Papua in domestic poultry. This event increases interest in the movements of birds between Wallacea in eastern Indonesia, New Guinea, and Australia, particularly by waterbirds. There are frequent but irregular movements of ducks, geese, and other waterbirds across Torres Strait between New Guinea and Australia, including movements to regions in which H5N1 has occurred in the recent past. Although the likelihood of avian influenza entering Australia via an avian vector is presumed to be low, the nature and extent of bird movements in this region is poorly known. There have been five recorded outbreaks of high pathogenicity avian influenza in Australian poultry flocks, all of the H7 subtype. To date, Australia is the only inhabited continent not to have recorded high pathogenicity avian influenza since 1997, and H5N1 has never been recorded. The ability to map risk from high pathogenicity avian influenza to Australia is hampered by the lack of quantitative data on the extent of bird movements between Australia and its northern neighbors. Recently developed techniques offer the promise to fill this knowledge gap

    Half a world apart? overlap in nonbreeding distributions of Atlantic and Indian ocean thin-billed prions

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    Distant populations of animals may share their non-breeding grounds or migrate to distinct areas, and this may have important consequences for population differentiation and dynamics. Small burrow-nesting seabirds provide a suitable case study, as they are often restricted to safe breeding sites on islands, resulting in a patchy breeding distribution. For example, Thin-billed prions Pachyptila belcheri have two major breeding colonies more than 8,000 km apart, on the Falkland Islands in the south-western Atlantic and in the Kerguelen Archipelago in the Indian Ocean. We used geolocators and stable isotopes to compare at-sea movements and trophic levels of these two populations during their non-breeding season, and applied ecological niche models to compare environmental conditions in the habitat. Over three winters, birds breeding in the Atlantic showed a high consistency in their migration routes. Most individuals migrated more than 3000 km eastwards, while very few remained over the Patagonian Shelf. In contrast, all Indian Ocean birds migrated westwards, resulting in an overlapping nonbreeding area in the eastern Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Geolocators and isotopic signature of feathers indicated that prions from the Falklands moulted at slightly higher latitudes than those from Kerguelen Islands. All birds fed on low trophic level prey, most probably crustaceans. The phenology differed notably between the two populations. Falkland birds returned to the Patagonian Shelf after 2-3 months, while Kerguelen birds remained in the nonbreeding area for seven months, before returning to nesting grounds highly synchronously and at high speed. Habitat models identified sea surface temperature and chlorophyll a concentration as important environmental parameters. In summary, we show that even though the two very distant populations migrate to roughly the same area to moult, they have distinct wintering strategies: They had significantly different realized niches and timing which may contribute to spatial niche partitioning

    Antarctic Cities. Volume 3, Antarctic Connectivity Index

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    The Antarctic Connectivity Index is an innovative and comprehensive instrument developed through a collaborative project involving a number of universities, agencies and cities. It provides an evidence-based means of showing the various levels of connectivity of cities as they engage with Antarctica. This Antarctic Connectivity Index seeks to understand the level and nature of the connections of cities across the world to the Antarctic region. For the purposes of this index, the concept of ‘the Antarctic region’ includes Antarctica, the Southern Ocean and the sub-Antarctic region. The notion of ‘connectivity’ is used in the deeper historical meaning of the condition of being ‘joined together’ from the Latin conectere, to bind or establish a relationship—rather than the contemporary thinning out of the concept as the establishment of a mediated communications channel. This mean that the connectivity is understood across a range of domains—ecological, economic, political, and cultural—rather than limited to communications technologies and other infrastructural means of connection. The Index has been refined through comparative international case studies, surveys and research into current publicly available indicators. As a result of this process, we are at the beta-stage of developing a comprehensive instrument to gauge a city’s current status as an ‘Antarctic city’. The index is intended as a guide to thinking and practice as citizens of these cities contribute to Antarctica’s future. We are keenly interested in the activities of the Antarctic gateway cities and their transition to become Antarctic custodial cities. At the same time, this index is intended to have a global reach and allow for any city to evaluate its connections to the Antarctic. In setting up the index and its variables we have included consideration of cities other than the five gateway cities to bring in different kinds of relations to the Antarctic that are generally applicable

    Protecting and restoring habitat to help Australia’s threatened species adapt to climate change

