11 research outputs found

    Towards Elastic Virtual Machine Placement in Overbooked OpenStack Clouds under Uncertainty

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    Cloud computing datacenters currently provide millions of virtual machines in highly dynamic Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) markets. As a first step on implementing algorithms previously proposed by the authors for Virtual Machine Placement (VMP) in a real- world IaaS middleware, this work presents an experimental comparison of these algorithms against current algorithms considered for solving VMP problems in OpenStack. Several experiments considering scenario- based simulations for uncertainty modelling demonstrate that the proposed algorithms present promising results for its implementation towards real-world operations. Next research steps are also summarized.Facultad de Informátic

    Towards Elastic Virtual Machine Placement in Overbooked OpenStack Clouds under Uncertainty

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    Cloud computing datacenters currently provide millions of virtual machines in highly dynamic Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) markets. As a first step on implementing algorithms previously proposed by the authors for Virtual Machine Placement (VMP) in a real- world IaaS middleware, this work presents an experimental comparison of these algorithms against current algorithms considered for solving VMP problems in OpenStack. Several experiments considering scenario- based simulations for uncertainty modelling demonstrate that the proposed algorithms present promising results for its implementation towards real-world operations. Next research steps are also summarized.Facultad de Informátic

    Towards Elastic Virtual Machine Placement in Overbooked OpenStack Clouds under Uncertainty

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    Cloud computing datacenters currently provide millions of virtual machines in highly dynamic Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) markets. As a first step on implementing algorithms previously proposed by the authors for Virtual Machine Placement (VMP) in a real- world IaaS middleware, this work presents an experimental comparison of these algorithms against current algorithms considered for solving VMP problems in OpenStack. Several experiments considering scenario- based simulations for uncertainty modelling demonstrate that the proposed algorithms present promising results for its implementation towards real-world operations. Next research steps are also summarized.Facultad de Informátic

    Two-Phase Virtual Machine Placement Algorithms for Cloud Computing: An Experimental Evaluation under Uncertainty

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    Cloud computing providers must support requests for resources in dynamic environments, considering service elasticity and overbooking of physical resources. Due to the randomness of requests, Virtual Machine Placement (VMP) problems should be formulated under uncertainty. In this context, a renewed formulation of the VMP problem is presented, considering the optimization of four objective functions: (i) power consumption, (ii) economical revenue, (iii) resource utilization and (iv) reconfiguration time. To solve the presented formulation, a two-phase optimization scheme is considered, composed by an online incremental VMP phase (iVMP) and an offline VMP reconfiguration (VMPr) phase. An experimental evaluation of five algorithms taking into account 400 different scenarios was performed, considering three VMPr Triggering and two VMPr Recovering methods as well as three VMPr resolution alternatives. Experimental results indicate which algorithm outperformed the other evaluated algorithms, improving the quality of solutions in a scenario-based uncertainty model considering the following evaluation criteria: (i) average, (ii) maximum and (iii) minimum objective function costs.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Two-Phase Virtual Machine Placement Algorithms for Cloud Computing: An Experimental Evaluation under Uncertainty

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    Cloud computing providers must support requests for resources in dynamic environments, considering service elasticity and overbooking of physical resources. Due to the randomness of requests, Virtual Machine Placement (VMP) problems should be formulated under uncertainty. In this context, a renewed formulation of the VMP problem is presented, considering the optimization of four objective functions: (i) power consumption, (ii) economical revenue, (iii) resource utilization and (iv) reconfiguration time. To solve the presented formulation, a two-phase optimization scheme is considered, composed by an online incremental VMP phase (iVMP) and an offline VMP reconfiguration (VMPr) phase. An experimental evaluation of five algorithms taking into account 400 different scenarios was performed, considering three VMPr Triggering and two VMPr Recovering methods as well as three VMPr resolution alternatives. Experimental results indicate which algorithm outperformed the other evaluated algorithms, improving the quality of solutions in a scenario-based uncertainty model considering the following evaluation criteria: (i) average, (ii) maximum and (iii) minimum objective function costs.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    A Multi-Objective Approach for Multi-Cloud Infrastructure Brokering in Dynamic Markets

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    Cloud Service Brokers (CSBs) simplify complex resource allocation decisions, efficiently linking up the tenant dynamic requirements in to providers dynamic offers, where several objectives should ideally be considered. Nowadays, both demands and offers should be considered in dynamic environments, representing particular challenges in cloud computing markets. This work proposes for the first time a pure multiobjective formulation of a broker-oriented Virtual Machine Placement (VMP) problem for dynamic environments, simultaneously optimizing following objective functions: (1) Total Infrastructure CPU (TICPU), (2) Total Infrastructure Memory (TIMEM) and (3) Total Infrastructure Price (TIP) subject to load balancing across providers. To solve the formulated multi-objective problem, a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) is proposed. When a change arises in the demands or in the offers, a set of non-dominated solutions is found (usually more than one solution), selection strategies were considered in order to automatically select a solution at each reconfiguration. The proposed MOEA and selection strategies, were compared in different scenarios composed by real data from providers in actual markets. Experimental results demonstrate the good quality of the obtained solutions for the proposed scenarios.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Two-Phase Virtual Machine Placement Algorithms for Cloud Computing: An Experimental Evaluation under Uncertainty

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    Cloud computing providers must support requests for resources in dynamic environments, considering service elasticity and overbooking of physical resources. Due to the randomness of requests, Virtual Machine Placement (VMP) problems should be formulated under uncertainty. In this context, a renewed formulation of the VMP problem is presented, considering the optimization of four objective functions: (i) power consumption, (ii) economical revenue, (iii) resource utilization and (iv) reconfiguration time. To solve the presented formulation, a two-phase optimization scheme is considered, composed by an online incremental VMP phase (iVMP) and an offline VMP reconfiguration (VMPr) phase. An experimental evaluation of five algorithms taking into account 400 different scenarios was performed, considering three VMPr Triggering and two VMPr Recovering methods as well as three VMPr resolution alternatives. Experimental results indicate which algorithm outperformed the other evaluated algorithms, improving the quality of solutions in a scenario-based uncertainty model considering the following evaluation criteria: (i) average, (ii) maximum and (iii) minimum objective function costs.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO