113 research outputs found

    Making Existential-Unforgeable Signatures Strongly Unforgeable in the Quantum Random-Oracle Model

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    Strongly unforgeable signature schemes provide a more stringent security guarantee than the standard existential unforgeability. It requires that not only forging a signature on a new message is hard, it is infeasible as well to produce a new signature on a message for which the adversary has seen valid signatures before. Strongly unforgeable signatures are useful both in practice and as a building block in many cryptographic constructions. This work investigates a generic transformation that compiles any existential-unforgeable scheme into a strongly unforgeable one, which was proposed by Teranishi et al. and was proven in the classical random-oracle model. Our main contribution is showing that the transformation also works against quantum adversaries in the quantum random-oracle model. We develop proof techniques such as adaptively programming a quantum random-oracle in a new setting, which could be of independent interest. Applying the transformation to an existential-unforgeable signature scheme due to Cash et al., which can be shown to be quantum-secure assuming certain lattice problems are hard for quantum computers, we get an efficient quantum-secure strongly unforgeable signature scheme in the quantum random-oracle model.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in Proceedings TQC 201

    Security of the Fiat-Shamir Transformation in the Quantum Random-Oracle Model

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    The famous Fiat-Shamir transformation turns any public-coin three-round interactive proof, i.e., any so-called sigma-protocol, into a non-interactive proof in the random-oracle model. We study this transformation in the setting of a quantum adversary that in particular may query the random oracle in quantum superposition. Our main result is a generic reduction that transforms any quantum dishonest prover attacking the Fiat-Shamir transformation in the quantum random-oracle model into a similarly successful quantum dishonest prover attacking the underlying sigma-protocol (in the standard model). Applied to the standard soundness and proof-of-knowledge definitions, our reduction implies that both these security properties, in both the computational and the statistical variant, are preserved under the Fiat-Shamir transformation even when allowing quantum attacks. Our result improves and completes the partial results that have been known so far, but it also proves wrong certain claims made in the literature. In the context of post-quantum secure signature schemes, our results imply that for any sigma-protocol that is a proof-of-knowledge against quantum dishonest provers (and that satisfies some additional natural properties), the corresponding Fiat-Shamir signature scheme is secure in the quantum random-oracle model. For example, we can conclude that the non-optimized version of Fish, which is the bare Fiat-Shamir variant of the NIST candidate Picnic, is secure in the quantum random-oracle model.Comment: 20 page

    Signature Schemes in the Quantum Random-Oracle Model

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    A signature scheme is a fundamental component in modern digital communication. It allows for authenticated messages, without which it would be nearly impossible to ensure security when using most modern technologies. However, there is a growing threat to this fundamental piece of electronic infrastructure. Universal quantum computers, which were originally envisioned by Richard Feynman, have moved from being a theoretical future technology into one that could realistically be available in a matter of decades. In 1994, Peter Shor devised an algorithm that would run on a quantum computer that could be used to solve mathematical problems that formed the foundation of public-key cryptography. While Shor's algorithm clearly establishes that new mathematical problems must be found and studied that can admit efficient cryptographic protocols, it is equally important that the models in which we consider security are also updated to consider the possibility of a malicious adversary having a quantum computer. In the random-oracle model, a hash function is replaced by a truly random function that any relevant party is able to query. This model can enable security reductions where otherwise none are known. However, it has been noted that this model does not properly consider the possibility of a quantum computer. For this, we must instead consider the quantum random-oracle model. In this thesis, we explain the basics of quantum physics and quantum computation in order to give a complete motivation for the quantum random-oracle model. We explain many of the difficulties that may be encountered in the quantum random-oracle model, and how some of these problems may be solved. We then show prove three signature schemes secure in the quantum random-oracle model: the LMS hash-based scheme, TESLA, a lattice-based scheme, and the TOO transformation using chameleon hashes. The first two schemes are strong candidates for post-quantum standardization

