34 research outputs found

    Predictable multi-processor system on chip design for multimedia applications

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    The design of multimedia systems has become increasingly complex due to consumer requirements. Consumers demand the functionalities offered by a huge desktop from these systems. Many of these systems are mobile. Therefore, power consumption and size of these devices should be small. These systems are increasingly becoming multi-processor based (MPSoCs) for the reasons of power and performance. Applications execute on these systems in different combinations also known as use-cases. Applications may have different performance requirements in each use-case. Currently, verification of all these use-cases takes bulk of the design effort. There is a need for analysis based techniques so that the platforms have a predictable behaviour and in turn provide guarantees on performance without expending precious man hours on verification. In this dissertation, techniques and architectures have been developed to design and manage these multi-processor based systems efficiently. The dissertation presents predictable architectural components for MPSoCs, a Predictable MPSoC design strategy, automatic platform synthesis tool, a run-time system and an MPSoC simulation technique. The introduction of predictability helps in rapid design of MPSoC platforms. Chapter 1 of the thesis studies the trends in modern multimedia applications and processor architectures. The chapter further highlights the problems in the design of MPSoC platforms and emphasizes the need of predictable design techniques. Predictable design techniques require predictable application and architectural components. The chapter further elaborates on Synchronous Data Flow Graphs which are used to model the applications throughout this thesis. The chapter presents the architecture template used in this thesis and enlists the contributions of the thesis. One of the contributions of this thesis is the design of a predictable component called communication assist. Chapter 2 of the thesis describes the architecture of this communication assist. The communication assist presented in this thesis not only decouples the communication from computation but also provides timing guarantees. Based on this communication assist, an MPSoC platform generation technique has been presented that can design MPSoC platforms capable of satisfying the throughput constraints of multiple applications in all use-cases. The technique is presented in Chapter 3. The design strategy uses three simple steps for platform design. In the first step it finds the required number of processors. The second step minimizes the communication interconnect between the processors and the third step minimizes the communication memory requirement of the platform. Further in Chapter 4, a tool has been developed to generate CA-based platforms for FPGAs. The output of this tool can be used to synthesize platforms on real hardware with the help of FPGA synthesis tools. The applications executing on these platforms often exhibit dynamism e.g. variation in task execution times and change in application throughput requirements. Further, new applications may often be added by consumers at run-time. Resource managers have been presented in literature to handle such dynamic situations. However, the scalability of these resource managers becomes an issue with the increase in number of processors and applications. Chapter 5 presents distributed run-time resource management techniques. Two versions of distributed resource managers have been presented which are scalable with the number of applications and processors. MPSoC platforms for real-time applications are designed assuming worst-case task execution times. It is known that the difference between average-case and worst-case behaviour can be quite large. Therefore, knowing the average case performance is also important for the system designer, and software simulation is often employed to estimate this. However, simulation in software is slow and does not scale with the number of applications and processing elements. In Chapter 6, a fast and scalable simulation methodology is introduced that can simulate the execution of multiple applications on an MPSoC platform. It is based on parallel execution of SDF (Synchronous Data Flow) models of applications. The simulation methodology uses Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES) primitives and it is termed as "Smart Conservative PDES". The methodology generates a parallel simulator which is synthesizable on FPGAs. The framework can also be used to model dynamic arbitration policies which are difficult to analyse using models. The generated platform is also useful in carrying out Design Space Exploration as shown in the thesis. Finally, Chapter 7 summarizes the main findings and (practical) implications of the studies described in previous chapters of this dissertation. Using the contributions mentioned in the thesis, a designer can design and implement predictable multiprocessor based systems capable of satisfying throughput constraints of multiple applications in given set of use-cases, and employ resource management strategies to deal with dynamism in the applications. The chapter also describes the main limitations of this dissertation and makes suggestions for future research

    Algorithm/Architecture Co-Exploration of Visual Computing: Overview and Future Perspectives

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    Concurrently exploring both algorithmic and architectural optimizations is a new design paradigm. This survey paper addresses the latest research and future perspectives on the simultaneous development of video coding, processing, and computing algorithms with emerging platforms that have multiple cores and reconfigurable architecture. As the algorithms in forthcoming visual systems become increasingly complex, many applications must have different profiles with different levels of performance. Hence, with expectations that the visual experience in the future will become continuously better, it is critical that advanced platforms provide higher performance, better flexibility, and lower power consumption. To achieve these goals, algorithm and architecture co-design is significant for characterizing the algorithmic complexity used to optimize targeted architecture. This paper shows that seamless weaving of the development of previously autonomous visual computing algorithms and multicore or reconfigurable architectures will unavoidably become the leading trend in the future of video technology

