14 research outputs found

    Analysis and Simulation of Theme Park Queuing System

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    [[abstract]]It has been an important issue to improve customers’ satisfaction in theme parks for which become a major role of recreation in our daily life. Waiting for rides has been identified as a factor decreasing satisfaction. A previous study indicated that a virtual queuing system can reduce the total waiting time so the customer’s satisfaction is improved. The results from a simulation tool Arena show that an index Satisfaction Value (SV) increases when the queuing system is introduced. In this study, a more complex scenario of theme park queuing system (TPQS) is first designed, followed by comparison of a number of combinations of the rides with various waiting time and distribution factors. Analysis is also carried out.[[sponsorship]]早稻田大學; 高雄應用科技大學[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20140827[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]北九州市, 日

    Análisis económico-financiero de los parques temáticos españoles

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    Los parques temáticos generan posiciones contrapuestas en la literatura especializada. Por un lado, quienes los defienden afirman que son uno de los segmentos más prometedores dentro del sector turístico. Por otro, hay otros autores que argumentan que constituyen unos negocios ruinosos, tal como demuestran sus cifras económico-financieras. Por ello, en este trabajo hemos analizado la evolución histórica y la situación actual de los parques españoles a través de su información económico-financiera, para intentar determinar desde un punto de vista técnico algunas de las causas que las han provocado y explicar la paradoja de su continuidad. Para alcanzarlo, hemos estudiado la evolución de los principales ratios económicos-financieros del sector, según la información contenida en sus Balances y Cuentas de Pérdidas y Ganancias. En términos generales, ponen de manifiesto una situación actual negativa y una previsible evolución poco alentadora, salvo que se lleven a cabo importantes reformas.Theme Parks generate opposed positions in specialized literature. On the one hand, there are those who defend them affirm that they are one of the most promising segments within the tourist sector. On the other hand, there are other authors who argue that they constitute ruinous businesses, as they demonstrate by their main financial figures. For that reason, in this work we have analyzed the historical evolution and the current situation of the Spanish Theme Parks through their financial information, in order to determine from a technical point of view some of the causes that have caused them and also to explain their continuity paradox. In order to reach it, we have studied the evolution of the main financial ratios of the sector, according to the information contained in their Balance Sheet and Losses and Profit Account. In general terms, they show a negative current situation and a non-positive foreseeable evolution, unless important reforms are carried out

    An exploration of the techniques, outputs and outcomes of circulation management at exhibitions

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    Purpose – To establish how and why exhibition managers manage circulation, this study explores the techniques (specific activities used to influence circulation), outputs (tangible enhancements in the performance of the exhibition resulting from changes in circulation dynamics), and outcomes (benefits of those enhancements to exhibitors, attendees and the exhibition organiser) of circulation management. Design/methodology/approach – In face-to-face interviews, ten exhibition managers were asked how and why they manage attendee circulation, which also involved a card-sorting exercise to elicit tacit circulation management knowledge. Four different experienced exhibitions managers from three continents were asked to validate the findings. Findings – Four types of techniques were identified: magnet, layout, curiosity & playfulness and guiding techniques, with these implemented to achieve five outputs: greater footfall, better exposure to exhibits, enhanced navigation, greater buzz, and managing congestion levels. The results further show that circulation was managed to achieve a variety of organiser-, exhibitor- and attendee-related outcomes. The study uncovered a large range of factors influencing the employment of circulation management techniques. Conflicts in outputs resulting from several techniques are highlighted, requiring the exhibition manager to establish which outputs and resulting outcomes take priority over others. Originality/value – This exploratory study is the first study to propose a circulation management model for the exhibition context, equipping exhibition managers with knowledge to strategically manage attendee circulation

