5 research outputs found


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    É notório o crescimento do setor de serviços, bemcomo um aumento da utilização de software.Associado a estes fatos, observa-se uma tendênciade terceirização das atividades que não estão ligadasà competência central das organizações. Uma delasé a atividade de desenvolvimento de software. Nessecontexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo demonstrara construção de um instrumento de avaliaçãoda qualidade em serviços para uma fábrica desoftware. Analisa-se o processo de desenvolvimentode software em uma organização e constrói-se,com base na literatura e em um mapeamento dodesenvolvimento de software da empresa estudada,um instrumento para avaliar a qualidade dos serviçosprestados. O trabalho apresenta o instrumento deavaliação construído e discute-se sua aplicaçãoe suas limitações. Conclui-se que o instrumentodesenvolvido pode ser considerado como um pontode partida para ser aplicado junto aos clientes,fornecendo dados sobre a sua percepção acerca dosserviços prestados por uma fábrica de software

    Exploring capability maturity models and relevant practices as solutions addressing information technology service offshoring project issues

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    This research investigated Capability Maturity Models (CMM) / Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) best practices and their effects on managing and mitigating critical issues associated with offshore development. Using a web-based survey, data was collected from 451 Information Technology and software development firms in the US. The results of the analysis show that IT companies applying CMM/CMMI models have fewer issues associated with IT offshoring. When US IT companies utilizing and incorporating different practices from TSP and People-CMM into CMMI-DEV/SVC and CMMI-ACQ, they have fewer offshoring issues related to language barriers and cultural differences

    Governance Methods Used in Externalizing Information Technology

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    Information technology (IT) is the largest capital expenditure in many firms and is an integral part of many organizations\u27 strategies. However, the benefits that each company receives from its IT investments vary. One study by Weill (2004) found that the top performer in the sample was estimated to have as high as a 40 greater return on its IT investment than its competitors. To expedite the progress toward getting better value from IT investments, along with the need to deal with the increasing complexity and expense of IT, a growing number of companies are turning to outside service providers to develop and/or manage various aspects of their information systems. The governance methods used by firms to maintain control over the quality, services, and cost of IT outsourcing are the focus of this dissertation.Previously in the literature, researchers have looked into the phenomenon of outsourcing from various perspectives. However, existing literature has not constructed or proposed an outsourcing model that examines the important moderating impact of internal technical capabilities to governance mechanisms. Building on existing literature related to IT outsourcing, this dissertation examines governance mechanisms that were used by firms to maintain control over the quality, services, and the cost of outsourcing of IT in order to identify their contribution to the success of IT outsourcing initiatives from the perspective of managers whose companies have engaged in IT outsourcing. In this dissertation, a research model was developed, and through an on-line survey instrument, data were collected from the members of the Information Systems Community of Practice in the Project Management Institute. The findings showed that the following governance mechanisms had positive impact on managerial perceptions of IT outsourcing success: (1) Financial commitment in the form of dedicated asset-specific investments and (2) attitudinal commitment. This study also confirms the moderation effect that firm technological capab