    The impact of design techniques in the reduction of power consumption of SoCs Multimedia

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    Orientador: Guido Costa Souza de AraújoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: A indústria de semicondutores sempre enfrentou fortes demandas em resolver problema de dissipação de calor e reduzir o consumo de energia em dispositivos. Esta tendência tem sido intensificada nos últimos anos com o movimento de sustentabilidade ambiental. A concepção correta de um sistema eletrônico de baixo consumo de energia é um problema de vários níveis de complexidade e exige estratégias sistemáticas na sua construção. Fora disso, a adoção de qualquer técnica de redução de energia sempre está vinculada com objetivos especiais e provoca alguns impactos no projeto. Apesar dos projetistas conheçam bem os impactos de forma qualitativa, as detalhes quantitativas ainda são incógnitas ou apenas mantidas dentro do 'know-how' das empresas. Neste trabalho, de acordo com resultados experimentais baseado num plataforma de SoC1 industrial, tentamos quantificar os impactos derivados do uso de técnicas de redução de consumo de energia. Nos concentramos em relacionar o fator de redução de energia de cada técnica aos impactos em termo de área, desempenho, esforço de implementação e verificação. Na ausência desse tipo de dados, que relacionam o esforço de engenharia com as metas de consumo de energia, incertezas e atrasos serão frequentes no cronograma de projeto. Esperamos que este tipo de orientações possam ajudar/guiar os arquitetos de projeto em selecionar as técnicas adequadas para reduzir o consumo de energia dentro do alcance de orçamento e cronograma de projetoAbstract: The semiconductor industry has always faced strong demands to solve the problem of heat dissipation and reduce the power consumption in electronic devices. This trend has been increased in recent years with the action of environmental sustainability. The correct conception of an electronic system for low power consumption is an issue with multiple levels of complexities and requires systematic approaches in its construction. However, the adoption of any technique for reducing the power consumption is always linked with some specific goals and causes some impacts on the project. Although the designers know well that these impacts can affect the design in a quality aspect, the quantitative details are still unkown or just be kept inside the company's know-how. In this work, according to the experimental results based on an industrial SoC2 platform, we try to quantify the impacts of the use of low power techniques. We will relate the power reduction factor of each technique to the impact in terms of area, performance, implementation and verification effort. In the absence of such data, which relates the engineering effort to the goals of power consumption, uncertainties and delays are frequent. We hope that such guidelines can help/guide the project architects in selecting the appropriate techniques to reduce the power consumption within the limit of budget and project scheduleMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Exploring Processor and Memory Architectures for Multimedia

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    Multimedia has become one of the cornerstones of our 21st century society and, when combined with mobility, has enabled a tremendous evolution of our society. However, joining these two concepts introduces many technical challenges. These range from having sufficient performance for handling multimedia content to having the battery stamina for acceptable mobile usage. When taking a projection of where we are heading, we see these issues becoming ever more challenging by increased mobility as well as advancements in multimedia content, such as introduction of stereoscopic 3D and augmented reality. The increased performance needs for handling multimedia come not only from an ongoing step-up in resolution going from QVGA (320x240) to Full HD (1920x1080) a 27x increase in less than half a decade. On top of this, there is also codec evolution (MPEG-2 to H.264 AVC) that adds to the computational load increase. To meet these performance challenges there has been processing and memory architecture advances (SIMD, out-of-order superscalarity, multicore processing and heterogeneous multilevel memories) in the mobile domain, in conjunction with ever increasing operating frequencies (200MHz to 2GHz) and on-chip memory sizes (128KB to 2-3MB). At the same time there is an increase in requirements for mobility, placing higher demands on battery-powered systems despite the steady increase in battery capacity (500 to 2000mAh). This leaves negative net result in-terms of battery capacity versus performance advances. In order to make optimal use of these architectural advances and to meet the power limitations in mobile systems, there is a need for taking an overall approach on how to best utilize these systems. The right trade-off between performance and power is crucial. On top of these constraints, the flexibility aspects of the system need to be addressed. All this makes it very important to reach the right architectural balance in the system. The first goal for this thesis is to examine multimedia applications and propose a flexible solution that can meet the architectural requirements in a mobile system. Secondly, propose an automated methodology of optimally mapping multimedia data and instructions to a heterogeneous multilevel memory subsystem. The proposed methodology uses constraint programming for solving a multidimensional optimization problem. Results from this work indicate that using today’s most advanced mobile processor technology together with a multi-level heterogeneous on-chip memory subsystem can meet the performance requirements for handling multimedia. By utilizing the automated optimal memory mapping method presented in this thesis lower total power consumption can be achieved, whilst performance for multimedia applications is improved, by employing enhanced memory management. This is achieved through reduced external accesses and better reuse of memory objects. This automatic method shows high accuracy, up to 90%, for predicting multimedia memory accesses for a given architecture

