55 research outputs found

    Introductory Computer Forensics

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    INTERPOL (International Police) built cybercrime programs to keep up with emerging cyber threats, and aims to coordinate and assist international operations for ?ghting crimes involving computers. Although signi?cant international efforts are being made in dealing with cybercrime and cyber-terrorism, ?nding effective, cooperative, and collaborative ways to deal with complicated cases that span multiple jurisdictions has proven dif?cult in practic

    An examination of the Asus WL-HDD 2.5 as a nepenthes malware collector

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    The Linksys WRT54g has been used as a host for network forensics tools for instance Snort for a long period of time. Whilst large corporations are already utilising network forensic tools, this paper demonstrates that it is quite feasible for a non-security specialist to track and capture malicious network traffic. This paper introduces the Asus Wireless Hard disk as a replacement for the popular Linksys WRT54g. Firstly, the Linksys router will be introduced detailing some of the research that was undertaken on the device over the years amongst the security community. It then briefly discusses malicious software and the impact this may have for a home user. The paper then outlines the trivial steps in setting up Nepenthes 0.1.7 (a malware collector) for the Asus WL-HDD 2.5 according to the Nepenthes and tests the feasibility of running the malware collector on the selected device. The paper then concludes on discussing the limitations of the device when attempting to execute Nepenthes

    Professional English. Fundamentals of Software Engineering

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    Посібник містить оригінальні тексти фахового змісту, які супроводжуються термінологічним тематичним вокабуляром та вправами різного методичного спрямування. Для студентів, які навчаються за напрямами підготовки: «Програмна інженерія», «Комп’ютерні науки» «Комп’ютерна інженерія»

    Defensive Cyber Battle Damage Assessment Through Attack Methodology Modeling

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    Due to the growing sophisticated capabilities of advanced persistent cyber threats, it is necessary to understand and accurately assess cyber attack damage to digital assets. This thesis proposes a Defensive Cyber Battle Damage Assessment (DCBDA) process which utilizes the comprehensive understanding of all possible cyber attack methodologies captured in a Cyber Attack Methodology Exhaustive List (CAMEL). This research proposes CAMEL to provide detailed knowledge of cyber attack actions, methods, capabilities, forensic evidence and evidence collection methods. This product is modeled as an attack tree called the Cyber Attack Methodology Attack Tree (CAMAT). The proposed DCBDA process uses CAMAT to analyze potential attack scenarios used by an attacker. These scenarios are utilized to identify the associated digital forensic methods in CAMEL to correctly collect and analyze the damage from a cyber attack. The results from the experimentation of the proposed DCBDA process show the process can be successfully applied to cyber attack scenarios to correctly assess the extent, method and damage caused by a cyber attack


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    Building data-intensive applications and emerging computing paradigm (e.g., Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) in cloud computing environments is becoming a norm, given the many advantages in scalability, reliability, security and performance. However, under rapid changes in applications, system middleware and underlying storage device, service providers are facing new challenges to deliver performance and security isolation in the context of shared resources among multiple tenants. The gap between the decades-old storage abstraction and modern storage device keeps widening, calling for software/hardware co-designs to approach more effective performance and security protocols. This dissertation rethinks the storage subsystem from device-level to system-level and proposes new designs at different levels to tackle performance and security issues for cloud storage systems. In the first part, we present an event-based SSD (Solid State Drive) simulator that models modern protocols, firmware and storage backend in detail. The proposed simulator can capture the nuances of SSD internal states under various I/O workloads, which help researchers understand the impact of various SSD designs and workload characteristics on end-to-end performance. In the second part, we study the security challenges of shared in-storage computing infrastructures. Many cloud providers offer isolation at multiple levels to secure data and instance, however, security measures in emerging in-storage computing infrastructures are not studied. We first investigate the attacks that could be conducted by offloaded in-storage programs in a multi-tenancy cloud environment. To defend against these attacks, we build a lightweight Trusted Execution Environment, IceClave to enable security isolation between in-storage programs and internal flash management functions. We show that while enforcing security isolation in the SSD controller with minimal hardware cost, IceClave still keeps the performance benefit of in-storage computing by delivering up to 2.4x better performance than the conventional host-based trusted computing approach. In the third part, we investigate the performance interference problem caused by other tenants' I/O flows. We demonstrate that I/O resource sharing can often lead to performance degradation and instability. The block device abstraction fails to expose SSD parallelism and pass application requirements. To this end, we propose a software/hardware co-design to enforce performance isolation by bridging the semantic gap. Our design can significantly improve QoS (Quality of Service) by reducing throughput penalties and tail latency spikes. Lastly, we explore more effective I/O control to address contention in the storage software stack. We illustrate that the state-of-the-art resource control mechanism, Linux cgroups is insufficient for controlling I/O resources. Inappropriate cgroup configurations may even hurt the performance of co-located workloads under memory intensive scenarios. We add kernel support for limiting page cache usage per cgroup and achieving I/O proportionality

