10 research outputs found

    Hybrid VFT/Delphi Method to Facilitate the Development of Information Security Strategies in Developing Countries

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    As systems become more interconnected the vulnerability to cyber attack also increases. The increased use of information and communication technology (ICT) in developing countries and the dangers associated with interconnectivity grows equally. The lack of an established guideline for information security planning and execution in developing countries further complicates this problem. There is the need for a holistic approach to information security planning. This study will use a combination of the Value Focused Thinking methodology and the measured Delphi Method to develop a framework that can assist decision makers and stakeholders in developing countries to craft and execute their information security strategies

    Decisions in software development proyects management: an exploratory study.

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    Given the importance of software in today's world, the development of software systems is a key activity that requires complex management scenarios. This article explores the implications of hard decisions in the context of software development projects (SDPs). More in deep, it focuses on the emotional consequences of making hard decisions in IT organisations. Complex SDPs involve a great variety of actors. This fact entails morale, feelings and emotions, which play an important role for communication, interaction and, ultimately, decision making. The aim of the article is twofold. First (Study 1), to identify which are the most important hard decisions in SDPS. Second (Study 2), to study the influence of emotions on decision-making processes (Study 2). Findings show the complex emotional consequences and difficulties that managers must face in hard decision-making processes.Publicad

    Revisiting Global Information Systems Management Education

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    Business enterprises continue to globalize, motivated by their search for new markets, greater efficiency in the use of resources, and greater competitiveness. Information systems and technologies serve as one of the critical success factors for making this possible. Some IS curricula supported this development by either integrating more globalization into current courses or by delivering stand-alone courses in Global IS Management as electives or requirements. The purpose of this paper is to review and propose best practices for the Global IS Management course, and consider contingencies that can be expected to influence the choice and success of various approaches. The paper provides a categorization of such courses based on differences in education level (graduate/undergraduate) and student population (MIS/InternationalBusiness/ mixed). We discuss experiences with approaches and practices that work across these segments, and activities targeted to each segment. The paper revisits and argues for the need to expand this curriculum, and provides practical details for MIS faculty who seek to integrate it into their own programs

    The Delphi Method Research Strategy in Studies of Information Systems

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    In this paper, we discuss the nature and use of the Delphi methodology in information systems research. More specifically, we explore how and why it may be used. We discuss criteria for evaluating Delphi research and define characteristics useful for categorizing the studies. We review Delphi application use in IS research over the last 23 years, summarize lessons learned from prior studies, offer suggestions for improvement, and present guidelines for employing this distinctly useful qualitative method in future information systems research studies

    Defining a scenario for Enterprise 2.0 by 2020 in Spain

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es desarrollar un estudio prospectivo sobre el uso de la tecnología Web 2.0 en las empresas españolas para el año 2020 con el propósito de explicar aquellos factores que estimulan u obstaculizan la implantación de esta tecnología. Partiendo de este objetivo, hemos definido un marco teórico de la Empresa 2.0 donde se define qué es la Empresa 2.0, sus características y principales ventajas. La metodología aplicada ha sido el método Delphi de dos rondas a través del cual se ha logrado defi- nir un escenario futuro para la Empresa 2.0. Se incluyen en este escenario el análisis de la difusión por zonas geográfica y sector, entre otras dimensiones. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que la mayor difusión en el horizonte analizado se desarrollará en América del Norte. Además los sectores con mayor difusión serán el turismo y la educación. Finalmente, los expertos consideran que la mejora de la imagen corporativa es el principal factor crí- tico de éxito en la implantación de la Web 2.0 en las empresas, y la inexperiencia de los usuarios es considerado como aquel factor que dificultará en mayor medida la implantaciónThe aim of this article is to build a forecasting study about the use of Web 2.0 tech- nologies in Spanish companies by 2020 in order to explain which factors stimulate or block the implementation of this type of technologies.Based on this objective, we have defined a theoretical background for Enterprise 2.0 with the intention of analyzing concepts, features, as well as advan- tages. We have applied the Delphi method, based on two rounds. With this method, we have reached a future scenario for Enterprise 2.0. Variables regarding the different geographical regions and indus- tries have been used to analyze the diffusion of Web 2.0 technology in companies. As a result of the research, it should be emphasized that the use of Web 2.0 technologies would be increased in North American companies. Furthermore, tourism and education are bound to expand their techno- logies. Finally, it is believed that the benefits on the corporate image is the main critical success factor to implement the Web 2.0 technologies in companies, and the inexperienced users are more likely to difficult the implementatio