    Defining interfaces between hardware and software: Quality and performance

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    One of the most important interfaces in a computer system is the interface between hardware and software. This interface is the contract between the hardware designer and the programmer that defines the functional behaviour of the hardware. This thesis examines two critical aspects of defining the hardware-software interface: quality and performance. The first aspect is creating a high quality specification of the interface as conventionally defined in an instruction set architecture. The majority of this thesis is concerned with creating a specification that covers the full scope of the interface; that is applicable to all current implementations of the architecture; and that can be trusted to accurately describe the behaviour of implementations of the architecture. We describe the development of a formal specification of the two major types of Arm processors: A-class (for mobile devices such as phones and tablets) and M-class (for micro-controllers). These specifications are unparalleled in their scope, applicability and trustworthiness. This thesis identifies and illustrates what we consider the key ingredient in achieving this goal: creating a specification that is used by many different user groups. Supporting many different groups leads to improved quality as each group finds different problems in the specification; and, by providing value to each different group, it helps justify the considerable effort required to create a high quality specification of a major processor architecture. The work described in this thesis led to a step change in Arm's ability to use formal verification techniques to detect errors in their processors; enabled extensive testing of the specification against Arm's official architecture conformance suite; improved the quality of Arm's architecture conformance suite based on measuring the architectural coverage of the tests; supported earlier, faster development of architecture extensions by enabling animation of changes as they are being made; and enabled early detection of problems created from architecture extensions by performing formal validation of the specification against semi-structured natural language specifications. As far as we are aware, no other mainstream processor architecture has this capability. The formal specifications are included in Arm's publicly released architecture reference manuals and the A-class specification is also released in machine-readable form. The second aspect is creating a high performance interface by defining the hardware-software interface of a software-defined radio subsystem using a programming language. That is, an interface that allows software to exploit the potential performance of the underlying hardware. While the hardware-software interface is normally defined in terms of machine code, peripheral control registers and memory maps, we define it using a programming language instead. This higher level interface provides the opportunity for compilers to hide some of the low-level differences between different systems from the programmer: a potentially very efficient way of providing a stable, portable interface without having to add hardware to provide portability between different hardware platforms. We describe the design and implementation of a set of extensions to the C programming language to support programming high performance, energy efficient, software defined radio systems. The language extensions enable the programmer to exploit the pipeline parallelism typically present in digital signal processing applications and to make efficient use of the asymmetric multiprocessor systems designed to support such applications. The extensions consist primarily of annotations that can be checked for consistency and that support annotation inference in order to reduce the number of annotations required. Reducing the number of annotations does not just save programmer effort, it also improves portability by reducing the number of annotations that need to be changed when porting an application from one platform to another. This work formed part of a project that developed a high-performance, energy-efficient, software defined radio capable of implementing the physical layers of the 4G cellphone standard (LTE), 802.11a WiFi and Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) with a power and silicon area budget that was competitive with a conventional custom ASIC solution. The Arm architecture is the largest computer architecture by volume in the world. It behooves us to ensure that the interface it describes is appropriately defined

    Center for Space Microelectronics Technology 1988-1989 technical report

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    The 1988 to 1989 Technical Report of the JPL Center for Space Microelectronics Technology summarizes the technical accomplishments, publications, presentations, and patents of the center. Listed are 321 publications, 282 presentations, and 140 new technology reports and patents

    Classification of Resilience Techniques Against Functional Errors at Higher Abstraction Layers of Digital Systems

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    Nanoscale technology nodes bring reliability concerns back to the center stage of digital system design. A systematic classification of approaches that increase system resilience in the presence of functional hardware (HW)-induced errors is presented, dealing with higher system abstractions, such as the (micro) architecture, the mapping, and platform software (SW). The field is surveyed in a systematic way based on nonoverlapping categories, which add insight into the ongoing work by exposing similarities and differences. HW and SW solutions are discussed in a similar fashion so that interrelationships become apparent. The presented categories are illustrated by representative literature examples to illustrate their properties. Moreover, it is demonstrated how hybrid schemes can be decomposed into their primitive components