3,527 research outputs found

    Plataforma de serviços para monitorização da cadeia de valor do pescado

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    Traceability in the food value chain is a topic of interest due to the advantages it brings to both the consumers, producers and regulatory authorities. This thesis describes my contributions during the design and implementation of a microservice based middleware for the Portuguese fish value chain considering current practices in the industry and the requirements of the stakeholders involved in the project, with the goal of integrating all the traceability information available from each operator to provide customers with the full story of the products they purchase. During this project I assumed many roles such as development, operations and even some security allowing me to improve my skills in all these fields and experimenting with the latest cloud native technologies such as containers and with DevOps practices.A rastreabilidade na cadeia de valor alimentar é um tema de interesse pelas vantagens que traz aos consumidores, produtores e autoridades reguladoras. Esta dissertação descreve as minhas contribuições durante a conceção e implementação de um middleware baseado em micro-serviços para a cadeia de valor do pescado portuguesa considerando as práticas atuais da indústria e os requisitos das partes interessadas envolvidas no projeto, com o objetivo de integrar toda a informação de rastreabilidade disponível de cada um dos operadores para fornecer aos clientes a história completa dos produtos que adquirem. Durante este projeto, assumi muitas funções, como desenvolvimento, operações e até mesmo alguma segurança, o que me permitiu melhorar as minhas capacidades em todos essas disciplinas e experimentar as mais recentes tecnologias nativas da nuvem, como contentores e práticas de DevOps.Mestrado em Engenharia Informátic

    Temporal meta-model framework for Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) development

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    This thesis has developed a Temporal Meta-Model Framework for semi-automated Enterprise System Development, which can help drastically reduce the time and cost to develop, deploy and maintain Enterprise Information Systems throughout their lifecycle. It proposes that the analysis and requirements gathering can also perform the bulk of the design phase, stored and available in a suitable model which would then be capable of automated execution with the availability of a set of specific runtime components

    Cloud-based Communications Planning Collaboration and Interoperability

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    Communications planning is a key part of the Marine Corps operational planning process. The ability to design and analyze communication network plans efficiently and accurately has a direct impact on the ability of commanders to command and control actions on the battlefield. Portions of the current process of communications network planning for military exercises and operations in the Marine Corps are unnecessarily inefficient and susceptible to human error. At the heart of network planning is the creation of accurate high-level diagrams that depict the details of the planned network topology for use in network installation, maintenance and operation. These diagrams are referenced at all levels in the planning, installation, operation and maintenance of the resultant communications architecture. Development and iterative refinement of these high-level network diagrams is a fragmented manual process. Despite the heavy reliance on network diagrams in the planning process, no software application currently exists that is designed specifically for their creation. This thesis proposes a cloud-based application for communications planning. It describes the benefits achievable through automation, collaboration and application interoperability, and provides recommendations for development of such a system. It concludes by presenting an implementation of these recommendations via a proof of concept application.http://archive.org/details/cloudbasedcommun109457400Captain, United States Marine Corps,Major, United States Marine Corp

    COEL: A Web-based Chemistry Simulation Framework

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    The chemical reaction network (CRN) is a widely used formalism to describe macroscopic behavior of chemical systems. Available tools for CRN modelling and simulation require local access, installation, and often involve local file storage, which is susceptible to loss, lacks searchable structure, and does not support concurrency. Furthermore, simulations are often single-threaded, and user interfaces are non-trivial to use. Therefore there are significant hurdles to conducting efficient and collaborative chemical research. In this paper, we introduce a new enterprise chemistry simulation framework, COEL, which addresses these issues. COEL is the first web-based framework of its kind. A visually pleasing and intuitive user interface, simulations that run on a large computational grid, reliable database storage, and transactional services make COEL ideal for collaborative research and education. COEL's most prominent features include ODE-based simulations of chemical reaction networks and multicompartment reaction networks, with rich options for user interactions with those networks. COEL provides DNA-strand displacement transformations and visualization (and is to our knowledge the first CRN framework to do so), GA optimization of rate constants, expression validation, an application-wide plotting engine, and SBML/Octave/Matlab export. We also present an overview of the underlying software and technologies employed and describe the main architectural decisions driving our development. COEL is available at http://coel-sim.org for selected research teams only. We plan to provide a part of COEL's functionality to the general public in the near future.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    A communication platform demonstrator for new generation railway traffic management systems: Testing and validation

