390,005 research outputs found

    Digital transformation: towards new research themes and collaborations yet to be explored

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    This study aimed at providing an overview of research themes and collaborations in the digital transformation scholarship. The methods of co-word analysis, co-author analysis, and network analysis were employed to network-analyze the keywords, countries, and institutions of 2820 research articles published on the digital transformation topic and indexed by the Web of Science database. Our main results indicated that researchers have mostly focused on three aspects of the digital transformation phenomenon including Technological and Industrial View, Organizational and Managerial View, and Global and Social View. Also, it was realized that Technology, Sustainability, Big Data, Information and Communications Technology, Innovation, Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, Business Model, Social Media, and Digitization are the most recurring themes in this field of research. Besides, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Blockchain, Machine Learning, Knowledge Management, and Sustainable Development were respectively identified as the five hottest issues in the digital transformation scholarship. The contribution of our study highlights that European countries and specially the institutions of northern Europe have had better performance in the research collaborations in digital transformation.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Driving Change Within Local Governments In The Netherlands: A Perspective On Administrative And Political Leadership

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    This thesis explores the impact of political and administrative leadership on the digital transformation process within local government institutions in the Netherlands, employing a qualitative research approach through three in-depth case studies in the middle region of the country. I utilized a within-case and cross-case analysis methodology supplemented by validation interviews, conducting a total of 12 semi-structured interviews with key representatives from the selected institutions. The research uncovers the complex dynamics and tensions between political and administrative leadership and their consequential effect on digital transformation. I scrutinized critical factors such as power dynamics, role conflict, change management, leadership transition, interpersonal conflict, and stakeholder management. I found that these elements significantly influence organizational effectiveness and the resource-based view, a fundamental concept that local governments rely on for their digital transformation. The study's findings suggest that the interaction between political and administrative leadership significantly affects the direction, speed, and effectiveness of digital transformation initiatives in local government institutions. Furthermore, it demonstrates how intra-organizational dynamics and tensions, coupled with the existing political and administrative structure, can either facilitate or hinder digital transformation, thus offering vital insights for both theory and practice. These conclusions contribute to the growing body of literature in the fields of digital transformation, public administration, and political science, providing practical implications for local governments considering embarking or accelerating their digital transformation journeys. Furthermore, it underlines the importance of effective leadership and collaboration, enhancing the understanding of digital transformation in the context of public sector institutions and the inherent complexities therein

    Digital transformation of the company: classification of approaches to definition and specifics of management

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    The paper analyses approaches to defining a company digital transformation. Its common and distinctive characteristics have been identified and classification of approaches to the definition proposed. The author’s view of digital transformation as a permanent process that requires a complete revision of company policy and aims at digital changes in existing production processes, business models, information and communication channels, and corporate culture have been formulated. It also involves the creation of new digital productions, relationships, products and services to meet the growing needs of consumers and expand the user base. The positive experience of the Crimean digital transformation leaders has been presented. The current features of company digital transformation management have been highlighted depending on the discrete elements and systems of the company, their digital transformation management, and management specific characteristics. As the main specific characteristics of digital transformation management, the following are noted: permanence and unpredictability of management, acceleration of management processes, and ensuring cybersecurity. Additionally, specificity of starting to manage digital transformation before the decision is made to implement it in the company has been noted

    Development of a Competence-based Role Model for Managers considering current Megatrends

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    Due to the digital transformation and global megatrends, the industrial environment of manufacturing companies is changing faster than ever. As a result, the tasks of managers in these companies are evolving. New management roles and competences are required to master the challenges of this industrial change and remain competitive in the global market. This paper describes the development of a competence-based role model of managers in manufacturing companies focusing on the influence of current megatrends and the associated digital transformation. The model provides an overview of future tasks and roles of managers, which are becoming increasingly important in view of current megatrends. In regard to existing role models, seven roles of modern managers are derived. These management roles were evaluated in an extensive survey and detailed with corresponding competence profiles

    Identifying Digital Transformation Paradoxes

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    In turbulent contexts, organizations face contradictory challenges which give rise to management tensions and paradoxes. Digital transformation is one such context where the disruptive potential of digital technologies demands radical responses from existing organizations. While prior research has recognized the importance of coping with organizational paradoxes, little is known about how to identify them. Although it may be apparent in some settings which paradoxes are at play, other more ambivalent contexts require explicit identification. This study takes a design perspective to identify the relevant paradoxes in a digital transformation context. It presents the results of a 2-year action design research study in collaboration with an organization that chose to explicitly focus on paradoxical tensions for managing its digital transformation. The study’s main contribution is twofold: (1) it presents design knowledge to identify organizational paradoxes; (2) it provides a better understanding of the organizational paradoxes involved in digital transformation. The design knowledge will help others to identify paradoxes when working with an organization and highlights dynamic and collaborative aspects of the identification process. The study also enhances the descriptive understanding of digital transformation paradoxes by showing the importance of learning and belonging tensions and by expressing a different view on what knowledge about paradoxes is, and how it is created and used

