12 research outputs found

    Toxic Behaviours in Esport:A Review of Data-Collection Methods Applied in Studying Toxic In-Gaming Behaviours

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    Online competitive multiplayer games (esports), although enabling positive social interactions and skillset growth, are notoriously known for their prevalence of toxic behaviours. Seeking to develop greater understandings and explanations of such behaviours, researchers have used a range of empirical data-collecting techniques, encompassing self-reports, log data, and observational methodologies. The objective of this article is to review the current research literature and its application of these methodological approaches for studying toxic behaviours in esports. Following systematic review procedures, 54 empirical research articles were reviewed. Based on this review, it is demonstrated that knowledge of toxic behaviours is typically based on self-reported accounts (e.g., through surveys and interviews), while lessestablished methodological techniques available for capturing naturalistic behaviours of toxic encounters stand under-used. Drawing on recent developments in video-based research on violence and bystander interventions, an argument is made that online video-based behavioural analysis holds promising potential to address this research gap.Online competitive multiplayer games (esports), although enabling positive social nteractions and skillset growth, are notoriously known for their prevalence of toxic behaviours. Seeking to develop greater understandings and explanations of such behaviours, researchers have used a range of empirical data-collecting techniques, encompassing self-reports, log data, and observational methodologies. The objective of this article is to review the current research literature and its application of these methodological approaches for studying toxic behaviours in esports. Following systematic review procedures, 54 empirical research articles were reviewed. Based on this review, it is demonstrated that knowledge of toxic behaviours is typically based on self-reported accounts (e.g., through surveys and interviews), while lessestablished methodological techniques available for capturing naturalistic behaviours of toxic encounters stand under-used. Drawing on recent developments in video-based research on violence and bystander interventions, an argument is made that online video-based behavioural analysis holds promising potential to address this research gap

    Deteksi Cyberbullying dengan Mesin Pembelajaran Klasifikasi (Supervised Learning): Peluang dan Tantangan

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    Perkembangan teknologi media sosial tidak hanya memberikan kemudahan dalam berkomunikasi antar individu, akan tetapi juga dapat mengancam kehidupan sosial individu seperti tidakan cyberbullying. Bervariasinya pola dan karakteritik cyberbullying mengakibatkan sulitnya proses deteksi cyberbullying, yang dilakukan oleh pelaku cyberbullying. Penelitian deteksi pola dan karakteristik cyberbullying banyak dilakukan dengan berbagai metode, seperti dengan mengimplementasikan Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), dan Sentiment Analysis yang memiliki variasi akurasi yang berbeda, dengan keunggulan dan kelemahan dari masing-masing metode. Implementasi Machine Learning untuk deteksi cyberbullying dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai algoritma, seperti algoritma probabilistik (Naïve Bayes) maupun supervised learning (Support Vector Machine, k-Nearest Neighbour, Decission Tree), dan metode lainnya yang hingga saat ini terus dikembangkan dengan berbagai pendekatan untuk meningkatkan akurasi deteksi cyberbullying atau non-cyberbullying. Adapun peluang dan tantangan penelitian deteksi cyberbullying seperti penerapan pada variasi domain bahasa, dan bentuk ekspresi yang dilakukan pada suatu lingkungan atau budaya, yang masih terdapat ruang untuk dikembangkan dan dijelajah secara luas. Pada artikel ini menjabarkan penelitian berikutnya berupa mengimplementasikan metode pembelajaran klasifikasi (Supervised Learning) dengan modifikasi tahapan untuk meningkatkan akurasi klasifikasi

    The Dark Side of Using Online Social Networks: A Review of Individuals' Negative Experiences

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    Research on online social networks (OSNs) has focused overwhelmingly on their benefits and potential, with their negative effects overlooked. This study builds on the limited existing work on the so-called ‘dark side’ of using OSNs. The authors conducted a systematic review of selected databases and identified 46 negative effects of using OSNs from the users’ perspective, which is a rich spectrum of users’ negative experiences. This article then proposed nomenclature and taxonomy for the dark side of using OSNs by grouping these negative effects into six themes: cost of social exchange, cyberbullying, low performance, annoying content, privacy concerns and security threats. This study then conducted structured interviews with experts to confirm the sense-making and validity of the proposed taxonomy. This study discusses the confirmed taxonomy and outlines directions for future research.</jats:p

    Regulación emocional como mediadora entre la agresión verbal y la ansiedad en jugadores de videojuegos en línea de Trujillo

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el rol moderador de la regulación emocional entre la agresión verbal y la ansiedad en jugadores universitarios de videojuegos en línea de la ciudad de Trujillo. En la parte metodológica, ha sido un estudio de enfoque cuantitativo y no experimental, de corte transversal, se empleó un modelo asociativo-explicativo, bajo un modelo de moderación. La muestra estuvo conformada por 332 estudiantes de universidades privadas de la ciudad de Trujillo, del sexo femenino y masculino, el muestreo empleado fue no probabilístico. Asimismo, los instrumentos empleados para la recolección de datos fueron: Cuestionario de Regulación Emocional (ERQ), la dimensión de Agresión verbal perteneciente al Cuestionario de Agresión (AQ) y la dimensión de Ansiedad del DASS-21. Se utilizó el programa estadístico Jamovi 2.3.18. Con esto, se obtuvieron los resultados donde se comprobó la hipótesis principal de la investigación: La regulación emocional cumple un rol moderador entre la agresión verbal y la ansiedad al obtener puntuaciones significativas de <.001 y de .005 en los tres niveles de moderación. Asimismo, con respecto a las dos dimensiones de la regulación emocional: reevaluación cognitiva y supresión emocional, también se obtuvieron puntuaciones que corroboran el rol de moderación. En conclusión, la investigación obtuvo que los niveles de regulación emocional tienen un efecto moderador en la sintomatología ansiosa que pueden experimentar los usuarios de videojuegos a raíz de las agresiones verbales recibidas

