5 research outputs found


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    A study of trend analysis of the field of instrumentation research during the period 2006-2016 was conducted. The study aims to determine: (1) the development of the number of international publications in the field of instrumentation on the Scopus database from 2006-2016; (2) core journals in international publications in the field of instrumentation; (3) productivity of instrumentation researcher; (4) number of documents based on agency collaboration in international publications in the field of instrumentation; (5) the development of international publications of field research instrumentation by subject; (6) maps of international publications development of research in the field of instrumentation by keyword (co-word) and based on the author (co-author). Data collection by searching through scopus with keyword instrumentation, instrumens, measurements, medical instrumentation, virtual instrumentation and instrumentation system with category article title, abstract, keywords in the period 2006-2016. Data in the form of number of publications per year, journals containing articles of instrumentation, author, author and subject are analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2010. As for the development trend of international publications in the field of instrumentation is analyzed using VosViewer software. The results showed that the development of the field of instrumentation sciences during the period 2006-2016 which was scanned in the highest scopus occurred in 2014 which reached 310 documents (14,90%). The international publication of the field of instrumentation is mostly published in the journal Spine. Universidade de São Paulo - USP is the most widely published institution in the field of instrumentation science and the United States is the largest contributor. Yazici, M., Zhang, H.Q., and Aubin, C.E. is a prolific writer in the field of instrumentation with the most subjects in medicine and engineering. The map of instrumentation development based on the coword grouped into 5 clusters and the co-authors clustered into 7 clusters

    Coauthorship and Thematic Networks in AAEP Annual Meetings

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    We analyze the coauthorship production of the AAEP Annual Meeting since 1964. We use social network analysis for creating coauthorship networks and given that any paper must be tagged with two JEL codes, we use this information for also structuring a thematic network. Then we calculate network metrics and find main actors and clusters for coauthors and topics. We distinguish a gender gap in the sample. Thematic networks show a cluster of codes and the analysis of the cluster shows the preeminence of the tags related to trade, econometric, distribution/poverty and health and education topics.Comment: 30 pages, 12 Figures, 16 Table

    Наукометрическое измерение научной деятельности Г.М. Доброва

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    Изложены результаты статистического анализа библиографии научных трудов известного отечественного ученого ХХ ст. в области науковедения члена-корреспондента АН УССР Г.М. Доброва (1929—1989). Выявлены морфологические, статистические и динамические характеристики, которые отражают закономерности развития его научной деятельности и позволяют сделать оценку генерированных им информационных потоков научных знаний в мировой системе научной коммуникации.Викладено результати статистичного аналізу бібліографії наукових праць видатного вітчизняного вченого ХХ ст. в галузі наукознавства члена-кореспондента АН УРСР Г.М. Доброва (1929—1989). Виявлено морфологічні, статистичні та динамічні характеристики, що відбивають закономірності розвитку його наукової діяльності таі дозволяють зробити оцінку генерованих ним інформаційних потоків наукових знань у світовій системі наукової комунікації.Results of a statistical analysis on the bibliography of scientific works by G.M.Dobrov (1929–1989), an outstanding national scientist of XX century in the science of science field, a correspondent-member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR are shown. Morphological, statistical and dynamic characteristics are defined, revealing the tendencies in his scientific work and allowing evaluation of information flows within the world scientific communication system, generated by him

    From tool to instrument: An experiential analysis of interacting with Information Visualization.

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    Information Visualizations (InfoVis) are tools that represent huge amount of abstract data visually on a computer screen. These tools are not reaching the users since constituents of good InfoVis design are still an unknown. In this thesis I argue that good design is one that delivers positive experiences due to the subjectivity of the knowledge gaining processes. Hence, what constitutes a positive experience is the focus of this research. The application domain chosen was the Academic Literature Domain (ALD). ALD InfoVis tools exist however they do not cater for users' requirements or interface usability, both of which are crucial for a better experience. As a result, an ALD InfoVis tool was created following a User Centred Design (UCD) approach, starting with requirements and ending with usability. The requirements were first generated based on a qualitative study from which it became clear that researchers equate authors with their publications and position them in terms of the ideas they portray. Based on this, the tool was designed and implemented. The tool's usability was then evaluated through a set of low and high level tasks. Low-level tasks target the visual syntax whereas high-level tasks tap into the generated semantics. The latter allowed for subjective reasoning and interaction, and were therefore used as the basis of the experiential study. The experiential study captured users' experiences by relying on a Grounded Theory (GT) analysis. This study resulted in the generation of a base theory of InfoVis interaction that properly fitted within the context of the instrumental genesis theoretical framework which argues for the design of instruments not tools, where instruments are mental appropriations of tools. The theoretical approach applied by this research has value across InfoVis even if not tailored for evaluation