28 research outputs found

    Theorizing and Data Analysis in Qualitative Process Research

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    Process research often involves collecting qualitative data over a multi-year period. Making sense of a large body of qualitative data is a daunting task for researchers new to process research. We present a framework for interpreting raw process data, writing a case history, applying theory to the case, and identifying patterns. We have found this a useful and understandable approach to theorizing from process data. We present a detailed example of how we applied this approach using an example case

    The curious case of the missing employee in information systems research

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    ICT has transformed our working lives. The IS discipline has a great deal to contribute to better understand the employee management issues associated with the implementation of new technologies. This paper analyses the IS literature to ascertain the level of research being undertaken in the area of employee management and human resource management. The analysis illustrates that employee management is currently not a key area of research in the mainstream IS discipline. The antecedents as to why there have not been many papers published in this area are many and as yet unstudied. The paper concludes by suggesting future areas of research addressing employee management issues.<br /

    Virtual Teams and International Business Teaching and Learning: The Case of the Global Enterprise Experience (GEE)

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    The increasing importance of global virtual teams in business is reflected in the classroom by the increased adoption of activities that facilitate real-time cross-cultural interaction. This article documents the experience of students from two Colombian universities who participated in a collaborative international project using virtual teams as part of the international business (IB) curriculum. The data reveals that in spite of challenges associated with time zone differences, technology limitations, and trust issues, the vast majority of students perceived that the use of virtual teams as a teaching tool facilitates cultural understanding and IB-relevant learning. The findings of this research suggest that online experiential exercises can be an effective approach in teaching and in the development of virtual collaboration skills

    Towards inter-organizational Enterprise Architecture Management - Applicability of TOGAF 9.1 for Network Organizations

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    Network organizations and inter-organizational systems (IOS) have recently been the subjects of extensive research and practice. Various papers discuss technical issues as well as several complex business considerations and cultural issues. However, one interesting aspect of this context has only received adequate coverage so far, namely the ability of existing Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) frameworks to address the diverse challenges of inter-organizational collaboration. The relevance of this question is grounded in the increasing significance of IOS and the insight that many organizations model their architecture using such frameworks. This paper addresses the question by firstly conducting a conceptual literature review in order to identify a set of challenges. An EAM framework was then chosen and its ability to address the challenges was evaluated. The chosen framework is The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) 9.1 and the analysis conducted with regard to the support of network organizations highlights which issues it deals with. TOGAF serves as a good basis to solve the challenges of “Process and Data Integration” and “Infrastructure and Application Integration”. Other areas such as the “Organization of the Network Organization” need further support. Both the identification of challenges and the analysis of TOGAF assist academics and practitioners alike to identify further research topics as well as to find documentation related to inter-organizational problems in EAM

    Mutualisme bancaire, Hétérosis organisationnelle et difficultés de gouvernance

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    Heterosis is a Greek word standing for hybrid body robustness. Using this metaphor for organizations leads to display some original sustainability characteristics and corporate governance rules. Mutual Banks provide a relevant field to investigate Heterosis concept. Moreover this study aims to provide a framework to study hybrid organizations heterosis.L'hétérosis qualifie la vigueur d'un organisme hybride. L'utilisation métaphorique de cette notion au niveau des organisations permet de faire émerger les conditions de leur pérennité. Elle permet également d'esquisser les contours de leur gouvernance. Dans cette communication, la notion d'hétérosis est appliquée aux organisations mutualistes bancaires et conduit à s'interroger sur les facteurs d'accroissement de la solidité des banques coopératives mutualistes et sur le type de gouvernance pouvant en assurer la pérennité

    Consequences of Project Team Member Turnover for agile Information Systems Development Teams: A Multiple Case Study

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    Turnover of IT professionals has been at the center of IT workforce research, mainly focusing on individual level drivers and consequences. This paper explores how turnover events affect the dynamics of agile software development (ISD) teams. We conducted 25 semi-structured interviews in seven cases to understand team-level consequences of turnover events. We found that ISD teams who directly or indirectly experienced turnover events are confronted with the following four consequences on the group level: (1) group dynamics shift, leading to (2) interpersonal voids, and (3) voids of expertise which consequently leads to (4) rebalancing resources. Through our work, we contribute to a better understanding of how coping processes that start after collective turnover occurs in agile ISD teams are shaped at the group level

    Managerial interventions in multicultural virtual teams: A review and synthesis of the literature

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    Teams distributed across cultural, geographic and temporal boundaries, also known as multi-cultural virtual teams (MVTs), have been prevalent in international organizations. To provide guidance for MVT managers and support accumulation of prior experience, we establish a management model based on the extended adaptive structuration theory (EAST) and verify the model with 55 empirical studies from leading publications in related fields. The findings contribute a comprehensive set of empirically verified managerial intervention in MVTs and suggest that managers can improve MVT outcomes through manipulating five sets of struc-tural characteristics (i.e., organization, team, individual, technology and task) before and dur-ing the task process. Based on the findings, we generate a holistic view of managerial inter-vention, which explains the mechanisms of managerial intervention in MVTs