2,764 research outputs found

    Fully dynamic all-pairs shortest paths with worst-case update-time revisited

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    We revisit the classic problem of dynamically maintaining shortest paths between all pairs of nodes of a directed weighted graph. The allowed updates are insertions and deletions of nodes and their incident edges. We give worst-case guarantees on the time needed to process a single update (in contrast to related results, the update time is not amortized over a sequence of updates). Our main result is a simple randomized algorithm that for any parameter c>1c>1 has a worst-case update time of O(cn2+2/3log4/3n)O(cn^{2+2/3} \log^{4/3}{n}) and answers distance queries correctly with probability 11/nc1-1/n^c, against an adaptive online adversary if the graph contains no negative cycle. The best deterministic algorithm is by Thorup [STOC 2005] with a worst-case update time of O~(n2+3/4)\tilde O(n^{2+3/4}) and assumes non-negative weights. This is the first improvement for this problem for more than a decade. Conceptually, our algorithm shows that randomization along with a more direct approach can provide better bounds.Comment: To be presented at the Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 201

    Dynamic Approximate All-Pairs Shortest Paths: Breaking the O(mn) Barrier and Derandomization

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    We study dynamic (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation algorithms for the all-pairs shortest paths problem in unweighted undirected nn-node mm-edge graphs under edge deletions. The fastest algorithm for this problem is a randomized algorithm with a total update time of O~(mn/ϵ)\tilde O(mn/\epsilon) and constant query time by Roditty and Zwick [FOCS 2004]. The fastest deterministic algorithm is from a 1981 paper by Even and Shiloach [JACM 1981]; it has a total update time of O(mn2)O(mn^2) and constant query time. We improve these results as follows: (1) We present an algorithm with a total update time of O~(n5/2/ϵ)\tilde O(n^{5/2}/\epsilon) and constant query time that has an additive error of 22 in addition to the 1+ϵ1+\epsilon multiplicative error. This beats the previous O~(mn/ϵ)\tilde O(mn/\epsilon) time when m=Ω(n3/2)m=\Omega(n^{3/2}). Note that the additive error is unavoidable since, even in the static case, an O(n3δ)O(n^{3-\delta})-time (a so-called truly subcubic) combinatorial algorithm with 1+ϵ1+\epsilon multiplicative error cannot have an additive error less than 2ϵ2-\epsilon, unless we make a major breakthrough for Boolean matrix multiplication [Dor et al. FOCS 1996] and many other long-standing problems [Vassilevska Williams and Williams FOCS 2010]. The algorithm can also be turned into a (2+ϵ)(2+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm (without an additive error) with the same time guarantees, improving the recent (3+ϵ)(3+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm with O~(n5/2+O(log(1/ϵ)/logn))\tilde O(n^{5/2+O(\sqrt{\log{(1/\epsilon)}/\log n})}) running time of Bernstein and Roditty [SODA 2011] in terms of both approximation and time guarantees. (2) We present a deterministic algorithm with a total update time of O~(mn/ϵ)\tilde O(mn/\epsilon) and a query time of O(loglogn)O(\log\log n). The algorithm has a multiplicative error of 1+ϵ1+\epsilon and gives the first improved deterministic algorithm since 1981. It also answers an open question raised by Bernstein [STOC 2013].Comment: A preliminary version was presented at the 2013 IEEE 54th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2013

    Decremental Single-Source Shortest Paths on Undirected Graphs in Near-Linear Total Update Time

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    In the decremental single-source shortest paths (SSSP) problem we want to maintain the distances between a given source node ss and every other node in an nn-node mm-edge graph GG undergoing edge deletions. While its static counterpart can be solved in near-linear time, this decremental problem is much more challenging even in the undirected unweighted case. In this case, the classic O(mn)O(mn) total update time of Even and Shiloach [JACM 1981] has been the fastest known algorithm for three decades. At the cost of a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation factor, the running time was recently improved to n2+o(1)n^{2+o(1)} by Bernstein and Roditty [SODA 2011]. In this paper, we bring the running time down to near-linear: We give a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm with m1+o(1)m^{1+o(1)} expected total update time, thus obtaining near-linear time. Moreover, we obtain m1+o(1)logWm^{1+o(1)} \log W time for the weighted case, where the edge weights are integers from 11 to WW. The only prior work on weighted graphs in o(mn)o(m n) time is the mn0.9+o(1)m n^{0.9 + o(1)}-time algorithm by Henzinger et al. [STOC 2014, ICALP 2015] which works for directed graphs with quasi-polynomial edge weights. The expected running time bound of our algorithm holds against an oblivious adversary. In contrast to the previous results which rely on maintaining a sparse emulator, our algorithm relies on maintaining a so-called sparse (h,ϵ)(h, \epsilon)-hop set introduced by Cohen [JACM 2000] in the PRAM literature. An (h,ϵ)(h, \epsilon)-hop set of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V, E) is a set FF of weighted edges such that the distance between any pair of nodes in GG can be (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximated by their hh-hop distance (given by a path containing at most hh edges) on G=(V,EF)G'=(V, E\cup F). Our algorithm can maintain an (no(1),ϵ)(n^{o(1)}, \epsilon)-hop set of near-linear size in near-linear time under edge deletions.Comment: Accepted to Journal of the ACM. A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the 55th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2014). Abstract shortened to respect the arXiv limit of 1920 character

