156,965 research outputs found


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    The management of a business in the digital economy is based on a management process called digital management. Business in the digital economy integrates information technologies and communications within its activities and may be partially or totally electronic. Management of the business is carried out using information systems that support for the substantiation and decisions. Business electronic involve a complete change in how the customer is viewed in relation to the organization; requirements "e-customer" are larger and increasingly sophisticated, and the organization must be able to offer services of a quality that in the largest communities of a multinational partners and customers.management, business, IT & C, Internet, electronic


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    Planning Processes play an important role in almost any business scenario. In particular, induced by the financial crisis, financial planning as a foundation for liquidity management is paid extraordinary attention to. Its quality and reliability is usually ensured by the use of information systems. Besides process efficiency, a key factor in liquidity management is the quality of the delivered planning data. More recently, business intelligence measures to increase data quality, for instance, realized through decision support services, find their way into the planning process. In this paper, we lay the foundation to include digital analyses of reported financial planning numbers into automated decision support services. In this vein, our contribution is twofold: First, based on a large and representative data set from a renowned, multinational enterprise, we empirically prove that financial planning numbers exhibit a certain, characteristic digit distribution, namely, Benford\u27s Law. Second, we investigate whether decision support services that incorporate intelligence based on Benford\u27s Law are appropriate to increase financial planning data quality. This question is tackled via analyses that relate detailed properties of the delivered data to Benford\u27s Law as a prerequisite for the integration of automated decision support services into business intelligence systems

    Planning and Decision-Making Process of a Strategic IT Investment: A Case of a Web Content Management System in a Financial Organization

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    A modern business organization is increasingly dependent on smooth and reliable flows of data and information, both laterally and vertically, and both within and across its boundaries. Therefore, managing data should be viewed as an element of a fundamental corporate process. Information systems investments aim at enabling and supporting these processes. Investment decisions, again, originate from organizational strategies that need to be aligned with IT strategies, for systems to enable and support business processes. The topic of our enquiry is the planning and decision-making of those systems that qualify as strategic. We have created an extended framework to cover strategic, tactical and operational levels of planning and decision-making, also focusing on related control, communication, benefits management, and follow-up activities. Our research approach is a single case study method using a multinational financial services company. The investment is a Web Content Management (WCM) system that the company wishes to deploy in a unified, centralized manner throughout the business and geographical areas with the intention of reaping synergy effects. In the paper we enumerate our observations on the strategic planning process, decision-making, control and communication


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    The paper investigates the process of strategic management and missions of a multinational corporation on the basis of the model of the balanced scorecard (BSC) formation. Due to the trends in modern management, the development of a company’s strategy, and the estimation of its efficiency are carried out with increasing frequency by means of scorecards. Thus, the aim of the research is to explore the paradigm of strategic management of multinational corporations within the framework of implementation of the model of an enterprise scorecard in an ERP system. The topicality of the research is determined by the necessity to implement the worked out in detail monitoring of company’s activity in a strategic focus, which will allow increasing the operationability and efficiency of administrative decisions and controlling the most essential financial and non-financial performance indices. In the course of work, the authors were guided by the principles of systemic and dialectical approaches to explore the problem. Thereat methods of logic and factor analysis, swot analysis, scenario planning, approaches to grouping, comparison, generalization, interconnection of the theoretical and practical aspects of the work of multinational corporations were used. They serve to deepen the theoretical and methodological aspects referred to the formation of the accounting and analytical information and implementation of the balanced scorecard model in the process of institutionalization of informative economy. It is well-proven that optimization of a business strategy of companies contributes to realization of the information support mechanism of the accounting and analytical systems under the condition of ERP introduction- systems for the improvement of methods of accounting, control and analysis. It gives an opportunity to efficiently manage the resources of corporations, to regulate their production load, to control quality and push their products forward to foreign markets. It has been found out that, taking into account these tendencies, it is possible to construct a pay card of the system of indices according to the levels of acceptance of administrative decisions on the basis of all main business processes of a corporation

    Managing Global Information Strategy: Xerox, Ltd.

