10 research outputs found

    Vision-Based Localization Algorithm Based on Landmark Matching, Triangulation, Reconstruction, and Comparison

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    Many generic position-estimation algorithms are vulnerable to ambiguity introduced by nonunique landmarks. Also, the available high-dimensional image data is not fully used when these techniques are extended to vision-based localization. This paper presents the landmark matching, triangulation, reconstruction, and comparison (LTRC) global localization algorithm, which is reasonably immune to ambiguous landmark matches. It extracts natural landmarks for the (rough) matching stage before generating the list of possible position estimates through triangulation. Reconstruction and comparison then rank the possible estimates. The LTRC algorithm has been implemented using an interpreted language, onto a robot equipped with a panoramic vision system. Empirical data shows remarkable improvement in accuracy when compared with the established random sample consensus method. LTRC is also robust against inaccurate map data

    Vision-based localization algorithm based on landmark matching, triangulation, reconstruction, and comparison

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    Geometry-Based Distributed Scene Representation With Omnidirectional Vision Sensors

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    Aprendizado supervisionado de sistemas de inferência fuzzy aplicados em veículos inteligentes.

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    Esta tese trata do desenvolvimento de um algoritmo para aprendizado supervisionado capaz de extrair conhecimentos provenientes de tarefas de manobras veiculares realizadas por um motorista humano. Como o objetivo final e determinar o conhecimento do motorista de forma compreensível, este será representado por Sistema de Inferência Fuzzy (FIS) baseado no modelo Mamdani, por representar o problema de forma simples por meio da linguagem natural humana. O desenvolvimento de tal sistema e, na verdade, um problema de otimização inteira mista, onde se deseja mapear o relacionamento entre as entradas provenientes do sistema de aquisição de dados do veículo com as respostas fornecidas por um humano. A geração deste Sistema Fuzzy implica na geração de uma estrutura de regras fuzzy e funções de pertinência que representem adequadamente o conjunto de exemplos de treinamento. Assim, o problema e dividido em duas partes: uma responsável pelo aprendizado das regras e a outra responsável pela otimização das funções de pertinência. A implementação do algoritmo para solucionar este problema, aplica os conceitos de Sistema Imunológico Artificial baseado em Gradiente (GbAIS) com duas populações distintas de anticorpos: uma para aprendizagem da estrutura de regras e outra para otimização das funções de pertinência. Por meio do processo de coevolução das duas populações e possível: trocar informações entre elas, uma vez que as mesmas são interdependentes; evitar o surgimento de ótimos locais; e aumentar o fitness do sistema gerado. Para validar esta proposta, o FIS gerado e utilizado em uma aplicação de veículos inteligentes. O algoritmo foi testado inicialmente em um ambiente de simulação 3D e posteriormente em um veículo de passeio real. Os resultados obtidos para o problema de estacionamento em vaga paralela e navegação em um circuito com waypoints comprovaram a eficácia do algoritmo proposto. As principais contribuições desta tese são: 1) a utilização de técnicas de aprendizado supervisionado para geração automática de sistemas de controle de alto nível em veículos inteligentes, por ser um tema pouco pesquisado neste tipo de aplicação; 2) a proposta da Tabela de Regras Potencias (TRP) para pré-seleção de regras candidatas, conduzindo a redução do espaço de busca; e 3) a aplicação de CGbAIS, uma nova técnica baseada em população

    Método para el registro automático de imágenes basado en transformaciones proyectivas planas dependientes de las distancias y orientado a imágenes sin características comunes

