6 research outputs found

    Empirical Evaluation of Real World Tournaments

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    Computational Social Choice (ComSoc) is a rapidly developing field at the intersection of computer science, economics, social choice, and political science. The study of tournaments is fundamental to ComSoc and many results have been published about tournament solution sets and reasoning in tournaments. Theoretical results in ComSoc tend to be worst case and tell us little about performance in practice. To this end we detail some experiments on tournaments using real wold data from soccer and tennis. We make three main contributions to the understanding of tournaments using real world data from English Premier League, the German Bundesliga, and the ATP World Tour: (1) we find that the NP-hard question of finding a seeding for which a given team can win a tournament is easily solvable in real world instances, (2) using detailed and principled methodology from statistical physics we show that our real world data obeys a log-normal distribution; and (3) leveraging our log-normal distribution result and using robust statistical methods, we show that the popular Condorcet Random (CR) tournament model does not generate realistic tournament data.Comment: 2 Figure

    Who Can Win a Single-Elimination Tournament?

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    A single-elimination (SE) tournament is a popular way to select a winner in both sports competitions and in elections. A natural and well-studied question is the tournament fixing problem (TFP): given the set of all pairwise match outcomes, can a tournament organizer rig an SE tournament by adjusting the initial seeding so that their favorite player wins? We prove new sufficient conditions on the pairwise match outcome information and the favorite player, under which there is guaranteed to be a seeding where the player wins the tournament. Our results greatly generalize previous results. We also investigate the relationship between the set of players that can win an SE tournament under some seeding (so called SE winners) and other traditional tournament solutions. In addition, we generalize and strengthen prior work on probabilistic models for generating tournaments. For instance, we show that \emph{every} player in an nn player tournament generated by the Condorcet Random Model will be an SE winner even when the noise is as small as possible, p=Θ(lnn/n)p=\Theta(\ln n/n); prior work only had such results for pΩ(lnn/n)p\geq \Omega(\sqrt{\ln n/n}). We also establish new results for significantly more general generative models.Comment: A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 30th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 201

    Robust Draws in Balanced Knockout Tournaments

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    Balanced knockout tournaments are ubiquitous in sports competitions and are also used in decision-making and elections. The traditional computational question, that asks to compute a draw (optimal draw) that maximizes the winning probability for a distinguished player, has received a lot of attention. Previous works consider the problem where the pairwise winning probabilities are known precisely, while we study how robust is the winning probability with respect to small errors in the pairwise winning probabilities. First, we present several illuminating examples to establish: (a)~there exist deterministic tournaments (where the pairwise winning probabilities are~0 or~1) where one optimal draw is much more robust than the other; and (b)~in general, there exist tournaments with slightly suboptimal draws that are more robust than all the optimal draws. The above examples motivate the study of the computational problem of robust draws that guarantee a specified winning probability. Second, we present a polynomial-time algorithm for approximating the robustness of a draw for sufficiently small errors in pairwise winning probabilities, and obtain that the stated computational problem is NP-complete. We also show that two natural cases of deterministic tournaments where the optimal draw could be computed in polynomial time also admit polynomial-time algorithms to compute robust optimal draws

    Condorcet-Consistent and Approximately Strategyproof Tournament Rules

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    We consider the manipulability of tournament rules for round-robin tournaments of nn competitors. Specifically, nn competitors are competing for a prize, and a tournament rule rr maps the result of all (n2)\binom{n}{2} pairwise matches (called a tournament, TT) to a distribution over winners. Rule rr is Condorcet-consistent if whenever ii wins all n1n-1 of her matches, rr selects ii with probability 11. We consider strategic manipulation of tournaments where player jj might throw their match to player ii in order to increase the likelihood that one of them wins the tournament. Regardless of the reason why jj chooses to do this, the potential for manipulation exists as long as Pr[r(T)=i]\Pr[r(T) = i] increases by more than Pr[r(T)=j]\Pr[r(T) = j] decreases. Unfortunately, it is known that every Condorcet-consistent rule is manipulable (Altman and Kleinberg). In this work, we address the question of how manipulable Condorcet-consistent rules must necessarily be - by trying to minimize the difference between the increase in Pr[r(T)=i]\Pr[r(T) = i] and decrease in Pr[r(T)=j]\Pr[r(T) = j] for any potential manipulating pair. We show that every Condorcet-consistent rule is in fact 1/31/3-manipulable, and that selecting a winner according to a random single elimination bracket is not α\alpha-manipulable for any α>1/3\alpha > 1/3. We also show that many previously studied tournament formats are all 1/21/2-manipulable, and the popular class of Copeland rules (any rule that selects a player with the most wins) are all in fact 11-manipulable, the worst possible. Finally, we consider extensions to match-fixing among sets of more than two players.Comment: 20 page