7 research outputs found

    Seventh International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting

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    This volume contains papers presented at E-Vote-ID 2022, the Seventh International JointConference on Electronic Voting, held during October 4–7, 2022. This was the first in-personconference following the COVID-19 pandemic, and, as such, it was a very special event forthe community since we returned to the traditional venue in Bregenz, Austria. The E-Vote-IDconference resulted from merging EVOTE and Vote-ID, and 18 years have now elapsed sincethe first EVOTE conference in Austria.Since that conference in 2004, over 1500 experts have attended the venue, including scholars,practitioners, authorities, electoral managers, vendors, and PhD students. E-Vote-ID collectsthe most relevant debates on the development of electronic voting, from aspects relating tosecurity and usability through to practical experiences and applications of voting systems, alsoincluding legal, social, or political aspects, amongst others, turning out to be an importantglobal referent on these issues

    Aspectos tecnológicos del voto electrónico

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    LibroEn este trabajo se pretende mostrar el “estado del arte” del uso de la tecnología en los procesos electorales. En primer lugar, exponiendo la situación actual en los diversos países y posteriormente analizando el estado de la investigación en la materia. También se pretende realizar una comparación entre los esfuerzos y determinar el camino correcto a seguir para conseguir que el voto electrónico consiga cumplir todos los requisitos necesarios para que sea considerado como otro medio más en los comicios

    Aspectos tecnológicos del voto electrónico

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    El estudio examina, en primer lugar, el origen, ventajas e inconvenientes, así como las diferentes formas que existen para clasificar el voto electrónico. En segundo término, nos presenta una visión panorámica de las experiencias en el mundo de esta modalidad de sufragio; para, luego de ello, mostrar que en la actualidad las preocupaciones centrales de los investigadores se enfocan alrededor de los temas de uso del Internet para el voto electrónico, sistemas de criptografía para reforzar la seguridad, al igual que en la mejora de los equipos de votación y gestión de los comicios basados en tecnologías de información y comunicaciones. Asimismo, en el análisis se señala la importancia que se debe conceder a los estándares. Finalmente, el autor concluye presentando un conjunto de reflexiones a tener en consideración al momento de poner en marcha sistemas de votación electrónico

    Gender in Apocalyptic California: The Ecological Frontier

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    Climate change is the consequence of ideologies that promote human reproduction and resource consumption by sacrificing human justice, nonhuman species, and the land. Both biology and queer ecologies resist this notion of human separation and supremacy by showing that no body is a singular, impermeable entity, that all beings are biologically and inexorably connected. My dissertation demonstrates that fiction writers use this knowledge to locate a utopian vision that can counteract the dystopian impotence of living within climate change. This argument is founded on novels written by women and set in California, a state that uniquely inhabits a utopian and dystopian place in the American cultural imagination. Early ecofeminist utopias depict environmentally sustainable and socially egalitarian communities that arise after apocalypse, but they are ultimately modeled on pastoral and primitivist idealizations of Indigenous societies. Contemporary dystopias reject the early model to show that pastoral fantasies are impossible in a world that has been so altered by climate change. By embracing queer ecologies to empathize more deeply with the rest of the world, characters in novels by Octavia Butler and N.K. Jemisin give readers a way to reconceptualize methods of ecological justice that could combat climate change. These visions of a queer ecological utopia respond to the ideological stagnation caused by climate change to provide an innovative environmental ethic that could guide humanity into surviving responsibly within and alongside the world

    Gender and the War: Men, Women and Vietnam

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    Special editor Jacqueline Lawson. This issue on gender and the war includes a Bibliography of Unusual Sources on Women and the Vietnam War