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática, leída el 18-12-2015Multisensory data fusion oriented to image-based application improves the accuracy, quality and availability of the data, and consequently, the performance of robotic systems, by means of combining the information of a scene acquired from multiple and different sources into a unified representation of the 3D world scene, which is more enlightening and enriching for the subsequent image processing, improving either the reliability by using the redundant information, or the capability by taking advantage of complementary information. Image registration is one of the most relevant steps in image fusion techniques. This procedure aims the geometrical alignment of two or more images. Normally, this process relies on feature-matching techniques, which is a drawback for combining sensors that are not able to deliver common features. For instance, in the combination of ToF and RGB cameras, the robust feature-matching is not reliable. Typically, the fusion of these two sensors has been addressed from the computation of the cameras calibration parameters for coordinate transformation between them. As a result, a low resolution colour depth map is provided. For improving the resolution of these maps and reducing the loss of colour information, extrapolation techniques are adopted. A crucial issue for computing high quality and accurate dense maps is the presence of noise in the depth measurement from the ToF camera, which is normally reduced by means of sensor calibration and filtering techniques. However, the filtering methods, implemented for the data extrapolation and denoising, usually over-smooth the data, reducing consequently the accuracy of the registration procedure...La fusión multisensorial orientada a aplicaciones de procesamiento de imágenes, conocida como fusión de imágenes, es una técnica que permite mejorar la exactitud, la calidad y la disponibilidad de datos de un entorno tridimensional, que a su vez permite mejorar el rendimiento y la operatividad de sistemas robóticos. Dicha fusión, se consigue mediante la combinación de la información adquirida por múltiples y diversas fuentes de captura de datos, la cual se agrupa del tal forma que se obtiene una mejor representación del entorno 3D, que es mucho más ilustrativa y enriquecedora para la implementación de métodos de procesamiento de imágenes. Con ello se consigue una mejora en la fiabilidad y capacidad del sistema, empleando la información redundante que ha sido adquirida por múltiples sensores. El registro de imágenes es uno de los procedimientos más importantes que componen la fusión de imágenes. El objetivo principal del registro de imágenes es la consecución de la alineación geométrica entre dos o más imágenes. Normalmente, este proceso depende de técnicas de búsqueda de patrones comunes entre imágenes, lo cual puede ser un inconveniente cuando se combinan sensores que no proporcionan datos con características similares. Un ejemplo de ello, es la fusión de cámaras de color de alta resolución (RGB) con cámaras de Tiempo de Vuelo de baja resolución (Time-of-Flight (ToF)), con las cuales no es posible conseguir una detección robusta de patrones comunes entre las imágenes capturadas por ambos sensores. Por lo general, la fusión entre estas cámaras se realiza mediante el cálculo de los parámetros de calibración de las mismas, que permiten realizar la trasformación homogénea entre ellas. Y como resultado de este xii Abstract procedimiento, se obtienen mapas de profundad y de color de baja resolución. Con el objetivo de mejorar la resolución de estos mapas y de evitar la pérdida de información de color, se utilizan diversas técnicas de extrapolación de datos. Un factor crucial a tomar en cuenta para la obtención de mapas de alta calidad y alta exactitud, es la presencia de ruido en las medidas de profundidad obtenidas por las cámaras ToF. Este problema, normalmente se reduce mediante la calibración de estos sensores y con técnicas de filtrado de datos. Sin embargo, las técnicas de filtrado utilizadas, tanto para la interpolación de datos, como para la reducción del ruido, suelen producir el sobre-alisamiento de los datos originales, lo cual reduce la exactitud del registro de imágenes...Sección Deptal. de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática (Físicas)Fac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEunpu

    Navigational Path Analysis of Mobile Robot in Various Environments

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    This dissertation describes work in the area of an autonomous mobile robot. The objective is navigation of mobile robot in a real world dynamic environment avoiding structured and unstructured obstacles either they are static or dynamic. The shapes and position of obstacles are not known to robot prior to navigation. The mobile robot has sensory recognition of specific objects in the environments. This sensory-information provides local information of robots immediate surroundings to its controllers. The information is dealt intelligently by the robot to reach the global objective (the target). Navigational paths as well as time taken during navigation by the mobile robot can be expressed as an optimisation problem and thus can be analyzed and solved using AI techniques. The optimisation of path as well as time taken is based on the kinematic stability and the intelligence of the robot controller. A successful way of structuring the navigation task deals with the issues of individual behaviour design and action coordination of the behaviours. The navigation objective is addressed using fuzzy logic, neural network, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and different other AI technique.The research also addresses distributed autonomous systems using multiple robot

    Navigation Techniques for Control of Multiple Mobile Robots

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    The investigation reported in this thesis attempt to develop efficient techniques for the control of multiple mobile robots in an unknown environment. Mobile robots are key components in industrial automation, service provision, and unmanned space exploration. This thesis addresses eight different techniques for the navigation of multiple mobile robots. These are fuzzy logic, neural network, neuro-fuzzy, rule-base, rule-based-neuro-fuzzy, potential field, potential-field-neuro-fuzzy, and simulated-annealing- potential-field- neuro-fuzzy techniques. The main components of this thesis comprises of eight chapters. Following the literature survey in Chapter-2, Chapter-3 describes how to calculate the heading angle for the mobile robots in terms of left wheel velocity and right wheel velocity of the robot. In Chapter-4 a fuzzy logic technique has been analysed. The fuzzy logic technique uses different membership functions for navigation of the multiple mobile robots, which can perform obs..