    Post Quantum Fuzzy Stealth Signatures and Applications

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    Private payments in blockchain-based cryptocurrencies have been a topic of research, both academic and industrial, ever since the advent of Bitcoin. Stealth address payments were proposed as a solution to improve payment privacy for users and are, in fact, deployed in several major cryptocurrencies today. The mechanism lets users receive payments so that none of these payments are linkable to each other or the recipient. Currently known stealth address mechanisms either (1) are insecure in certain reasonable adversarial models, (2) are inefficient in practice or (3) are incompatible with many existing currencies. In this work, we formalize the underlying cryptographic abstraction of this mechanism, namely, stealth signatures with formal game-based definitions. We show a surprising application of our notions to passwordless authentication defined in the Fast IDentity Online (FIDO) standard. We then present SPIRIT, the first efficient post-quantum secure stealth signature construction based on the NIST standardized signature and key-encapsulation schemes, Dilithium and Kyber. The basic form of SPIRIT is only secure in a weak security model, but we provide an efficiency-preserving and generic transform, which boosts the security of SPIRIT to guarantee the strongest security notion defined in this work. Compared to state-of-the-art, there is an approximately 800x improvement in the signature size while keeping signing and verification as efficient as 0.2 ms. We extend SPIRIT with a fuzzy tracking functionality where recipients can outsource the tracking of incoming transactions to a tracking server, satisfying an anonymity notion similar to that of fuzzy message detection (FMD) recently introduced in [CCS 2021]. We also extend SPIRIT with a new fuzzy tracking framework called scalable fuzzy tracking that we introduce in this work. This new framework can be considered as a dual of FMD, in that it reduces the tracking server\u27s computational workload to sublinear in the number of users, as opposed to linear in FMD. Experimental results show that, for millions of users, the server only needs 3.4 ms to filter each incoming message which is a significant improvement upon the state-of-the-art

    New approaches to privacy preserving signatures

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    In this thesis we advance the theory and practice of privacy preserving digital signatures. Privacy preserving signatures such as group and ring signatures enable signers to hide in groups of potential signers. We design a cryptographic primitive called signatures with flexible public keys, which allows for modular construction of privacy preserving signatures. Its core is an equivalence relation between verification keys, such that key representatives can be transformed in their class to obscures their origin. The resulting constructions are more efficient than the state of the art, under the same or weaker assumptions. We show an extension of the security model of fully dynamic group signatures, which are those where members may join and leave the group over time. Our contribution here, which is facilitated by the new primitive, is the treatment of membership status as potentially sensitive information. In the theory of ring signatures, we show a construction of ring signatures which is the first in the literature with logarithmic signature size in the size of the ring without any trusted setup or reliance on non-standard assumptions. We show how to extend our techniques to the derived setting of linkable ring signatures, where different signatures of the same origin may be publicly linked. Here, we further revisit the notion of linkable anonymity, offering a significant strengthening compared to previous definitions.Diese Arbeit treibt die Theorie und Praxis der privatsphärewahrenden digitalen Signa- turen voran. Privatsphärewahrende Signaturen, wie Gruppen- oder Ringsignaturen erlauben es Zeichnern sich in einer Gruppe potenzieller Zeichner zu verstecken. Wir entwerfen mit Signatures with Flexible Public Keys einen kryptografischen Baustein zur modularen Konstruktion von privatsphärewahrenden Signaturen. Dessen Kern ist eine Äquivalenzrelation zwischen den Schlüsseln, sodass ein Schlüsselvertreter in seiner Klasse bewegt werden kann, um seinen Ursprung zu verschleiern. Darauf auf- bauende Konstruktionen sind effizienter als der Stand der Technik, unter gleichen oder schwächeren Annahmen. Wir erweitern das Sicherheitsmodell vollständig dynami- scher Gruppensignaturen, die es Mitgliedern erlauben der Gruppe beizutreten oder sie zu verlassen: Durch das neue Primitiv, wird die Behandlung der Mitgliedschaft als potenziell sensibel ermöglicht. In der Theorie der Ringsignaturen geben wir die erste Konstruktion, welche über eine logarithmische Signaturgröße verfügt, ohne auf eine Vorkonfiguration oder unübliche Annahmen vertrauen zu müssen. Wir übertragen unsere Ergebnisse auf das Feld der verknüpfbaren Ringsignaturen, die eine öffentliche Verknüpfung von zeichnergleichen Signaturen ermöglichen. Unsere Neubetrachtung des Begriffs der verknüpfbaren Anonymität führt zu einer signifikanten Stärkung im Vergleich zu früheren Definitionen

    Code-based Strong Designated Verifier Signatures: Security Analysis and a New Construction

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    Strong designated verifier signatures make the message authenticated only to a designated person called the designated verifier while privacy of the signer\u27s identity is preserved. This primitive is useful in scenarios that authenticity, signer ambiguity and signer\u27s privacy are required simultaneously such as electronic voting and tendering. To have quantum-attack-resistant strong designated verifier signatures as recommended in National Institute of Standards and Technology internal report (NISTIR 8105, dated April 2016), a provably secure code-based construction was proposed by Koochak Shooshtari et al. in 2016. In this paper, we show that this code-based candidate for strong designated verifier signa- tures does not have signer ambiguity or non-transferability, the main feature of strong designated verifier signatures. In addition, it is shown that it is not strongly unforgeable if a designated verifier transfers a signature to a third party. Then, a new proposal for strong designated verifier signatures based on coding theory is presented, and its security which includes strong unforgeability, signer ambiguity and privacy of the signer\u27s identity properties is proved under Goppa Parameterized Bounded Decoding and the Goppa Code Distinguishing assumptions in the random oracle model

