9 research outputs found

    Quality of service parameters and link operation point estimation based on effective bandwidth

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    Trabajo presentado en CITEL2002, La Habana, Cuba, 2002This work addresses the estimation and calculation of the operating point of a networks link in a digital traffic network. The notion of operating point comes from Effective Bandwidth (EB) theory. The results are valid for a wide range of traffic types. This means that the statistical characteristics of the traffic may be very general. We show that, given a good EB estimator, the operating point, i.e. the values of time and space (or multiplexing) parameters in which the EB gives the asymptotic overflow probability, can also be accurately estimated. Imposing some regularity conditions, a consistent estimator and confidence intervals of the operating point are developed. These conditions are very general, and they are met by commonly used estimators as the averaging estimator presented in [2] or the Markov Fluid model estimator presented in [10]. Using a software package developed by our workgroup that estimates the EB and other relevant parameters from tra±c traces, simulation results are compared with the analytical results, showing very good fitting. Keywords. Traffic modelling, traffic estimation, effective bandwidths, QoS, MPLS, operating point estimation

    Many-Sources Large Deviations for Max-Weight Scheduling

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    In this paper, a many-sources large deviations principle (LDP) for the transient workload of a multi-queue single-server system is established where the service rates are chosen from a compact, convex and coordinate-convex rate region and where the service discipline is the max-weight policy. Under the assumption that the arrival processes satisfy a many-sources LDP, this is accomplished by employing Garcia's extended contraction principle that is applicable to quasi-continuous mappings. For the simplex rate-region, an LDP for the stationary workload is also established under the additional requirements that the scheduling policy be work-conserving and that the arrival processes satisfy certain mixing conditions. The LDP results can be used to calculate asymptotic buffer overflow probabilities accounting for the multiplexing gain, when the arrival process is an average of \emph{i.i.d.} processes. The rate function for the stationary workload is expressed in term of the rate functions of the finite-horizon workloads when the arrival processes have \emph{i.i.d.} increments.Comment: 44 page

    Achieving Optimal Throughput and Near-Optimal Asymptotic Delay Performance in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks with Low Complexity: A Practical Greedy Scheduling Policy

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    In this paper, we focus on the scheduling problem in multi-channel wireless networks, e.g., the downlink of a single cell in fourth generation (4G) OFDM-based cellular networks. Our goal is to design practical scheduling policies that can achieve provably good performance in terms of both throughput and delay, at a low complexity. While a class of O(n2.5logn)O(n^{2.5} \log n)-complexity hybrid scheduling policies are recently developed to guarantee both rate-function delay optimality (in the many-channel many-user asymptotic regime) and throughput optimality (in the general non-asymptotic setting), their practical complexity is typically high. To address this issue, we develop a simple greedy policy called Delay-based Server-Side-Greedy (D-SSG) with a \lower complexity 2n2+2n2n^2+2n, and rigorously prove that D-SSG not only achieves throughput optimality, but also guarantees near-optimal asymptotic delay performance. Specifically, we show that the rate-function attained by D-SSG for any delay-violation threshold bb, is no smaller than the maximum achievable rate-function by any scheduling policy for threshold b1b-1. Thus, we are able to achieve a reduction in complexity (from O(n2.5logn)O(n^{2.5} \log n) of the hybrid policies to 2n2+2n2n^2 + 2n) with a minimal drop in the delay performance. More importantly, in practice, D-SSG generally has a substantially lower complexity than the hybrid policies that typically have a large constant factor hidden in the O()O(\cdot) notation. Finally, we conduct numerical simulations to validate our theoretical results in various scenarios. The simulation results show that D-SSG not only guarantees a near-optimal rate-function, but also empirically is virtually indistinguishable from delay-optimal policies.Comment: Accepted for publication by the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, February 2014. A preliminary version of this work was presented at IEEE INFOCOM 2013, Turin, Italy, April 201

    Delay analysis for wireless applications using a multiservice multiqueue processor sharing model