    Navigational control of multiple mobile robots in various environments

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    The thesis addresses the problem of mobile robots navigation in various cluttered environments and proposes methodologies based on a soft computing approach, concerning to three main techniques: Potential Field technique, Genetic Algorithm technique and Fuzzy Logic technique. The selected techniques along with their hybrid models, based on a mathematical support, solve the three main issues of path planning of robots such as environment representation, localization and navigation. The motivation of the thesis is based on some cutting edge issues for path planning and navigation capabilities, that retrieve the essential for various situations found in day-to-day life. For this purpose, complete algorithms are developed and analysed for standalone techniques and their hybrid models. In the potential field technique the local minima due to existence of dead cycle problem has been addressed and the possible solution for different situations has been carried out. In fuzzy logic technique the different controllers have been designed and their performance analysis has been done during their navigational control in various environments. Firstly, the fuzzy controller having all triangular members with five membership functions have been considered. Subsequently the membership functions are changed from Triangular to other functions, e.g. Trapezoidal, Gaussian functions and combinational form to have a more smooth and optimised control response. It has been found that the fuzzy controller with all Gaussian membership function works better compared to other chosen membership functions. Similarly the proposed Genetic algorithm is based on the suitable population size and fitness functions for finding out the robot steering angle in various cluttered field. At the end hybrid approaches e.g. Potential-Fuzzy, otential-Genetic, Fuzzy-Genetic and Potential-Fuzzy-Genetic are considered for navigation of multiple mobile robots. Initially the combination of two techniques has been selected in order to model the controllers and then all the techniques have been hybridized to get a better controller. These hybrid controllers are first designed and analysed for possible solutions for various situations provided by human intelligence. Then computer simulations have been executed extensively for various known and unknown environments. The proposed hybrid algorithms are embedded in the controllers of the real robots and tested in realistic scenarios to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed controllers. Finally, the thesis concludes in a chapter describing the comparison of results acquired from various environments, showing that the developed algorithms achieve the main goals proposed by different approaches with a high level of simulations. The main contribution provided in the thesis is the definition and demonstration of the applicability of multiple mobile robots navigations with multiple targets in various environments based on the strategy of path optimisation

    On unifying sparsity and geometry for image-based 3D scene representation

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    Demand has emerged for next generation visual technologies that go beyond conventional 2D imaging. Such technologies should capture and communicate all perceptually relevant three-dimensional information about an environment to a distant observer, providing a satisfying, immersive experience. Camera networks offer a low cost solution to the acquisition of 3D visual information, by capturing multi-view images from different viewpoints. However, the camera's representation of the data is not ideal for common tasks such as data compression or 3D scene analysis, as it does not make the 3D scene geometry explicit. Image-based scene representations fundamentally require a multi-view image model that facilitates extraction of underlying geometrical relationships between the cameras and scene components. Developing new, efficient multi-view image models is thus one of the major challenges in image-based 3D scene representation methods. This dissertation focuses on defining and exploiting a new method for multi-view image representation, from which the 3D geometry information is easily extractable, and which is additionally highly compressible. The method is based on sparse image representation using an overcomplete dictionary of geometric features, where a single image is represented as a linear combination of few fundamental image structure features (edges for example). We construct the dictionary by applying a unitary operator to an analytic function, which introduces a composition of geometric transforms (translations, rotation and anisotropic scaling) to that function. The advantage of this approach is that the features across multiple views can be related with a single composition of transforms. We then establish a connection between image components and scene geometry by defining the transforms that satisfy the multi-view geometry constraint, and obtain a new geometric multi-view correlation model. We first address the construction of dictionaries for images acquired by omnidirectional cameras, which are particularly convenient for scene representation due to their wide field of view. Since most omnidirectional images can be uniquely mapped to spherical images, we form a dictionary by applying motions on the sphere, rotations, and anisotropic scaling to a function that lives on the sphere. We have used this dictionary and a sparse approximation algorithm, Matching Pursuit, for compression of omnidirectional images, and additionally for coding 3D objects represented as spherical signals. Both methods offer better rate-distortion performance than state of the art schemes at low bit rates. The novel multi-view representation method and the dictionary on the sphere are then exploited for the design of a distributed coding method for multi-view omnidirectional images. In a distributed scenario, cameras compress acquired images without communicating with each other. Using a reliable model of correlation between views, distributed coding can achieve higher compression ratios than independent compression of each image. However, the lack of a proper model has been an obstacle for distributed coding in camera networks for many years. We propose to use our geometric correlation model for distributed multi-view image coding with side information. The encoder employs a coset coding strategy, developed by dictionary partitioning based on atom shape similarity and multi-view geometry constraints. Our method results in significant rate savings compared to independent coding. An additional contribution of the proposed correlation model is that it gives information about the scene geometry, leading to a new camera pose estimation method using an extremely small amount of data from each camera. Finally, we develop a method for learning stereo visual dictionaries based on the new multi-view image model. Although dictionary learning for still images has received a lot of attention recently, dictionary learning for stereo images has been investigated only sparingly. Our method maximizes the likelihood that a set of natural stereo images is efficiently represented with selected stereo dictionaries, where the multi-view geometry constraint is included in the probabilistic modeling. Experimental results demonstrate that including the geometric constraints in learning leads to stereo dictionaries that give both better distributed stereo matching and approximation properties than randomly selected dictionaries. We show that learning dictionaries for optimal scene representation based on the novel correlation model improves the camera pose estimation and that it can be beneficial for distributed coding