459 research outputs found

    Perimeter detection in sketched drawings of polyhedral shapes

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    Ponència presentada al STAG17: Smart tools and Applications in Graphics, celebrat a Catania (Itàlia) 11-12 setembre 2017This paper describes a new “envelope” approach for detecting object perimeters in line-drawings vectorised from sketches of polyhedral objects. Existing approaches for extracting contours from digital images are unsuitable for Sketch-Based Modelling, as they calculate where the contour is, but not which elements of the line-drawing belong to it. In our approach, the perimeter is described in terms of lines and junctions (including intersections and T-junctions) of the original line drawing

    An improved cosmological parameter inference scheme motivated by deep learning

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    Dark matter cannot be observed directly, but its weak gravitational lensing slightly distorts the apparent shapes of background galaxies, making weak lensing one of the most promising probes of cosmology. Several observational studies have measured the effect, and there are currently running, and planned efforts to provide even larger, and higher resolution weak lensing maps. Due to nonlinearities on small scales, the traditional analysis with two-point statistics does not fully capture all the underlying information. Multiple inference methods were proposed to extract more details based on higher order statistics, peak statistics, Minkowski functionals and recently convolutional neural networks (CNN). Here we present an improved convolutional neural network that gives significantly better estimates of Ωm\Omega_m and σ8\sigma_8 cosmological parameters from simulated convergence maps than the state of art methods and also is free of systematic bias. We show that the network exploits information in the gradients around peaks, and with this insight, we construct a new, easy-to-understand, and robust peak counting algorithm based on the 'steepness' of peaks, instead of their heights. The proposed scheme is even more accurate than the neural network on high-resolution noiseless maps. With shape noise and lower resolution its relative advantage deteriorates, but it remains more accurate than peak counting

    Generalized Boundaries from Multiple Image Interpretations

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    Boundary detection is essential for a variety of computer vision tasks such as segmentation and recognition. In this paper we propose a unified formulation and a novel algorithm that are applicable to the detection of different types of boundaries, such as intensity edges, occlusion boundaries or object category specific boundaries. Our formulation leads to a simple method with state-of-the-art performance and significantly lower computational cost than existing methods. We evaluate our algorithm on different types of boundaries, from low-level boundaries extracted in natural images, to occlusion boundaries obtained using motion cues and RGB-D cameras, to boundaries from soft-segmentation. We also propose a novel method for figure/ground soft-segmentation that can be used in conjunction with our boundary detection method and improve its accuracy at almost no extra computational cost

    Factoring Shape, Pose, and Layout from the 2D Image of a 3D Scene

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    The goal of this paper is to take a single 2D image of a scene and recover the 3D structure in terms of a small set of factors: a layout representing the enclosing surfaces as well as a set of objects represented in terms of shape and pose. We propose a convolutional neural network-based approach to predict this representation and benchmark it on a large dataset of indoor scenes. Our experiments evaluate a number of practical design questions, demonstrate that we can infer this representation, and quantitatively and qualitatively demonstrate its merits compared to alternate representations.Comment: Project url with code: https://shubhtuls.github.io/factored3