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    Summary for policy makers Australia’s biodiversity is threatened by climate change, but we currently know little about the scale of the threat or how to deploy on ground conservation actions to protect biodiversity against the changes expected. In this project we predict the impacts of climate change for threatened species and delineate the best options for climate adaptation for all these species collectively via protecting and restoring their habitat.For 504 of Australia’s currently threatened species we predict their distributional responses to climate change, under three climate change scenarios of increasing severity: early mitigation, delayed mitigation and business-as-usual. We then simulate the optimal placement of new protected areas and where necessary, restoration of critical habitat for those species most affected by a changing climate, taking into account variation in the costs and benefits of taking action in different places.We measured the benefits of protecting and restoring habitat by considering the long-term availability and quality of habitat for threatened species as climate changes. We undertook a state-of-the-art multi-action optimisation that accounts for spatial and temporal habitat connectivity under climate change. The scale of the prioritisation analysis implemented here is unprecedented in the conservation literature, and is only possible because of recent advances in software sophistication and parallel computer processing power.We discovered that:• Fifty-nine of the 355 threatened plant species and 11 of the 149 threatened animals considered could completely lose their climatically suitable range by 2085 under the most pessimistic (business as usual) climate change scenario, while four plant species face almost certain extinction due to complete loss of suitable range even under the most optimistic mitigation scenario tested.• Climate is predicted to become unsuitable across more than half of their geographic distribution for 310 (61%) of the modelled species under the business-as-usual scenario and for 80 (16%) species under the early mitigation scenario.• For an available budget of 3billion,protectinganadditional877,415km2ofintacthabitat,andrestoring1,190km2ofdegradedhabitatimmediatelywasidentifiedbyouranalysisastheoptimalsetofactionstohelpthe504threatenedspeciesadapttoclimatechangeassumingearlymitigation.Underamorepessimisticbusiness−as−usualclimatechangescenario,837,914km2ofprotectionisrequired,alongwith77km2ofrestoration.Inallcases,appropriatethreatmanagementwithintheprotectedareasisrequired.•Withinthe3 billion, protecting an additional 877,415 km2 of intact habitat, and restoring 1,190 km2 of degraded habitat immediately was identified by our analysis as the optimal set of actions to help the 504 threatened species adapt to climate change assuming early mitigation. Under a more pessimistic business-as-usual climate change scenario, 837,914 km2 of protection is required, along with 77 km2 of restoration. In all cases, appropriate threat management within the protected areas is required.• Within the 3 billion budget, optimal allocation of protection focuses on forests and woodland areas of eastern Australia, Northern Territory, the Great Western Woodlands of Western Australia, and southern South Australia. Restoration effort is required mostly in south-eastern Australia.• We tested a range of conservation budgets from 500millionto500 million to 8 billion, and found that the spatial pattern of priority does not change dramatically, and that conservation gains do not level off within that range, i.e. that each dollar invested up to at least 8 billion generates additional benefits for threatened species under climate change.Our analysis deals only with threatened species, i.e. those currently most vulnerable to threats including climate change, and while this doesn’t represent all Australian native animals and plants and how they may all be best provided for, these species have great immediate significance for national biodiversity policy.In summary, the 504 threatened species considered in this study require an increase of between 838,077 km2 and 878,590 km2 in areas protected against loss or degradation either through legislation to protect habitat, designation of protected areas, or negotiations of long-lasting voluntary conservation covenants.Please cite this report as: Maggini, R, Kujala, H, Taylor, MFJ, Lee, JR, Possingham, HP, Wintle, BA, Fuller, RA 2013 Protecting and restoring habitat to help Australia’s threatened species adapt to climate change, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility,  