150 research outputs found

    The MapReduce Model on Cascading Platform for Frequent Itemset Mining

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    The implementation of parallel algorithms is very interesting research recently. Parallelism is very suitable to handle large-scale data processing. MapReduce is one of the parallel and distributed programming models. The implementation of parallel programming faces many difficulties. The Cascading gives easy scheme of Hadoop system which implements MapReduce model.Frequent itemsets are most often appear objects in a dataset. The Frequent Itemset Mining (FIM) requires complex computation. FIM is a complicated problem when implemented on large-scale data. This paper discusses the implementation of MapReduce model on Cascading for FIM. The experiment uses the Amazon dataset product co-purchasing network metadata.The experiment shows the fact that the simple mechanism of Cascading can be used to solve FIM problem. It gives time complexity O(n), more efficient than the nonparallel which has complexity O(n2/m)

    Frequent Itemset Mining for Big Data

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    Traditional data mining tools, developed to extract actionable knowledge from data, demonstrated to be inadequate to process the huge amount of data produced nowadays. Even the most popular algorithms related to Frequent Itemset Mining, an exploratory data analysis technique used to discover frequent items co-occurrences in a transactional dataset, are inefficient with larger and more complex data. As a consequence, many parallel algorithms have been developed, based on modern frameworks able to leverage distributed computation in commodity clusters of machines (e.g., Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark). However, frequent itemset mining parallelization is far from trivial. The search-space exploration, on which all the techniques are based, is not easily partitionable. Hence, distributed frequent itemset mining is a challenging problem and an interesting research topic. In this context, our main contributions consist in an (i) exhaustive theoretical and experimental analysis of the best-in-class approaches, whose outcomes and open issues motivated (ii) the development of a distributed high-dimensional frequent itemset miner. The dissertation introduces also a data mining framework which takes strongly advantage of distributed frequent itemset mining for the extraction of a specific type of itemsets (iii). The theoretical analysis highlights the challenges related to the distribution and the preliminary partitioning of the frequent itemset mining problem (i.e. the search-space exploration) describing the most adopted distribution strategies. The extensive experimental campaign, instead, compares the expectations related to the algorithmic choices against the actual performances of the algorithms. We run more than 300 experiments in order to evaluate and discuss the performances of the algorithms with respect to different real life use cases and data distributions. The outcomes of the review is that no algorithm is universally superior and performances are heavily skewed by the data distribution. Moreover, we were able to identify a concrete lack as regards frequent pattern extraction within high-dimensional use cases. For this reason, we have developed our own distributed high-dimensional frequent itemset miner based on Apache Hadoop. The algorithm splits the search-space exploration into independent sub-tasks. However, since the exploration strongly benefits of a full-knowledge of the problem, we introduced an interleaving synchronization phase. The result is a trade-off between the benefits of a centralized state and the ones related to the additional computational power due to parallelism. The experimental benchmarks, performed on real-life high-dimensional use cases, show the efficiency of the proposed approach in terms of execution time, load balancing and reliability to memory issues. Finally, the dissertation introduces a data mining framework in which distributed itemset mining is a fundamental component of the processing pipeline. The aim of the framework is the extraction of a new type of itemsets, called misleading generalized itemsets

    Frequent Itemsets Mining for Big Data: A Comparative Analysis

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    Itemset mining is a well-known exploratory data mining technique used to discover interesting correlations hidden in a data collection. Since it supports different targeted analyses, it is profitably exploited in a wide range of different domains, ranging from network traffic data to medical records. With the increasing amount of generated data, different scalable algorithms have been developed, exploiting the advantages of distributed computing frameworks, such as Apache Hadoop and Spark. This paper reviews Hadoop- and Spark-based scalable algorithms addressing the frequent itemset mining problem in the Big Data domain through both theoretical and experimental comparative analyses. Since the itemset mining task is computationally expensive, its distribution and parallelization strategies heavily affect memory usage, load balancing, and communication costs. A detailed discussion of the algorithmic choices of the distributed methods for frequent itemset mining is followed by an experimental analysis comparing the performance of state-of-the-art distributed implementations on both synthetic and real datasets. The strengths and weaknesses of the algorithms are thoroughly discussed with respect to the dataset features (e.g., data distribution, average transaction length, number of records), and specific parameter settings. Finally, based on theoretical and experimental analyses, open research directions for the parallelization of the itemset mining problem are presented

    Testing Interestingness Measures in Practice: A Large-Scale Analysis of Buying Patterns

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    Understanding customer buying patterns is of great interest to the retail industry and has shown to benefit a wide variety of goals ranging from managing stocks to implementing loyalty programs. Association rule mining is a common technique for extracting correlations such as "people in the South of France buy ros\'e wine" or "customers who buy pat\'e also buy salted butter and sour bread." Unfortunately, sifting through a high number of buying patterns is not useful in practice, because of the predominance of popular products in the top rules. As a result, a number of "interestingness" measures (over 30) have been proposed to rank rules. However, there is no agreement on which measures are more appropriate for retail data. Moreover, since pattern mining algorithms output thousands of association rules for each product, the ability for an analyst to rely on ranking measures to identify the most interesting ones is crucial. In this paper, we develop CAPA (Comparative Analysis of PAtterns), a framework that provides analysts with the ability to compare the outcome of interestingness measures applied to buying patterns in the retail industry. We report on how we used CAPA to compare 34 measures applied to over 1,800 stores of Intermarch\'e, one of the largest food retailers in France