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    The ongoing development of wireless networks supporting multimedia applications requires service providers to efficiently deliver complex Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. The wide range of new applications in these networks significantly increases the difficulty of network design and dimensioning to meet QoS requirements. Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols affect QoS achieved by wireless networks. Research on analysis and performance evaluation is important for the efficient protocol design. As wireless networks feature scarce resources that are simultaneously shared by all users, processor sharing (PS) models were proposed for modelling resource sharing mechanisms in such systems. In this thesis, multi-priority MAC protocols are proposed for handling the various service traffic types. Then, an investigation of multiservice multiqueue PS models is undertaken to analyse the delay for some recently proposed wireless applications. We start with an introduction to MAC protocols for wireless networks which are specified in IEEE standards and then review scheduling algorithms which were proposed to work with the underlying MAC protocols to cooperatively achieve QoS goals. An overview of the relevant literature is given on PS models for performance analysis and evaluation of scheduling algorithms. We propose a multiservice multiqueue PS model using a scheduling scheme in multimedia wireless networks with a comprehensive description of the analytical solution. Firstly, we describe the existing multiqueue processor sharing (MPS) model, which uses a fixed service quantum at each queue, and correct a subtle incongruity in previous solutions presented in the literature. Secondly, a new scheduling framework is proposed to extend the previous MPS model to a general case. This newly proposed analytical approach is based on the idea that the service quantum arranged by a MAC scheduling controller to service data units can be priority-based. We obtain a closed-form expression for the mean delay of each service class in this model. In summary, our new approach simplifies MAC protocols for multimedia applications into an analytical model that includes more complex and realistic traffic models without compromising details of the protocol and significantly reduces the number of MAC headers, thus the overall average delay will be decreased. In response to using the studied multiservice multiqueue PS models, we apply the MPS model to two wireless applications: Push to Talk (PTT) service over GPRS/GSM networks and the Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) networks. We investigate the uplink delay of PTT over traditional GPRS/GSM networks and the uplink delay for WiMAX Subscriber Station scheduler under a priority-based fair scheduling. MAC structures capable of supporting dynamically varying traffic are studied for the networks, especially, with the consideration of implementation issues. The model provides useful insights into the dynamic performance behaviours of GPRS/GSM and WiMAX networks with respect to various system parameters and comprehensive traffic conditions. We then evaluate the model under some different practical traffic scenarios. Through modelling of the operation of wireless access systems, under a variety of multimedia traffic, our analytical approaches provide practical analysis guidelines for wireless network dimensioning

    Discrete-time queueing models with priorities

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    This PhD-dissertation contains analyses of several discrete-time two-class priority queueing systems. We analyze non-preemptive, preemptive resume as well as preemptive repeat priority queues. The analyses are heavily based on probability generating functions that allow us to calculate moments and tail probabilities of the system contents and packet delays of both classes. The results are applicable in heterogeneous telecommunication networks, when delay-sensitive traffic gets transmission priority over best-effort traffic. Our results predict the influence of priority scheduling on the QoS (Quality-of-Service) of the different types of traffic

    Scheduling for today’s computer systems: bridging theory and practice

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    Scheduling is a fundamental technique for improving performance in computer systems. From web servers to routers to operating systems, how the bottleneck device is scheduled has an enormous impact on the performance of the system as a whole. Given the immense literature studying scheduling, it is easy to think that we already understand enough about scheduling. But, modern computer system designs have highlighted a number of disconnects between traditional analytic results and the needs of system designers. In particular, the idealized policies, metrics, and models used by analytic researchers do not match the policies, metrics, and scenarios that appear in real systems. The goal of this thesis is to take a step towards modernizing the theory of scheduling in order to provide results that apply to today’s computer systems, and thus ease the burden on system designers. To accomplish this goal, we provide new results that help to bridge each of the disconnects mentioned above. We will move beyond the study of idealized policies by introducing a new analytic framework where the focus is on scheduling heuristics and techniques rather than individual policies. By moving beyond the study of individual policies, our results apply to the complex hybrid policies that are often used in practice. For example, our results enable designers to understand how the policies that favor small job sizes are affected by the fact that real systems only have estimates of job sizes. In addition, we move beyond the study of mean response time and provide results characterizing the distribution of response time and the fairness of scheduling policies. These results allow us to understand how scheduling affects QoS guarantees and whether favoring small job sizes results in large job sizes being treated unfairly. Finally, we move beyond the simplified models traditionally used in scheduling research and provide results characterizing the effectiveness of scheduling in multiserver systems and when users are interactive. These results allow us to answer questions about the how to design multiserver systems and how to choose a workload generator when evaluating new scheduling designs