Gold Coast, pp. 59.Australia’s biodiversity is threatened by climate change, but we currently know little about the scale of the threat or how to deploy on ground conservation actions to protect biodiversity against the changes expected. In this project we predict the impacts of climate change for threatened species and delineate the best options for climate adaptation for all these species collectively via protecting and restoring their habitat.For 504 of Australia’s currently threatened species we predict their distributional responses to climate change, under three climate change scenarios of increasing severity: early mitigation, delayed mitigation and business-as-usual. We then simulate the optimal placement of new protected areas and where necessary, restoration of critical habitat for those species most affected by a changing climate, taking into account variation in the costs and benefits of taking action in different places.We measured the benefits of protecting and restoring habitat by considering the long-term availability and quality of habitat for threatened species as climate changes. We undertook a state-of-the-art multi-action optimisation that accounts for spatial and temporal habitat connectivity under climate change. The scale of the prioritisation analysis implemented here is unprecedented in the conservation literature, and is only possible because of recent advances in software sophistication and parallel computer processing power.We discovered that: Fifty-nine of the 355 threatened plant species and 11 of the 149 threatened animals considered could completely lose their climatically suitable range by 2085 under the most pessimistic (business as usual) climate change scenario, while four plant species face almost certain extinction due to complete loss of suitable range even under the most optimistic mitigation scenario tested.Climate is predicted to become unsuitable across more than half of their geographic distribution for 310 (61%) of the modelled species under the business-as-usual scenario and for 80 (16%) species under the early mitigation scenario.For an available budget of 3 billion, protecting an additional 877,415 km2 of intact habitat, and restoring 1,190 km2 of degraded habitat immediately was identified by our analysis as the optimal set of actions to help the 504 threatened species adapt to climate change assuming early mitigation. Under a more pessimistic business-as-usual climate change scenario, 837,914 km2 of protection is required, along with 77 km2 of restoration. In all cases, appropriate threat management within the protected areas is required.Within the 3billionbudget,optimalallocationofprotectionfocusesonforestsandwoodlandareasofeasternAustralia,NorthernTerritory,theGreatWesternWoodlandsofWesternAustralia,andsouthernSouthAustralia.Restorationeffortisrequiredmostlyinsouth−easternAustralia.Wetestedarangeofconservationbudgetsfrom3 billion budget, optimal allocation of protection focuses on forests and woodland areas of eastern Australia, Northern Territory, the Great Western Woodlands of Western Australia, and southern South Australia. Restoration effort is required mostly in south-eastern Australia.We tested a range of conservation budgets from 500 million to 8billion,andfoundthatthespatialpatternofprioritydoesnotchangedramatically,andthatconservationgainsdonotleveloffwithinthatrange,i.e.thateachdollarinvesteduptoatleast8 billion, and found that the spatial pattern of priority does not change dramatically, and that conservation gains do not level off within that range, i.e. that each dollar invested up to at least 8 billion generates additional benefits for threatened species under climate change. Our analysis deals only with threatened species, i.e. those currently most vulnerable to threats including climate change, and while this doesn’t represent all Australian native animals and plants and how they may all be best provided for, these species have great immediate significance for national biodiversity policy.In summary, the 504 threatened species considered in this study require an increase of between 838,077 km2 and 878,590 km2 in areas protected against loss or degradation either through legislation to protect habitat, designation of protected areas, or negotiations of long-lasting voluntary conservation covenants.Please cite this report as: Maggini, R, Kujala, H, Taylor, MFJ, Lee, JR, Possingham, HP, Wintle, BA, Fuller, RA 2013 Protecting and restoring habitat to help Australia’s threatened species adapt to climate change, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility,  Gold Coast, pp. 59.&nbsp