    The Delphi method as a research tool: an example, design considerations and applications

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    The Delphi method has proven a popular tool in information systems research for identifying and prioritizing issues for managerial decision-making. However, many past studies have not adopted a systematic approach to conduct a Delphi study. This article provides rigorous guidelines for the process of selecting appropriate experts for the study and gives detailed principles for making design choices during the process that ensure a valid study. A detailed example of a study to identify key factors affecting the diffusion of e-commerce in Sub-Saharan Africa illustrates the design choices that may be involved. We conclude with suggestions for theoretical applications

    Ressources, capacités et avantage concurrentiel en gestion de projet TI : une étude Delphi

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    La littérature abonde d'articles associant la mise en place de technologies de l'information (TI) à l'avantage concurrentiel durable d'une entreprise, Malgré les investissements considérables dans cette discipline, bon nombre de projets TI continuent d'échouer. Pour prévenir de tels échecs, il s'avère important pour les organisations d'observer en amont des projets TI et de comprendre les tenants et aboutissants de leur gestion, d'en saisir l'importance stratégique ainsi que d'en identifier les éléments clefs et les bonnes pratiques. Ce mémoire présente le résultat d'une étude Delphi réalisée auprès de 30 experts en gestion de projet TI afin d'identifier les 10 ressources et capacités les plus importantes dans cette discipline pouvant être source d'avantage concurrentiel pour les organisations. Les résultats principaux de cette étude résident dans la criticité de l'alignement stratégique des projets TI au développement d'un avantage concurrentiel durable et à l'importance de la gestion des attentes, des besoins, des priorités et des intérêts des parties prenantes de projet. D'un point de vue pratique, les résultats de cette étude peuvent servir de base de départ au développement d'un instrument d'évaluation des pratiques en gestion de projet TI. Cet instrument pourrait être développé afin de permettre aux organisations d'identifier leurs forces et faiblesses parmi leur pratiques actuelles dans le contexte des 10 ressources et capacités les plus importantes en gestion de projet TI. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Gestion de projet TI, Avantage concurrentiel, Ressources et capacités, RBV, Delphi

    Marco para la asignación de paquetes de trabajo en entornos de desarrollo global de software

