492 research outputs found

    A Survey on Semantic Processing Techniques

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    Semantic processing is a fundamental research domain in computational linguistics. In the era of powerful pre-trained language models and large language models, the advancement of research in this domain appears to be decelerating. However, the study of semantics is multi-dimensional in linguistics. The research depth and breadth of computational semantic processing can be largely improved with new technologies. In this survey, we analyzed five semantic processing tasks, e.g., word sense disambiguation, anaphora resolution, named entity recognition, concept extraction, and subjectivity detection. We study relevant theoretical research in these fields, advanced methods, and downstream applications. We connect the surveyed tasks with downstream applications because this may inspire future scholars to fuse these low-level semantic processing tasks with high-level natural language processing tasks. The review of theoretical research may also inspire new tasks and technologies in the semantic processing domain. Finally, we compare the different semantic processing techniques and summarize their technical trends, application trends, and future directions.Comment: Published at Information Fusion, Volume 101, 2024, 101988, ISSN 1566-2535. The equal contribution mark is missed in the published version due to the publication policies. Please contact Prof. Erik Cambria for detail

    Entity-centric knowledge discovery for idiosyncratic domains

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    Technical and scientific knowledge is produced at an ever-accelerating pace, leading to increasing issues when trying to automatically organize or process it, e.g., when searching for relevant prior work. Knowledge can today be produced both in unstructured (plain text) and structured (metadata or linked data) forms. However, unstructured content is still themost dominant formused to represent scientific knowledge. In order to facilitate the extraction and discovery of relevant content, new automated and scalable methods for processing, structuring and organizing scientific knowledge are called for. In this context, a number of applications are emerging, ranging fromNamed Entity Recognition (NER) and Entity Linking tools for scientific papers to specific platforms leveraging information extraction techniques to organize scientific knowledge. In this thesis, we tackle the tasks of Entity Recognition, Disambiguation and Linking in idiosyncratic domains with an emphasis on scientific literature. Furthermore, we study the related task of co-reference resolution with a specific focus on named entities. We start by exploring Named Entity Recognition, a task that aims to identify the boundaries of named entities in textual contents. We propose a newmethod to generate candidate named entities based on n-gram collocation statistics and design several entity recognition features to further classify them. In addition, we show how the use of external knowledge bases (either domain-specific like DBLP or generic like DBPedia) can be leveraged to improve the effectiveness of NER for idiosyncratic domains. Subsequently, we move to Entity Disambiguation, which is typically performed after entity recognition in order to link an entity to a knowledge base. We propose novel semi-supervised methods for word disambiguation leveraging the structure of a community-based ontology of scientific concepts. Our approach exploits the graph structure that connects different terms and their definitions to automatically identify the correct sense that was originally picked by the authors of a scientific publication. We then turn to co-reference resolution, a task aiming at identifying entities that appear using various forms throughout the text. We propose an approach to type entities leveraging an inverted index built on top of a knowledge base, and to subsequently re-assign entities based on the semantic relatedness of the introduced types. Finally, we describe an application which goal is to help researchers discover and manage scientific publications. We focus on the problem of selecting relevant tags to organize collections of research papers in that context. We experimentally demonstrate that the use of a community-authored ontology together with information about the position of the concepts in the documents allows to significantly increase the precision of tag selection over standard methods

