4 research outputs found

    Message Complexity of Population Protocols

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    The standard population protocol model assumes that when two agents interact, each observes the entire state of the other agent. We initiate the study of message complexity\textit{message complexity} for population protocols, where the state of an agent is divided into an externally-visible message\textit{message} and an internal component, where only the message can be observed by the other agent in an interaction. We consider the case of O(1)O(1) message complexity. When time is unrestricted, we obtain an exact characterization of the stably computable predicates based on the number of internal states s(n)s(n): If s(n)=o(n)s(n) = o(n) then the protocol computes semilinear predicates (unlike the original model, which can compute non-semilinear predicates with s(n)=O(logn)s(n) = O(\log n)), and otherwise it computes a predicate decidable by a nondeterministic O(nlogs(n))O(n \log s(n))-space-bounded Turing machine. We then introduce novel O(polylog(n))O(\mathrm{polylog}(n)) expected time protocols for junta/leader election and general purpose broadcast correct with high probability, and approximate and exact population size counting correct with probability 1. Finally, we show that the main constraint on the power of bounded-message-size protocols is the size of the internal states: with unbounded internal states, any computable function can be computed with probability 1 in the limit by a protocol that uses only 1-bit\textit{1-bit} messages

    Simulating Population Protocols in Sub-Constant Time per Interaction

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    We consider the efficient simulation of population protocols. In the population model, we are given a system of n agents modeled as identical finite-state machines. In each step, two agents are selected uniformly at random to interact by updating their states according to a common transition function. We empirically and analytically analyze two classes of simulators for this model. First, we consider sequential simulators executing one interaction after the other. Key to the performance of these simulators is the data structure storing the agents\u27 states. For our analysis, we consider plain arrays, binary search trees, and a novel Dynamic Alias Table data structure. Secondly, we consider batch processing to efficiently update the states of multiple independent agents in one step. For many protocols considered in literature, our simulator requires amortized sub-constant time per interaction and is fast in practice: given a fixed time budget, the implementation of our batched simulator is able to simulate population protocols several orders of magnitude larger compared to the sequential competitors, and can carry out 2^50 interactions among the same number of agents in less than 400s

    A population protocol for exact majority with O(log5/3n)O(\log^{5/3} n) stabilization time and asymptotically optimal number of states.

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    A population protocol is a sequence of pairwise interactions of n agents. During one interaction, two randomly selected agents update their states by applying a deterministic transition function. The goal is to stabilize the system at a desired output property. The main performance objectives in designing such protocols are small number of states per agent and fast stabilization time. We present a fast population protocol for the exact-majority problem, which uses Theta(log n) states (per agent) and stabilizes in O(log^{5/3} n) parallel time (i.e., in O(n log^{5/3} n) interactions) in expectation and with high probability. Alistarh et al. [SODA 2018] showed that exact-majority protocols which stabilize in expected O(n^{1-Omega(1)}) parallel time and have the properties of monotonicity and output dominance require Omega(log n) states. Note that the properties mentioned above are satisfied by all known population protocols for exact majority, including ours. They also showed an O(log^2 n)-time exact-majority protocol with O(log n) states, which, prior to our work, was the fastest exact-majority protocol with polylogarithmic number of states. The standard design framework for majority protocols is based on O(log n) phases and requires that all agents are well synchronized within each phase, leading naturally to upper bounds of the order of log^2 n because of Theta(log n) synchronization time per phase. We show how this framework can be tightened with weak synchronization to break the O(log^2 n) upper bound of previous protocols