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    En el ámbito de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, la externalización por offshoring es una práctica consistente en la distribución de trabajo a centros de producción más allá de las fronteras de un determinado país. Esta práctica, unida al fenómeno de la globalización, ha transformado profundamente los procesos de la ingeniería del software y ha dado lugar a un paradigma denominado GSD (Global Software Development). En este paradigma los ingenieros y los equipos de desarrollo se encuentran geográficamente distribuidos por el planeta y utilizan tecnologías y herramientas colaborativas para la producción del software. Más allá de los aspectos beneficiosos y perjudiciales de este paradigma, del estudio de la literatura relacionada se puede concluir que, para mejorar el rendimiento en proyectos GSD, es necesario contar con herramientas de gestión maduras que tengan en consideración todas las fuerzas presentes en este tipo de proyectos. Una de las actividades iniciales de la gestión de proyectos GSD es la asignación de paquetes de trabajo. Esta actividad tiene un importante impacto en el desarrollo posterior del proyecto y conlleva la toma de decisiones complejas. Por ello, esta tesis doctoral está dirigida a proporcionar a los gestores de proyectos GSD un marco metodológico para la asignación de paquetes de trabajo. La resolución del problema se ha abordado a través de un enfoque multidisciplinar prestando especial atención a aspectos no directamente relacionados con la ingeniería del software, como son la gestión competencial y la gestión de la interculturalidad. La solución planteada proporciona un marco para la asignación de paquetes de trabajo en proyectos GSD, que es adaptable a las peculiaridades de cada organización o proyecto y que proporciona las métricas adecuadas para la evaluación de los factores implicados en dicha asignación. Para el desarrollo de esta tesis se ha definido una metodología de investigación sólida e integral, que ha incluido el análisis sistemático de la literatura relevante y la integración de metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa. La última fase del diseño de investigación consiste en una validación empírica del marco diseñado para verificar la utilidad del mismo. Los datos obtenidos de dicha validación indican que la utilización del marco para la asignación de paquetes de trabajo en entornos GSD contribuye a una mejora en dicho proceso. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the area of information technology services and development, offshoring outsourcing is the practice of distributing work to workers outside the national borders of the host country. This practice, together with the globalization phenomenon, has deeply transformed the software engineering processes and has led to a paradigm named GSD (Global Software Development). GSD teams are geographically distributed teams which make use of collaborative technologies and tools to produce software. In addition to the positive and negative aspects of this paradigm, the study of the literature indicates that the success of GSD projects requires mature management tools that take into consideration all the forces interacting within such environments. One of the activities in the initial phases of a GSD project is the allocation of work packages. This activity has a relevant impact in the subsequent development of the project and entails complex decisions. Therefore, this thesis is aimed at the definition of a methodological framework for the allocation of work packages. The resolution of the problem has been approached from a multidisciplinary point of view taking in consideration aspects not belonging to software engineering such as competence paradigm and cultural management. The proposed solution provides a framework to support the allocation of work packages in GSD projects that can be tailored to the concrete situation of each organization or project and that provides the most suitable metrics for the assessment of the different factors involved in the allocation. The development of this thesis has followed a sound and consistent research methodology that has included a systematic literature review and qualitative methods such as nominal group technique and Delphi. In the last phase of the research methodology an empirical validation has been performed to verify the applicability of the framework. The data obtained from the validation indicate that the application of the framework for the allocation of work packages in GSD environments introduces a relevant improvement of the aforementioned process

    A lean manufacturing implementation framework for improved productivity and efficiency in the sugar industry in Mozambique.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The Mozambican agricultural sector is a critical one that contributes to the country’s foreign currency earnings, gross domestic product and employment. The industry is the largest employer outside the government, contributing 80% of jobs in the country, of which 70% of the employees reside mainly in rural areas. The sector, including the food processing industry, contributes 33% of Mozambique's GDP. This study investigated the Mozambican sugar industry by identifying the critical efficiency measures, lean waste, critical lean implementation success factors, with the aim to propose a lean implementation framework for the industry. An exploratory sequential mixed method design was employed to achieve the research objectives, namely, to identify efficiency measures, lean wastes, critical implementation success factors and the building of the lean implementation framework. The qualitative component of the design was used to build the framework, while the quantitative part dealt with testing the framework developed. Cane to sugar ratio and overall time efficiency were the two main measures critical to monitoring and driving performance for this vital sector. Various wastes unique to the sugar industry in Mozambique were identified and clustered into the known lean waste for easy analysis. The study identified the wastes and their per cent contribution: overproduction (12.15%), overprocessing (12.15%), waiting time (12.36%), transportation (12.47%), defects (12.57%), human resources (12.57%), inventory (12.63%) and motion (13.11%). Eight success factors of the lean implementation were identified: training, briefing, legal, auditing, culture, rewards, support systems and regular feedback. The framework evaluation at the AD Factory yielded significant improvement in the efficiency performance measures for that sugar mill, registering improvements on main efficiency measures of 7.3% and 0.3% for OTE and CTS, respectively