4 research outputs found

    DBSnap-Eval: Identifying Database Query Construction Patterns

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    Learning to construct database queries can be a challenging task because students need to learn the specific query language syntax as well as properly understand the effect of each query operator and how multiple operators interact in a query. While some previous studies have looked into the types of database query errors students make and how the availability of expected query results can help to increase the success rate, there is very little that is known regarding the patterns that emerge while students are constructing a query. To be able to look into the process of constructing a query, in this paper we introduce DBSnap-Eval, a tool that supports tree-based queries (similar to SQL query plans) and a block-based querying interface to help separate the syntax and semantics of a query. DBSnap-Eval closely monitors the actions students take to construct a query such as adding a dataset or connecting a dataset with an operator. This paper presents an initial set of results about database query construction patterns using DBSnap-Eval. Particularly, it reports identified patterns in the process students follow to answer common database queries

    Exploring Feedback and Gamification in a Data Modeling Learning Tool

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    Data modeling is an essential part of IT studies. Learning how to design and structure a database is important when storing data in a relational database and is common practice in the IT industry. Most students need much practice and tutoring to master the skill of data modeling and database design. When a student is in a learning process, feedback is important. As class sizes grow and teaching is no longer campus based only, providing feedback to each individual student may be difficult. Our study proposes a tool to use when introducing database modeling to students. We have developed a web-based tool named LearnER to teach basic data modeling skills, in a collaborative project between the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) and Kristiania University College (KUC). The tool has been used in six different courses over a period of four academic years. In LearnER, the student solves modeling assignments with different levels of difficulty. When they are done, or they need help, they receive automated feedback including visual cues. To increase the motivation for solving many assignments, LearnER also includes gamifying elements. Each assignment has a maximum score. When students ask for help, points are deducted from the score. When students manage to solve many assignments with little help, they may end up at a leaderboard. This paper tries to summarize how the students use and experience LearnER. We look to see if the students find the exercises interesting, useful and of reasonable difficulty. Further, we investigate if the automated feedback is valuable, and if the gamifying elements contribute to their learning. As we have made additions and refinements to LearnER over several years, we also compare student responses on surveys and interviews during these years. In addition, we analyze usage data extracted from the application to learn more about student activity. The results are promising. We find that student activity increases in newer versions of LearnER. Most students report that the received feedback helps them to correct mistakes when solving modeling assignments. The gamifying elements are also well received. Based on LearnER usage data, we find and describe typical errors the students do and what types of assignments they prefer to solve.publishedVersio

    Інформаційна система обліку медіаконтенту на основі баз даних

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    Дипломна робота містить 143 с., 36 рис., 10 табл., 2 додатки, 24 джерела. Об’єктом дослідження виступає спосіб розповсюдження відео в мережі Інтернет. Предмет дослідження – програмне забезпечення для завантаження та перегляду відеофайлів. Метою проекту є розробка програмного забезпечення для розміщення відео, яке дозволяє користувачам завантажувати, переглядати та взаємодіяти з відеофайлами. Було розроблено сервіс для перегляду відеоконтенту. Розроблено алгоритм рекомендацій для кожного користувача заснований на історії їх переглядів. Таким чином, це дозволяє користувачам переглядати фільми які він захоче або фільми з рекомендацій для нього. Також був проведений експериментальні дослідження системи обробки запитів гетерогенної розподіленої бази даних, метою якого було визначення вагових коефіцієнтів. Основною мовою програмування, що використовувалася при написанні сервісу для перегляду відеоконтенту, була Java.The thesis contains 143 pages, 36 figures, 10 tables, 2 appendices, 24 sources. The object of the study is the method of video distribution on the Internet. The subject of research is software for downloading and viewing video files. The goal of the project is to develop video hosting software that allows users to upload, view, and interact with video files. A service for viewing video content was developed. A recommendation algorithm has been developed for each user based on their browsing history. Thus, it allows users to watch movies that he wants or movies with recommendations for him. An experimental study of the query processing system of the heterogeneous distributed database provided for determining the weighting coefficients was also conducted. The main programming language used when writing a service for viewing video content was Java