    Analysis and Implications of Guest Attitudes Towards Queuing in Theme Parks

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    Queue lines are a fundamental inevitably of the modern theme park. Parks have begun to introduce various systems for combating the normal queue, some of which are at no extra cost to guests and some of which are an extra cost. These systems feature a variety of methods by which guests can bypass the normal queue and enter one featuring a minimal wait. Parks have also started to introduce elements within queues that make waiting in them easier and change guests’ perception of time, thus making the waits seem shorter. This thesis attempts to determine the attitudes of guests towards these new trends as well as traditional queuing. Experiences and perceptions of queues from theme park guests were collected and have been compared with existing literature on guest satisfaction, theme parks and queue lines in order to determine relationships between current practices and theory. The findings from these relationships resulted in several suggestions for theme parks to take into account as queues continue to evolve in order to best suit guest needs

    Implicações do tempo em filas na capacidade de carga e na satisfação dos visitantes de parques temáticos

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    Los parques temáticos son estructuras de ocio creadas a partir del uso de tecnología y basadas en tema específicos, desarrolladas para atraer a un gran número de personas en un espacio relativamente limitado. Se compone de servicios para visitantes, como estacionamiento y taquilla, además de su propósito principal, que son sus atracciones. La lógica de funcionamiento de estos parques lleva a la formación de filas en diversos momentos de la visita. En este contexto, la presente investigación tuvo por objetivo desarrollar un panorama sobre la percepción de los visitantes de los parques temáticos acerca del tiempo de espera en las filas de los principales servicios ofrecidos en estos establecimientos. Para ello, se aplicaron cuestionarios pre-estructurados para relleno online, con personas que ya han asistido a parques temáticos. Los datos recogidos se describieron con apoyo estadístico - regresión lineal y matriz de correlación de similitud - así como analizados y relacionados con conceptos de satisfacción en la visitación, capacidad de carga social y calidad de la experiencia. Los resultados demostraron que los tiempos de espera en las filas no afectaron significativamente la percepción de los encuestados, ya que las evaluaciones en el cuestionario fueron en su mayoría positivas. Así, se concluye que el tiempo de espera en filas no afecta negativamente la percepción de multitud y la capacidad de carga social de los parques temáticos en la percepción de los visitantes brasileños.Os parques temáticos são estruturas de lazer criadas a partir do uso da tecnologia e baseada em temas específicos, desenvolvidas para atrair grandes contingentes de pessoas em um espaço relativamente restrito. São compostos por serviços aos visitantes como estacionamento e bilheteria, além de sua finalidade maior, que são suas atrações. A lógica de funcionamento destes parques leva à formação de filas em diversos momentos da visitação. Neste contexto, a presente pesquisa teve por objetivo desenvolver um panorama sobre a percepção dos visitantes dos parques temáticos acerca do tempo de espera nas filas dos principais serviços oferecidos nestes estabelecimentos. Para tanto, foram aplicados questionários pré-estruturados para preenchimento online, com pessoas que já frequentaram parques temáticos. Os dados coletados foram descritos com apoio estatístico – regressão linear e matriz de correlação de similaridade – bem como analisados e relacionados com conceitos de satisfação na visitação, capacidade de carga social e qualidade da experiência. Os resultados demonstraram que os tempos de espera nas filas não afetaram de forma significativa a percepção dos respondentes, uma vez que as avaliações no questionário foram em sua maioria positivas. Assim, concluise que o tempo de espera em filas não afeta negativamente a percepção de lotação e a capacidade de carga social dos parques temáticos na percepção dos visitantes brasileiros. Palavras-chave: Capacidade de carga social; Percepção de lotação; Turismo de experiência.The theme parks are leisure structures created from the use of technology and based on specific themes, - designed to attract large contingents of people in a relatively restricted space. They consist of services to visitors such as parking and ticket office, including their biggest finality, which are the attractions. The logic of these parks’ functioning leads to the formation of queuing at various moments of the visitation. In this context, this research aimed to develop a panorama about the perception of the theme parks’ visitors about the waiting time in the queuing of the main services offered in these establishments. To do that, prestructured questionnaires were applied to be completed online, with people who already attended theme parks. The collected data were described with statistical support – linear regression and correlation matrix of similarity – as well as analyzed and related to concepts of satisfaction on visitation, social carrying capacity and experience quality. The results showed that the waiting times in the queues did not affect significantly the respondents’ perception, since the evaluations in the questionnaire were mostly positive. It can be concluded that the waiting time in queues does not affect negatively the perception of crowd and the social carrying capacity of the theme parks in the perception of Brazilian visitors. Keywords: Social carrying capacity; Crowded perception; Tourism of Experience


