57 research outputs found

    A library of ab initio Raman spectra for automated identification of 2D materials

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    Raman spectroscopy is frequently used to identify composition, structure and layer thickness of 2D materials. Here, we describe an efficient first-principles workflow for calculating resonant first-order Raman spectra of solids within third-order perturbation theory employing a localized atomic orbital basis set. The method is used to obtain the Raman spectra of 733 different monolayers selected from the computational 2D materials database (C2DB). We benchmark the computational scheme against available experimental data for 15 known monolayers. Furthermore, we propose an automatic procedure for identifying a material based on an input experimental Raman spectrum and illustrate it for the cases of MoS2_2 (H-phase) and WTe2_2 (T^\prime-phase). The Raman spectra of all materials at different excitation frequencies and polarization configurations are freely available from the C2DB. Our comprehensive and easily accessible library of \textit{ab initio} Raman spectra should be valuable for both theoreticians and experimentalists in the field of 2D materialsComment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    The Computational 2D Materials Database: High-Throughput Modeling and Discovery of Atomically Thin Crystals

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    We introduce the Computational 2D Materials Database (C2DB), which organises a variety of structural, thermodynamic, elastic, electronic, magnetic, and optical properties of around 1500 two-dimensional materials distributed over more than 30 different crystal structures. Material properties are systematically calculated by state-of-the art density functional theory and many-body perturbation theory (G0 ⁣_0\!W\!_0 and the Bethe-Salpeter Equation for \sim200 materials) following a semi-automated workflow for maximal consistency and transparency. The C2DB is fully open and can be browsed online or downloaded in its entirety. In this paper, we describe the workflow behind the database, present an overview of the properties and materials currently available, and explore trends and correlations in the data. Moreover, we identify a large number of new potentially synthesisable 2D materials with interesting properties targeting applications within spintronics, (opto-)electronics, and plasmonics. The C2DB offers a comprehensive and easily accessible overview of the rapidly expanding family of 2D materials and forms an ideal platform for computational modeling and design of new 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures.Comment: Add journal reference and DOI; Minor updates to figures and wordin

    When Machine Learning Meets 2D Materials:A Review

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    The availability of an ever-expanding portfolio of 2D materials with rich internal degrees of freedom (spin, excitonic, valley, sublattice, and layer pseudospin) together with the unique ability to tailor heterostructures made layer by layer in a precisely chosen stacking sequence and relative crystallographic alignments, offers an unprecedented platform for realizing materials by design. However, the breadth of multi-dimensional parameter space and massive data sets involved is emblematic of complex, resource-intensive experimentation, which not only challenges the current state of the art but also renders exhaustive sampling untenable. To this end, machine learning, a very powerful data-driven approach and subset of artificial intelligence, is a potential game-changer, enabling a cheaper – yet more efficient – alternative to traditional computational strategies. It is also a new paradigm for autonomous experimentation for accelerated discovery and machine-assisted design of functional 2D materials and heterostructures. Here, the study reviews the recent progress and challenges of such endeavors, and highlight various emerging opportunities in this frontier research area.</p

    2DMatPedia: An open computational database of two-dimensional materials from top-down and bottom-up approaches

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    Two-dimensional (2D) materials have been a hot research topic in the last decade, due to novel fundamental physics in the reduced dimension and appealing applications. Systematic discovery of functional 2D materials has been the focus of many studies. Here, we present a large dataset of 2D materials, with more than 6,000 monolayer structures, obtained from both top-down and bottom-up discovery procedures. First, we screened all bulk materials in the database of Materials Project for layered structures by a topology-based algorithm, and theoretically exfoliate them into monolayers. Then, we generated new 2D materials by chemical substitution of elements in known 2D materials by others from the same group in the periodic table. The structural, electronic and energetic properties of these 2D materials are consistently calculated, to provide a starting point for further material screening, data mining, data analysis and artificial intelligence applications. We present the details of computational methodology, data record and technical validation of our publicly available data (http://www.2dmatpedia.org/)