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    The diversity of information management (IM) issues and problems that a large multinational company may face are illustrated by showing how Xerox Ltd. managed its IM strategy over a ten-year period. The case study details the IM developments and shows how the Xerox IM team managed by focusing on a six-pronged strategy: business processes, data and information, applications, technology, organization, and human resources. The problems that Xerox faced in each of these areas are discussed and management’s approach to resolving them is described. In essence, Xerox’s move to managing-by-process required matching changes in IM capability to support it. Xerox’s earlier approach, which entailed a decentralized IS model, became inadequate for supporting the dynamic process model, and ultimately customer needs. The case then shows how the process model became heavily reliant on the capabilities offered by IM. As business processes and information systems became increasingly intertwined, Xerox aligned the development of both models and effectively brought their management and coordination together. A centralization strategy was key to bringing these latter changes about

    U.S. Multinational Services Companies: Effects of Foreign Affiliate Activity on U.S. Employment

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    This working paper examines the effect that U.S. services firms’ establishment abroad has on domestic employment. Whereas many papers have explored the employment effects of foreign direct investment in manufacturing, few have explored the effects of services investment. We find that services multinationals’ activities abroad increase U.S. employment by promoting intrafirm exports from parent firms to their foreign affiliates. These exports support jobs at the parents’ headquarters and throughout their U.S. supply chains. Our findings are principally based on economic research and econometric analysis performed by Commission staff, services trade and investment data published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, and employment data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In the aggregate, we find that services activities abroad support nearly 700,000 U.S. jobs. Case studies of U.S. multinationals in the banking, computer, logistics, and retail industries provide the global dimensions of U.S. MNC operations and identify domestic employment effects associated with foreign affiliate activity in each industry

    European Works Councils on the Periphery? A Case Study of a 'Global Economic Outpost'

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    European Works Councils (EWCs) are now an established part of industrial relations structures in approaching 600 multinational companies with potentially 10,000 or more employee participants(EIRR 2000). They have become the object of considerable expectation as, variously, vehicles for the development of a European industrial relations system, corporate communication networks or the basis for international trade union solidarity. They are equally the focus of wide ranging academic speculation, case study analysis and survey research. The empirical data that has been generated has served to support the development of a series of ‘models’ of EWCs that are commonly related to the initial expectations to their role

    The Role of Corporate HR Functions In Multinational Corporations: The Interplay Between Corporate, Regional/National And Plant Level

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    The HR literature has been abundant in providing typologies of the roles of HR professionals in their organisation. These typologies are largely related to the changing nature of HRM over time, and the context in which empirical work was carried out. In this paper we focus on the context of the increasing internationalisation of firms and how this has an effect upon modern-day typologies of HR roles. We explore these roles by focusing on the way in which HRM practices come about. Especially in a MNC setting of increasing internationalisation of firms the issues of coordination, shared learning and standardisation versus leeway for adapting to the local context (customisation) are prominent. These issues present themselves both at the corporate and regional level and at the national and local (plant) level. On all these levels HR practitioners are active and find themselves amidst the interplay of both (de-)centralisation and standardisation versus customisation processes. This paper thus explores the way in which HR practices come into being and how they are implemented and coordinated. These insights help us understand further the roles of international corporate HR functions that are being identified. Our data is based on 65 interviews, which were held (as part of larger study of HR-function excellence) with HR managers, line managers and senior executives of six multinational companies in eight countries from September to December 2004. This data reveals new classifications of processes by which HR activities are developed, implemented and coordinated, both in terms of who is involved and how these processes are carried out

    Management Accountant's Role and Functions in the Enterprise Resource Planning Environment - Author's Own Research into Enterprises in Poland

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    This article seeks to answer whether the implementation of an ERP system has an effect on the management accountant's tasks and functions, especially in the field of performance measurement and internal reporting. The ERP impacts on the controller's role in the organization will be evaluated using field studies on six enterprises owned by multinational corporations. The question that should be asked here is whether controller's functions and tasks will also be unaffected.Celem badania jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie czy zastosowanie zintegrowanego systemu informatycznego w przedsiębiorstwie zmienia zadania i funkcje specjalisty do spraw rachunkowości zarządczej. Na podstawie studium przypadku sześciu przedsiębiorstw będących częścią koncernów międzynarodowych zostaje dokonana ocena wpływu zastosowania ERP na rolę kontrolera w organizacji. Autor odpowiada również na pytanie czy w funkcjach i zadaniach kontrolera nie zaobserwowane zostaną zmiany w związku z implementacją ERP