    Strategic Transformations in the Media

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    Digital technologies have transformed the way many media organisations have conducted their business over the past two decades. This transformational context raises a number of important questions for media management researchers. Firstly, how have media firms adapted their strategies, resources and capabilities in response to the challenges presented by an increasingly digital environment? Secondly, how have these adaptive practices affected their corporate financial performance? This paper advances our theoretical understanding of media firm transformation by using a multi-disciplinary approach that draws on knowledge from corporate strategy, dynamic capabilities and firm performance. This integrated approach provides a more holistic view of strategic business transformation by understanding the strategic arguments that compel firm’s to reconfigure their resources and capabilities in a dynamic business environment

    Scaling the processes of human resources management of the organisation in the conditions of digital transformation

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    In the context of the digital transformation of the economy, the processes of managing the human resources of an organisation are of particular importance as the basis for achieving operational efficiency in a highly dynamic business environment. At the same time, the existing practice of human resource management in organisations shows that the human resources management system in the context of digital transformation requires special attention from the standpoint of scaling. This paper discusses the issues of scaling the processes of managing the human resources of an organisation in the context of digital transformation, the analysis and accounting of which will increase, on the one hand, the efficiency of the organisation, on the other hand, the motivation and involvement of employees in the work process. The research paper pays special attention to the Program for the training of management personnel for organisations of the national economy of the Russian Federation from the standpoint of scaling the processes of managing the human resources of an organisation in the context of digital transformation. Systematic studies of the scaling of the organization’s human resources management processes in the view of digital transformation will determine both new approaches and technologies for human resources management and the processes of changing the organisation’s business models

    Digitalisation And Its Impact On Leadership Competences In Production Work

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    This contribution tackles the effects of digitalisation on leadership in production work. Based on the assumption that production work in the future will be characterised as more flexible, networked and digitalised, the digital transformation will lead to changes in business models, organisations and work design. Accordingly, changed and new competences are needed by executives. There is a new generation of executives who have to view business differently and use different sets of competences to lead employees. In this paper, an overview will be given about digital trends and their impact on leadership. Secondly, definitions of terms about leadership and the difference between traditional management and digital leadership will be illustrated. Furthermore, competence sets for leadership in digital transformation in production work will be outlined. These competence sets can be described both by several competences subsumed under the term - interactional competences - and by competences needed to establish a work design conducive to learning, facilitating and enabling competence development of employees. We think that these two competence bunches depict the core of future competences of executives in production

    A Conceptual Framework to Support Digital Transformation in Manufacturing Using an Integrated Business Process Management Approach

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    Digital transformation is no longer a future trend, as it has become a necessity for businesses to grow and remain competitive in the market. The fourth industrial revolution, called Industry 4.0, is at the heart of this transformation, and is supporting organizations in achieving benefits that were unthinkable a few years ago. The impact of Industry 4.0 enabling technologies in the manufacturing sector is undeniable, and their correct use offers benefits such as improved productivity and asset performance, reduced inefficiencies, lower production and maintenance costs, while enhancing system agility and flexibility. However, organizations have found the move towards digital transformation extremely challenging for several reasons, including a lack of standardized implementation protocols, emphasis on the introduction of new technologies without assessing their role within the business, the compartmentalization of digital initiatives from the rest of the business, and the large-scale implementation of digitalization without a realistic view of return on investment. To instill confidence and reduce the anxiety surrounding Industry 4.0 implementation in the manufacturing sector, this paper presents a conceptual framework based on business process management (BPM). The framework is informed by a content-centric literature review of Industry 4.0 technologies, its design principles, and BPM method. This integrated framework incorporates the factors that are often overlooked during digital transformation and presents a structured methodology that can be employed by manufacturing organizations to facilitate their transition towards Industry 4.0

    Executives\u27 role in digital transformation

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    This conceptual paper revisits and updates the concept of top management support (TMS), which has been the long-established rationale for explaining the role of top managers in digitalization activities. In our view, the concept of TMS is grounded in technological determinism, accounts for attitudinal and behavioral aspects that appear to be little more than exhortation and accepts the occasional responsibility of top managers in technology management. We consider both the crucial role that top managers may play in the digitalization process and the fact that digital technologies have become pervasive in today’s organizations. Then, we develop a model by which top managers and digital technologies are cooperatively involved for digitalization. For that, we have looked through the theoretical lens of imbrication and attention perspectives to reconstruct the role of top managers in the digital transformation process. In our view, each imbrication layer can be viewed as a process where top managers form beliefs to act on digital opportunities for strategic action. Specifically, our model provides insights into how executives’ characteristics and social processes impact the likelihood of forming either beliefs about radical or incremental opportunities requiring strategic action. Additionally, we offer several hypotheses that enrich our knowledge of the relationship between top managers and the digitalization process
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