    Violência online nos bate-papos em transmissões de jogos eletrônicos : uma análise da Overwatch Contenders Souht America 2019

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Departamento de Comunicação Organizacional, 2020.Este é o memorial descritivo da produção do artigo científico de mesmo nome, com o intuito de analisar o teor de mensagens trocadas em um campeonato do jogo Overwatch, a Overwatch Contenders South America de 2019, e também de estudar como a Comunicação pode atuar nesse cenário. Para isso, este trabalho avaliou as diferentes facetas da violência online, aplicando uma metodologia de análise de conteúdo. A motivação deste trabalho foi a busca para entender se, ao ter moderação humana e automática, existe uma interferência positiva ou negativa na comunidade e nas transmissões online ao vivo de jogos eletrônicos. Foram analisadas mais de duas mil mensagens moderadas em um universo de mais de cinquenta mil mensagens enviadas, buscando avaliar se tinham teor violento e, se sim, em qual categoria de violência se inserem: machismo, racismo, homofobia ou violência verbal. Os resultados mostram que há violência nesses lugares, contudo, a atuação de moderadores e a diminuição do anonimato refletem em um ambiente menos hostil e mais agradável para todos os tipos de público. Conclui-se que há espaço para intervenção, por parte das empresas, para atuar em suas transmissões com profissionais preferencialmente da área de Comunicação e correlatas e que estejam empenhados e alinhados em tornar a comunidade de jogadores e expectadores mais harmoniosa

    Exploring Toxic Behaviour in Online Multiplayer Video Games

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    Antisocial behaviour exists across a variety of domains. A large body of literature exists investigating these behaviours, both in-person and technologically mediated. Negative outcomes of exposure to these behaviours have been well-documented across both domains and include lower self-esteem, increased anxiety, and increased levels of depression. One digital domain that people are concerned about is antisocial behaviour occurring in video games, referred to as toxic behaviour. Toxic behaviour in games may have negative outcomes, as found in antisocial behaviour outside of games. Despite the potential for harm, important information such as what toxic behaviour consists of, and how often it is experienced is currently unclear, with no current large-scale research investigation these behaviours having been identified during the literature search. Similarly, little is known about whether players believe enough is already being done to combat toxic behaviour, and how players would suggest it can be mitigated. To address this, two cross-sectional studies were conducted. The first study collected reports of players’ most recent experience of toxic behaviour. These accounts were analysed to form a hierarchical structure of toxic behaviour rooted in the experience of players themselves. The second study surveyed players regarding three key factors: How often they experienced toxic behaviour; Their beliefs on whether enough is being done to combat it; and suggestions for potential strategies to mitigate toxic behaviour in games. 92% of participants reported experiencing toxic behaviour in- game within the last 12 months, and 74.2% reported they do not believe the games industry is doing enough to combat at least one form of toxic behaviour. Additionally, nine methods for the mitigation of toxic behaviour were crowdsourced from players. This thesis therefore provides an initial categorization scheme for toxic behaviour. Results also suggest players may experience toxic behaviour more commonly than believed in current research and believe games companies are not doing enough to combat these behaviours

    Navigating Ambiguous Negativity: A Case Study of Twitch.tv Live Chats

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    The popular gaming-oriented platform Twitch.tv, which offers video game fans an online space to interact by sharing and viewing gameplay and participating in live chats, is faced with the problem of online negativity alongside all of gaming culture. The content of live chat interaction has been explored on a larger scale, using rules from computer-mediated communication to classify behaviors such as spam and capital letters as negative. The current study used a nuanced qualitative look at particular user communities and the intersection between their descriptive and injunctive community norms and the use of ambiguous negativity, or interactions whose valence is not unanimously understood because communities have their own sets of meanings and rules that can be misunderstood by outsiders. Based on a study of systematic recordings of chats and streams of the Dark Souls game series, ambiguous negativity is prevalent and includes behaviors like cursing, game jargon, banter, spam and sarcasm. True negativity and hostility are rare, but they exist and manifest as usage of exclusionary language and banter gone too far. Despite its infrequency, clear negativity can shape the way people experience these communities. The role community members are to assume in responding or not responding to negativity is often not clearly defined by community norms

    Cyberbullying in educational context

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    Kustenmacher and Seiwert (2004) explain a man’s inclination to resort to technology in his interaction with the environment and society. Thus, the solution to the negative consequences of Cyberbullying in a technologically dominated society is represented by technology as part of the technological paradox (Tugui, 2009), in which man has a dual role, both slave and master, in the interaction with it. In this respect, it is noted that, notably after 2010, there have been many attempts to involve artificial intelligence (AI) to recognize, identify, limit or avoid the manifestation of aggressive behaviours of the CBB type. For an overview of the use of artificial intelligence in solving various problems related to CBB, we extracted works from the Scopus database that respond to the criterion of the existence of the words “cyberbullying” and “artificial intelligence” in the Title, Keywords and Abstract. These articles were the subject of the content analysis of the title and, subsequently, only those that are identified as a solution in the process of recognizing, identifying, limiting or avoiding the manifestation of CBB were kept in the following Table where we have these data synthesized and organized by years