    Reliable Hubs for Partially-Dynamic All-Pairs Shortest Paths in Directed Graphs

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    We give new partially-dynamic algorithms for the all-pairs shortest paths problem in weighted directed graphs. Most importantly, we give a new deterministic incremental algorithm for the problem that handles updates in O~(mn^(4/3) log{W}/epsilon) total time (where the edge weights are from [1,W]) and explicitly maintains a (1+epsilon)-approximate distance matrix. For a fixed epsilon>0, this is the first deterministic partially dynamic algorithm for all-pairs shortest paths in directed graphs, whose update time is o(n^2) regardless of the number of edges. Furthermore, we also show how to improve the state-of-the-art partially dynamic randomized algorithms for all-pairs shortest paths [Baswana et al. STOC\u2702, Bernstein STOC\u2713] from Monte Carlo randomized to Las Vegas randomized without increasing the running time bounds (with respect to the O~(*) notation). Our results are obtained by giving new algorithms for the problem of dynamically maintaining hubs, that is a set of O~(n/d) vertices which hit a shortest path between each pair of vertices, provided it has hop-length Omega(d). We give new subquadratic deterministic and Las Vegas algorithms for maintenance of hubs under either edge insertions or deletions

    The Power of Dynamic Distance Oracles: Efficient Dynamic Algorithms for the Steiner Tree

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    In this paper we study the Steiner tree problem over a dynamic set of terminals. We consider the model where we are given an nn-vertex graph G=(V,E,w)G=(V,E,w) with positive real edge weights, and our goal is to maintain a tree which is a good approximation of the minimum Steiner tree spanning a terminal set SVS \subseteq V, which changes over time. The changes applied to the terminal set are either terminal additions (incremental scenario), terminal removals (decremental scenario), or both (fully dynamic scenario). Our task here is twofold. We want to support updates in sublinear o(n)o(n) time, and keep the approximation factor of the algorithm as small as possible. We show that we can maintain a (6+ε)(6+\varepsilon)-approximate Steiner tree of a general graph in O~(nlogD)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n} \log D) time per terminal addition or removal. Here, DD denotes the stretch of the metric induced by GG. For planar graphs we achieve the same running time and the approximation ratio of (2+ε)(2+\varepsilon). Moreover, we show faster algorithms for incremental and decremental scenarios. Finally, we show that if we allow higher approximation ratio, even more efficient algorithms are possible. In particular we show a polylogarithmic time (4+ε)(4+\varepsilon)-approximate algorithm for planar graphs. One of the main building blocks of our algorithms are dynamic distance oracles for vertex-labeled graphs, which are of independent interest. We also improve and use the online algorithms for the Steiner tree problem.Comment: Full version of the paper accepted to STOC'1

    Improved Algorithms for Decremental Single-Source Reachability on Directed Graphs

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    Recently we presented the first algorithm for maintaining the set of nodes reachable from a source node in a directed graph that is modified by edge deletions with o(mn)o(mn) total update time, where mm is the number of edges and nn is the number of nodes in the graph [Henzinger et al. STOC 2014]. The algorithm is a combination of several different algorithms, each for a different mm vs. nn trade-off. For the case of m=Θ(n1.5)m = \Theta(n^{1.5}) the running time is O(n2.47)O(n^{2.47}), just barely below mn=Θ(n2.5)mn = \Theta(n^{2.5}). In this paper we simplify the previous algorithm using new algorithmic ideas and achieve an improved running time of O~(min(m7/6n2/3,m3/4n5/4+o(1),m2/3n4/3+o(1)+m3/7n12/7+o(1)))\tilde O(\min(m^{7/6} n^{2/3}, m^{3/4} n^{5/4 + o(1)}, m^{2/3} n^{4/3+o(1)} + m^{3/7} n^{12/7+o(1)})). This gives, e.g., O(n2.36)O(n^{2.36}) for the notorious case m=Θ(n1.5)m = \Theta(n^{1.5}). We obtain the same upper bounds for the problem of maintaining the strongly connected components of a directed graph undergoing edge deletions. Our algorithms are correct with high probabililty against an oblivious adversary.Comment: This paper was presented at the International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2015. A full version combining the findings of this paper and its predecessor [Henzinger et al. STOC 2014] is available at arXiv:1504.0795