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    Malas (Pty) Ltd, a retail and distribution company, has been engaged in the tyre industry for over three decades specializing in the supply of wheels and tyre products together with related services to the South African market. Due to the increase in export and domestic sales of automobiles, the South African tyre market is expected to witness phenomenal growth over the next couple of years. The service centre, the Malas Drivestyle Centre houses a large and sophisticated workshop where its services are rendered. Currently it seems as if it is operating at full capacity, however, there is a great concern regarding the number of vehicles serviced per day. Management is of the opinion that maintaining current methods is hindering the company's ability to be able to satisfy the additional demand in order to remain competitive within the industry. The entire service system is constrained by the activities of the Workshop thus, this project focuses on a capacity analysis of the Workshop. The analysis will identify and aim to remove bottlenecks present in the system as well as provide an efficient manner of re-allocating resources to ensure system performance and the throughput rate is improved. After an investigation of Industrial Engineering tools, techniques and skills to solve capacity constrained systems was conducted, Simulation Modelling was selected as it is the best tool to accurately represent a real life complex system. The current As-Is model was modelled by the simulation, thus activities and resources were required to be analyzed in detail to construct the model as well as data analysis of real system data from the companies WMS system. Scenarios were generated using OptQuest with the primary objective to maximize profit. Profit is a surrogate measure for the throughput rate. OptQuest automatically generates optimal scenarios with alternative resource configurations. Using the SMORE plots in Simio, the best performing alternatives which are statistically significantly similar to each other were identified. These alternatives were recommended to Malas as a manner of planning and re-allocating their resources. By implementing this, not only is profits maximized but utilization of resources is inherently improved by the model. As a result the inefficiencies such as long queues and delays will be improved which results in increased customer satisfaction. The project aims to deliver a model to the firm to act as a decision support system to aid in strategic future plans. Thus it is highly recommended to implement this solution to ensure the long term objectives of Malas are achieved.Thesis (B Eng. (Industrial and Systems Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2012

    Probabilistic Forecasting in Decision-Making: New Methods and Applications

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    This thesis develops new methods to generate probabilistic forecasts and applies these methods to solve operations problems in practice. The first chapter introduces a new product life cycle model, the tilted-Gompertz model, which can predict the distribution of period sales and cumulative sales over a product's life cycle. The tilted-Gompertz model is developed by exponential tilting the Gompertz model, which has been widely applied in modelling human mortality. Due to the tilting parameter, this new model is flexible and capable of describing a wider range of shapes compared to existing life cycle models. In two empirical studies, one on the adoption of new products and the other on search interest in social networking websites, I find that the tilted-Gompertz model performs well on quantile forecasting and point forecasting, when compared to other leading life-cycle models. In the second chapter, I develop a new exponential smoothing model that can capture life-cycle trends. This new exponential smoothing model can also be viewed as a tilted-Gompertz model with time-varying parameters. The model can adapt to local changes in the time series due to the smoothing parameters in the exponential smoothing formulation. When estimating the parameters, prior information is included in the regularization terms of the model. In the empirical studies, the new exponential smoothing model outperforms several leading benchmark models in predicting quantiles on a rolling basis. In the final chapter, I develop a predictive system that predicts distributions of passengers' connection times and transfer passenger flows at an airport using machine learning methods. The predictive system is based on regression trees and copula-based simulations. London Heathrow airport currently uses this proposed system and has reported significant accuracy improvements over their legacy systems