    Efficient Discovery of Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets through Sampling with Tight Performance Guarantees

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    The tasks of extracting (top-KK) Frequent Itemsets (FI's) and Association Rules (AR's) are fundamental primitives in data mining and database applications. Exact algorithms for these problems exist and are widely used, but their running time is hindered by the need of scanning the entire dataset, possibly multiple times. High quality approximations of FI's and AR's are sufficient for most practical uses, and a number of recent works explored the application of sampling for fast discovery of approximate solutions to the problems. However, these works do not provide satisfactory performance guarantees on the quality of the approximation, due to the difficulty of bounding the probability of under- or over-sampling any one of an unknown number of frequent itemsets. In this work we circumvent this issue by applying the statistical concept of \emph{Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension} to develop a novel technique for providing tight bounds on the sample size that guarantees approximation within user-specified parameters. Our technique applies both to absolute and to relative approximations of (top-KK) FI's and AR's. The resulting sample size is linearly dependent on the VC-dimension of a range space associated with the dataset to be mined. The main theoretical contribution of this work is a proof that the VC-dimension of this range space is upper bounded by an easy-to-compute characteristic quantity of the dataset which we call \emph{d-index}, and is the maximum integer dd such that the dataset contains at least dd transactions of length at least dd such that no one of them is a superset of or equal to another. We show that this bound is strict for a large class of datasets.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures. A shorter version of this paper appeared in the proceedings of ECML PKDD 201

    Algorithms for Extracting Frequent Episodes in the Process of Temporal Data Mining

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    An important aspect in the data mining process is the discovery of patterns having a great influence on the studied problem. The purpose of this paper is to study the frequent episodes data mining through the use of parallel pattern discovery algorithms. Parallel pattern discovery algorithms offer better performance and scalability, so they are of a great interest for the data mining research community. In the following, there will be highlighted some parallel and distributed frequent pattern mining algorithms on various platforms and it will also be presented a comparative study of their main features. The study takes into account the new possibilities that arise along with the emerging novel Compute Unified Device Architecture from the latest generation of graphics processing units. Based on their high performance, low cost and the increasing number of features offered, GPU processors are viable solutions for an optimal implementation of frequent pattern mining algorithmsFrequent Pattern Mining, Parallel Computing, Dynamic Load Balancing, Temporal Data Mining, CUDA, GPU, Fermi, Thread

    Prognosis of Disease that may Occur with Growing Age using Confabulation Based Algorithm

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    The enduring diagnosis of patient’s medical records might be useful to determine the causes that are responsible for a particular disease. So that, one can take early preventive measures to curtail the risk of diseases that may occur with the growing age. Consequently, this can enhance the life expectancy probability. Here, a new algorithm CMARM is proposed for analysis of symptoms in order to find out the disease that may occur frequently and rarely with growing age. It uses map reduce paradigm inspired by cognitive learning. It is concerned with acquisition of problem-solving skills, intelligence and conscious thought and uses prevailing knowledge to generate new rules. It has been evaluated over synthetic data sets collected from the health data repository. Since, CMARM requires one-time file access therefore, it is consistently faster and also consuming less memory space than the FP tree based algorithm

    Scalable And Efficient Outlier Detection In Large Distributed Data Sets With Mixed-type Attributes

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    An important problem that appears often when analyzing data involves identifying irregular or abnormal data points called outliers. This problem broadly arises under two scenarios: when outliers are to be removed from the data before analysis, and when useful information or knowledge can be extracted by the outliers themselves. Outlier Detection in the context of the second scenario is a research field that has attracted significant attention in a broad range of useful applications. For example, in credit card transaction data, outliers might indicate potential fraud; in network traffic data, outliers might represent potential intrusion attempts. The basis of deciding if a data point is an outlier is often some measure or notion of dissimilarity between the data point under consideration and the rest. Traditional outlier detection methods assume numerical or ordinal data, and compute pair-wise distances between data points. However, the notion of distance or similarity for categorical data is more difficult to define. Moreover, the size of currently available data sets dictates the need for fast and scalable outlier detection methods, thus precluding distance computations. Additionally, these methods must be applicable to data which might be distributed among different locations. In this work, we propose novel strategies to efficiently deal with large distributed data containing mixed-type attributes. Specifically, we first propose a fast and scalable algorithm for categorical data (AVF), and its parallel version based on MapReduce (MR-AVF). We extend AVF and introduce a fast outlier detection algorithm for large distributed data with mixed-type attributes (ODMAD). Finally, we modify ODMAD in order to deal with very high-dimensional categorical data. Experiments with large real-world and synthetic data show that the proposed methods exhibit large performance gains and high scalability compared to the state-of-the-art, while achieving similar accuracy detection rates