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    Current rail traffic management and control systems cannot be easily upgraded to the new needs and challenges of modern railway systems because they do not offer interoperable data structures and standardized communication interfaces. To meet this need, the Horizon 2020 Shift2Rail OPTIMA project has developed a communication platform for testing and validating the new generation of traffic management systems (TMS), whose main innovative features are the interoperability of the data structures used, standardization of communications, continuous access to real-time and persistent data from heterogeneous data sources, modularity of components and scalability of the platform. This paper presents the main components, their functions and characteristics, then describes the testing and validation of the platform, even when federated with other innovative TMS modules developed in separate projects. The successful validation of the system has confirmed the achievement of the objectives set and allowed a new set of objectives to be defined for the reference platform for the railway TMS/Traffic Control systems

    Modelling of Information Flow and Resource Utilization in the EDGE Distributed Web System

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    The adoption of Distributed Web Systems (DWS) into modern engineering design process has dramatically increased in recent years. The Engineering Design Guide and Environment (EDGE) is one such DWS, intended to provide an integrated set of tools for use in the development of new products and services. Previous attempts to improve the efficiency and scalability of DWS focused largely on hardware utilization (i.e. multithreading and virtualization) and software scalability (i.e. load balancing and cloud services). However, these techniques are often limited to analysis of the computational complexity of the algorithms implemented. This work seeks to improve the understanding of efficiency and scalability of DWS by modelling the dynamics of information flow and resource utilization by characterizing DWS workloads through historical usage data (i.e. request type, frequency, access time). The design and implementation of EDGE is described. A DWS model of an EDGE system is developed and validated against theoretical limiting cases. The DWS model is used to predict the throughput of an EDGE system given a resource allocation and workflow. Results of the simulation suggest that proposed DWS designs can be evaluated according to the usage requirements of an engineering firm, ultimately guiding an informed decision for the selection and deployment of a DWS in an enterprise environment. Recommendations for future work related to the continued development of EDGE, DWS modelling of EDGE installation environments, and the extension of DWS modelling to new product development processes are presented

    Comparative study of healthcare messaging standards for interoperability in ehealth systems

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    Advances in the information and communication technology have created the field of "health informatics," which amalgamates healthcare, information technology and business. The use of information systems in healthcare organisations dates back to 1960s, however the use of technology for healthcare records, referred to as Electronic Medical Records (EMR), management has surged since 1990’s (Net-Health, 2017) due to advancements the internet and web technologies. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and sometimes referred to as Personal Health Record (PHR) contains the patient’s medical history, allergy information, immunisation status, medication, radiology images and other medically related billing information that is relevant. There are a number of benefits for healthcare industry when sharing these data recorded in EMR and PHR systems between medical institutions (AbuKhousa et al., 2012). These benefits include convenience for patients and clinicians, cost-effective healthcare solutions, high quality of care, resolving the resource shortage and collecting a large volume of data for research and educational needs. My Health Record (MyHR) is a major project funded by the Australian government, which aims to have all data relating to health of the Australian population stored in digital format, allowing clinicians to have access to patient data at the point of care. Prior to 2015, MyHR was known as Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR). Though the Australian government took consistent initiatives there is a significant delay (Pearce and Haikerwal, 2010) in implementing eHealth projects and related services. While this delay is caused by many factors, interoperability is identified as the main problem (Benson and Grieve, 2016c) which is resisting this project delivery. To discover the current interoperability challenges in the Australian healthcare industry, this comparative study is conducted on Health Level 7 (HL7) messaging models such as HL7 V2, V3 and FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources). In this study, interoperability, security and privacy are main elements compared. In addition, a case study conducted in the NSW Hospitals to understand the popularity in usage of health messaging standards was utilised to understand the extent of use of messaging standards in healthcare sector. Predominantly, the project used the comparative study method on different HL7 (Health Level Seven) messages and derived the right messaging standard which is suitable to cover the interoperability, security and privacy requirements of electronic health record. The issues related to practical implementations, change over and training requirements for healthcare professionals are also discussed
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