    A new revocable and re-delegable proxy signature and its application

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    With the popularity of cloud computing and mobile Apps, on-demand services such as on-line music or audio streaming and vehicle booking are widely available nowadays. In order to allow efficient delivery and management of the services, for large-scale on-demand systems, there is usually a hierarchy where the service provider can delegate its service to a top-tier (e.g., countrywide) proxy who can then further delegate the service to lower level (e.g., region-wide) proxies. Secure (re-)delegation and revocation are among the most crucial factors for such systems. In this paper, we investigate the practical solutions for achieving re-delegation and revocation utilizing proxy signature. Although proxy signature has been extensively studied in the literature, no previous solution can achieve both properties. To fill the gap, we introduce the notion of revocable and re-delegable proxy signature that supports efficient revocation and allows a proxy signer to re-delegate its signing right to other proxy signers without the interaction with the original signer. We define the formal security models for this new primitive and present an efficient scheme that can achieve all the security properties. We also present a secure on-line revocable and re-delegate vehicle ordering system (RRVOS) as one of the applications of our proposed scheme

    On the Security of the Winternitz One-Time Signature Scheme

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    We show that the Winternitz one-time signature scheme is existentially unforgeable under adaptive chosen message attacks when instantiated with a family of pseudo random functions. Compared to previous results, which require a collision resistant hash function, our result provides significantly smaller signatures at the same security level. We also consider security in the strong sense and show that the Winternitz one-time signature scheme is strongly unforgeable assuming additional properties of the pseudo random function. In this context we formally define several key-based security notions for function families and investigate their relation to pseudorandomness. All our reductions are exact and in the standard model and can directly be used to estimate the output length of the hash function required to meet a certain security level

    SoK: Signatures With Randomizable Keys

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    Digital signature schemes with specific properties have recently seen various real-world applications with a strong emphasis on privacy-enhancing technologies. They have been extensively used to develop anonymous credentials schemes and to achieve an even more comprehensive range of functionalities in the decentralized web. Substantial work has been done to formalize different types of signatures where an allowable set of transformations can be applied to message-signature pairs to obtain new related pairs. Most of the previous work focused on transformations with respect to the message being signed, but little has been done to study what happens when transformations apply to the signing keys. A first attempt to thoroughly formalize such aspects was carried by Derler and Slamanig (ePrint \u2716, Designs, Codes and Cryptography \u2719), followed by the more recent efforts by Backes et. al (ASIACRYPT \u2718) and Eaton et. al (ePrint \u2723). However, the literature on the topic is vast and different terminology is used across contributions, which makes it difficult to compare related works and understand the range of applications covered by a given construction. In this work, we present a unified view of signatures with randomizable keys and revisit their security properties. We focus on state-of-the-art constructions and related applications, identifying existing challenges. Our systematization allows us to highlight gaps, open questions and directions for future research on signatures with randomizable keys

    Squirrel: Efficient Synchronized Multi-Signatures from Lattices

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    The focus of this work are multi-signatures schemes in the synchronized setting. A multi-signature scheme allows multiple signatures for the same message but from independent signers to be compressed into one short aggregated signature, which allows verifying all of the signatures simultaneously. In the synchronized setting, the signing algorithm takes the current time step as an additional input. It is assumed that no signer signs more than one message per time step and we aim to aggregate signatures for the same message and same time step. This setting is particularly useful in the context of blockchains, where validators are naturally synchronized by the blocks they sign. We present Squirrel, a concretely efficient lattice-based multi-signature scheme in the synchronized setting that works for a bounded number of 2τ2^{\tau} time steps and allows for aggregating up to ρ\rho signatures at each step, where both τ\tau and ρ\rho are public parameters upon which the efficiency of our scheme depends. Squirrel allows for non-interactive aggregation of independent signatures and is proven secure in the random oracle model in the presence of rogue-key attacks assuming the hardness of the short integer solution problem in a polynomial ring. We provide a careful analysis of all parameters and show that Squirrel can be instantiated with good concrete efficiency. For τ=24\tau = 24 and ρ=4096\rho = 4096, a signer could sign a new message every 10 seconds for 5 years non-stop. Assuming the signer has a cache of 112 MB, signing takes 68 ms and verification of an aggregated signature takes 36 ms. The size of the public key is 1 KB, the size of an individual signature is 52 KB, and the size of an aggregated signature is 771 KB