    Neural Graph Transfer Learning in Natural Language Processing Tasks

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    Natural language is essential in our daily lives as we rely on languages to communicate and exchange information. A fundamental goal for natural language processing (NLP) is to let the machine understand natural language to help or replace human experts to mine knowledge and complete tasks. Many NLP tasks deal with sequential data. For example, a sentence is considered as a sequence of works. Very recently, deep learning-based language models (i.e.,BERT \citep{devlin2018bert}) achieved significant improvement in many existing tasks, including text classification and natural language inference. However, not all tasks can be formulated using sequence models. Specifically, graph-structured data is also fundamental in NLP, including entity linking, entity classification, relation extraction, abstractive meaning representation, and knowledge graphs \citep{santoro2017simple,hamilton2017representation,kipf2016semi}. In this scenario, BERT-based pretrained models may not be suitable. Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCN) \citep{kipf2016semi} is a deep neural network model designed for graphs. It has shown great potential in text classification, link prediction, question answering and so on. This dissertation presents novel graph models for NLP tasks, including text classification, prerequisite chain learning, and coreference resolution. We focus on different perspectives of graph convolutional network modeling: for text classification, a novel graph construction method is proposed which allows interpretability for the prediction; for prerequisite chain learning, we propose multiple aggregation functions that utilize neighbors for better information exchange; for coreference resolution, we study how graph pretraining can help when labeled data is limited. Moreover, an important branch is to apply pretrained language models for the mentioned tasks. So, this dissertation also focuses on the transfer learning method that generalizes pretrained models to other domains, including medical, cross-lingual, and web data. Finally, we propose a new task called unsupervised cross-domain prerequisite chain learning, and study novel graph-based methods to transfer knowledge over graphs

    BERT Based Clinical Knowledge Extraction for Biomedical Knowledge Graph Construction and Analysis

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    Background : Knowledge is evolving over time, often as a result of new discoveries or changes in the adopted methods of reasoning. Also, new facts or evidence may become available, leading to new understandings of complex phenomena. This is particularly true in the biomedical field, where scientists and physicians are constantly striving to find new methods of diagnosis, treatment and eventually cure. Knowledge Graphs (KGs) offer a real way of organizing and retrieving the massive and growing amount of biomedical knowledge. Objective : We propose an end-to-end approach for knowledge extraction and analysis from biomedical clinical notes using the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model and Conditional Random Field (CRF) layer. Methods : The approach is based on knowledge graphs, which can effectively process abstract biomedical concepts such as relationships and interactions between medical entities. Besides offering an intuitive way to visualize these concepts, KGs can solve more complex knowledge retrieval problems by simplifying them into simpler representations or by transforming the problems into representations from different perspectives. We created a biomedical Knowledge Graph using using Natural Language Processing models for named entity recognition and relation extraction. The generated biomedical knowledge graphs (KGs) are then used for question answering. Results : The proposed framework can successfully extract relevant structured information with high accuracy (90.7% for Named-entity recognition (NER), 88% for relation extraction (RE)), according to experimental findings based on real-world 505 patient biomedical unstructured clinical notes. Conclusions : In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end system for the construction of a biomedical knowledge graph from clinical textual using a variation of BERT models

    Improving Relation Extraction From Unstructured Genealogical Texts Using Fine-Tuned Transformers

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    Though exploring one’s family lineage through genealogical family trees can be insightful to developing one’s identity, this knowledge is typically held behind closed doors by private companies or require expensive technologies, such as DNA testing, to uncover. With the ever-booming explosion of data on the world wide web, many unstructured text documents, both old and new, are being discovered, written, and processed which contain rich genealogical information. With access to this immense amount of data, however, entails a costly process whereby people, typically volunteers, have to read large amounts of text to find relationships between people. This delays having genealogical information be open and accessible to all. This thesis explores state-of-the-art methods for relation extraction across the genealogical and biomedical domains and bridges new and old research by proposing an updated three-tier system for parsing unstructured documents. This system makes use of recently developed and massively pretrained transformers and fine-tuning techniques to take advantage of these deep neural models’ inherent understanding of English syntax and semantics for classification. With only a fraction of labeled data typically needed to train large models, fine-tuning a LUKE relation classification model with minimal added features can identify genealogical relationships with macro precision, recall, and F1 scores of 0.880, 0.867, and 0.871, respectively, in data sets with scarce (∼10%) positive relations. Further- more, with the advent of a modern coreference resolution system utilizing SpanBERT embeddings and a modern named entity parser, our end-to-end pipeline can extract and correctly classify relationships within unstructured documents with macro precision, recall, and F1 scores of 0.794, 0.616, and 0.676, respectively. This thesis also evaluates individual components of the system and discusses future improvements to be made
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