    The sources and characteristics of electronic evidence and artificial intelligence

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    In this updated edition of the well-established practitioner text, Stephen Mason and Daniel Seng have brought together a team of experts in the field to provide an exhaustive treatment of electronic evidence and electronic signatures. This fifth edition continues to follow the tradition in English evidence text books by basing the text on the law of England and Wales, with appropriate citations of relevant case law and legislation from other jurisdictions

    Flexible Hardware-based Security-aware Mechanisms and Architectures

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    For decades, software security has been the primary focus in securing our computing platforms. Hardware was always assumed trusted, and inherently served as the foundation, and thus the root of trust, of our systems. This has been further leveraged in developing hardware-based dedicated security extensions and architectures to protect software from attacks exploiting software vulnerabilities such as memory corruption. However, the recent outbreak of microarchitectural attacks has shaken these long-established trust assumptions in hardware entirely, thereby threatening the security of all of our computing platforms and bringing hardware and microarchitectural security under scrutiny. These attacks have undeniably revealed the grave consequences of hardware/microarchitecture security flaws to the entire platform security, and how they can even subvert the security guarantees promised by dedicated security architectures. Furthermore, they shed light on the sophisticated challenges particular to hardware/microarchitectural security; it is more critical (and more challenging) to extensively analyze the hardware for security flaws prior to production, since hardware, unlike software, cannot be patched/updated once fabricated. Hardware cannot reliably serve as the root of trust anymore, unless we develop and adopt new design paradigms where security is proactively addressed and scrutinized across the full stack of our computing platforms, at all hardware design and implementation layers. Furthermore, novel flexible security-aware design mechanisms are required to be incorporated in processor microarchitecture and hardware-assisted security architectures, that can practically address the inherent conflict between performance and security by allowing that the trade-off is configured to adapt to the desired requirements. In this thesis, we investigate the prospects and implications at the intersection of hardware and security that emerge across the full stack of our computing platforms and System-on-Chips (SoCs). On one front, we investigate how we can leverage hardware and its advantages, in contrast to software, to build more efficient and effective security extensions that serve security architectures, e.g., by providing execution attestation and enforcement, to protect the software from attacks exploiting software vulnerabilities. We further propose that they are microarchitecturally configured at runtime to provide different types of security services, thus adapting flexibly to different deployment requirements. On another front, we investigate how we can protect these hardware-assisted security architectures and extensions themselves from microarchitectural and software attacks that exploit design flaws that originate in the hardware, e.g., insecure resource sharing in SoCs. More particularly, we focus in this thesis on cache-based side-channel attacks, where we propose sophisticated cache designs, that fundamentally mitigate these attacks, while still preserving performance by enabling that the performance security trade-off is configured by design. We also investigate how these can be incorporated into flexible and customizable security architectures, thus complementing them to further support a wide spectrum of emerging applications with different performance/security requirements. Lastly, we inspect our computing platforms further beneath the design layer, by scrutinizing how the actual implementation of these mechanisms is yet another potential attack surface. We explore how the security of hardware designs and implementations is currently analyzed prior to fabrication, while shedding light on how state-of-the-art hardware security analysis techniques are fundamentally limited, and the potential for improved and scalable approaches