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    Spartan Daily, November 27, 2001

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    Volume 117, Issue 59https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/9764/thumbnail.jp

    The Role of Philanthropy in the U.S. Immigrant Rights Movement

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    As the Ford Foundation marks 25 years of involvement on U.S. immigration issues, it is a good time to take stock of what has occurred and to examine more closely philanthropy's role in supporting the growth of a national immigrant rights movement. There are many reasons for the field's rapid growth, including extraordinary leadership by those who have headed the movement. But the support of numerous foundations and other donors has played a vital part in fueling the field's expansion. Contributions have come from all parts of the philanthropic community. Smaller foundations, for example, have played a significant role in strengthening the capacity of regional and local immigrant-serving organizations that are backbone of the movement.To help tell the story of philanthropy's contribution to the development of an immigrant rights field in United States, the Ford Foundation commissioned journalist Louis Freedberg, with assistance from Ted Wang, to write this report. It describes how Ford initially entered the field, the challenges the Foundation and its grantees faced in the early years, how funders have worked together to support an emerging but vibrant movement, and the lessons learned to help inform future efforts to support the field. The authors' observations are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Ford Foundation. They point out that the power of philanthropic grantmaking in this area has come from a combination of factors: committed long-term funders who have supported this field for many years; a willingness to fund a wide range of organizations that provide complementary activities; flexibility to adjust grantmaking to changing conditions; and an openness among funders to collaborate with each other and as well as with grantees to achieve a shared vision

    Promoting Hope, Healing, and Wellness: Catholic Interventions in Behavioral Health Care

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    In this chapter, we will outline, highlight, and review some of the Catholic traditions and pastoral tools that can be integrated into any professional clinical practice in behavioral health care. We will focus our attention on six tools in particular that are particularly popular and unique within the Catholic faith tradition. We will also offer brief case illustrations to provide examples of how these Catholic tools can be effectively integrated into professional clinical practice

    Spartan Daily, November 12, 2001

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    Volume 117, Issue 52https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/9757/thumbnail.jp

    Spartan Daily, November 12, 2001

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    Volume 117, Issue 52https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/9757/thumbnail.jp

    Tuning Out Hell's Harpists

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    The Culture of Suicide Bombing in Hamas, the Role of Sacred Values, and the Limits of Rational Choice

    The Winonan

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    Spartan Daily, November 30, 1977

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    Volume 69, Issue 60https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/6281/thumbnail.jp

    The Cord (February 9, 2011)

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