7 research outputs found

    The Model for Decreasing the Costs in Supply Chain with Importance of Suppliers

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    The article deals with a design of model for decreasing costs in the supply chain with especially importance of alternative suppliers on the base model of authors Bahareh Amirjabbari Nadia Bhuiyan and their cost minimization model with adjustment of safety stock Paper shows the formulation and design of cost model with outlining a model in a particular case study to supply chain with two suppliers and with their respective independent alternative suppliers stream of material manufacturing in plant safety stock and two final customers and used the conclusion of case study for further research with design appropriate model for distribution of final parts to costumers The goal of this paper is a model and its application to reduce costs in supply chains using contracted suppliers and their probability of delivery in conjunction with alternative suppliers and their performanc

    Impact of epidemic outbreaks (COVID-19) on global supply chains: A case of trade between Turkey and China

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    COVID-19 has negative impacts on supply chain operations between countries. The novelty of the study is to evaluate the sectoral effects of COVID-19 on global supply chains in the example of Turkey and China, considering detailed parameters, thanks to the developed System Dynamics (SD) model. During COVID-19 spread, most of the countries decided long period of lockdowns which impacted the production and supply chains. This had also caused decrease in capacity utilizations and industrial productions in many countries which resulted with imbalance of maritime trade between countries that increased the freight costs. In this study, cause and effect relations of trade parameters, supply chain parameters, demographic data and logistics data on disruptions of global supply chains have been depicted for specifically Turkey and China since China is the biggest importer of Turkey. Due to this disruption, mainly exports from Turkey to China has been impacted in food, chemical and mining sectors. This study is helpful to plan in which sectors; the actions should be taken by the government bodies or managers. Based on findings of this study, new policies such as onshore activities should consider to overcome the logistics and supply chain disruptions in global supply chains. This study has been presented beneficial implications for the government, policymakers and academia

    A rising giant in the East?: Disaggregating China’s contemporary economic power

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    To what extent are the foundations of hegemonic power present in Contemporary China? This thesis addresses the question through the application of a two-pillar structural power framework. Prominent IPE scholarship on hegemony tends to privilege the internal or external foundations of hegemony and to privilege production and trade or financial development as its subject of analysis. Through the two-pillar framework, the thesis presents a comprehensive analysis of the internal and external dimensions of power in the realms of production and trade on the one hand and financial development on the other. Overall, this holistic account allows for a disaggregated and nuanced account of the partial rise of China to be presented. The thesis found that, in relations to the finance pillar, although having undergone a series of reform which have deepened its financial capacity domestically, China’s external engagement and influence within international financial institutions remains limited. In relations to the production structure, China has proactively engaged with resource-rich regions to secure a stable supply of key inputs but remains heavily reliant on external demand within its unbalanced domestic economy. Overall, the thesis suggests that uneven foundations of structural power present a constraint on the rise of China