    Climate-ready conservation objectives: a scoping study

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    AbstractAnticipated future climate change is very likely to have a wide range of different types of ecological impact on biodiversity across the whole of Australia. There is a high degree of confidence that these changes will be significant, affecting almost all species, ecosystems and landscapes. However, because of the complexity of ecological systems and the multiple ways climate change will affect them, the details of the future change are less certain for any given species or location. The nature of the changes means that the multiple ways biodiversity is experienced, used and valued by society will be affected in different ways. The likely changes present a significant challenge to any societal aspiration to preserve biodiversity in its current state, for example, to maintain a species in its current abundance and distribution. Preserving biodiversity ‘as is’ may have been feasible in a stationary climate (one that is variable but not changing), but this will not be possible with the widespread, pervasive and large ecological changes anticipated under significant levels of climate change. This makes the impacts of climate change quite unlike other threats to biodiversity, and they challenge, fundamentally, what it actually means to conserve biodiversity under climate change: what should the objectives of biodiversity conservation be under climate change? And what are the barriers to recalibrating conservation objectives?Based on key insights from the scientific literature on climate change and biodiversity, the project developed three adaptation propositions about managing biodiversity:Conservation strategies accommodate large amounts of ecological change and the likelihood of significant climate change–induced loss in biodiversity. Strategies remain relevant and feasible under a range of possible future trajectories of ecological change.Strategies seek to conserve the multiple different dimensions of biodiversity that are experienced and valued by society. Together these propositions summarise the challenge of future climate change for biodiversity conservation, and define a new way of framing conservation we called the ‘climate ready’ approach. In the near term, conservation strategies may be able to include some consideration of these propositions. However, under significant levels of climate change many of the current approaches to conservation will become increasingly difficult and ineffective (e.g. maintaining community types in their current locations). This challenge is fundamentally different from that posed by other threats to biodiversity, and the climate-ready approach is akin to a paradigm shift in conservation.The project used a review of 26 conservation strategy documents (spanning scales from international to local) and four case studies with conservation agencies to test and refine the climate-ready approach. The project found the approach to be robust and highly relevant; in the majority of situations, if adopted, it would lead to significant changes in the objectives and priorities of conservation. There were also many ‘green shoots’ of elements of the new approach in existing conservation practice. However, the project found there are currently substantial barriers to fully adopting a climate-ready approach. These include the need for: further development of ecological characterisation of ecosystem health and human activities in landscapesmuch better understanding of how society values different aspects of biodiversity, including ecosystems and landscapesdevelopment of policy tools to codify and implement new ecologically robust and socially endorsed objectives.  Anticipated future climate change is very likely to have a wide range of different types of ecological impact on biodiversity across the whole of Australia. There is a high degree of confidence that these changes will be significant, affecting almost all species, ecosystems and landscapes. However, because of the complexity of ecological systems and the multiple ways climate change will affect them, the details of the future change are less certain for any given species or location. The nature of the changes means that the multiple ways biodiversity is experienced, used and valued by society will be affected in different ways. The likely changes present a significant challenge to any societal aspiration to preserve biodiversity in its current state, for example, to maintain a species in its current abundance and distribution. Preserving biodiversity ‘as is’ may have been feasible in a stationary climate (one that is variable but not changing), but this will not be possible with the widespread, pervasive and large ecological changes anticipated under significant levels of climate change. This makes the impacts of climate change quite unlike other threats to biodiversity, and they challenge, fundamentally, what it actually means to conserve biodiversity under climate change: what should the objectives of biodiversity conservation be under climate change? And what are the barriers to recalibrating conservation objectives?Based on key insights from the scientific literature on climate change and biodiversity, the project developed three adaptation propositions about managing biodiversity:Conservation strategies accommodate large amounts of ecological change and the likelihood of significant climate change–induced loss in biodiversity. Strategies remain relevant and feasible under a range of possible future trajectories of ecological change.Strategies seek to conserve the multiple different dimensions of biodiversity that are experienced and valued by society. Together these propositions summarise the challenge of future climate change for biodiversity conservation, and define a new way of framing conservation we called the ‘climate ready’ approach. In the near term, conservation strategies may be able to include some consideration of these propositions. However, under significant levels of climate change many of the current approaches to conservation will become increasingly difficult and ineffective (e.g. maintaining community types in their current locations). This challenge is fundamentally different from that posed by other threats to biodiversity, and the climate-ready approach is akin to a paradigm shift in conservation.The project used a review of 26 conservation strategy documents (spanning scales from international to local) and four case studies with conservation agencies to test and refine the climate-ready approach. The project found the approach to be robust and highly relevant; in the majority of situations, if adopted, it would lead to significant changes in the objectives and priorities of conservation. There were also many ‘green shoots’ of elements of the new approach in existing conservation practice. However, the project found there are currently substantial barriers to fully adopting a climate-ready approach. These include the need for: further development of ecological characterisation of ecosystem health and human activities in landscapesmuch better understanding of how society values different aspects of biodiversity, including ecosystems and landscapesdevelopment of policy tools to codify and implement new ecologically robust and socially endorsed objectives. Please cite this report as: Dunlop M, Parris, H, Ryan, P, Kroon, F 2013 Climate-ready conservation objectives: a scoping study, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast, pp. 102
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