11 research outputs found

    Machine Learning for Mathematical Software

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    While there has been some discussion on how Symbolic Computation could be used for AI there is little literature on applications in the other direction. However, recent results for quantifier elimination suggest that, given enough example problems, there is scope for machine learning tools like Support Vector Machines to improve the performance of Computer Algebra Systems. We survey the authors own work and similar applications for other mathematical software. It may seem that the inherently probabilistic nature of machine learning tools would invalidate the exact results prized by mathematical software. However, algorithms and implementations often come with a range of choices which have no effect on the mathematical correctness of the end result but a great effect on the resources required to find it, and thus here, machine learning can have a significant impact.Comment: To appear in Proc. ICMS 201

    The Role of Benchmarking in Symbolic Computation:(Position Paper)

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    There is little doubt that, in the minds of most symbolic computation researchers, the ideal paper consists of a problem statement, a new algorithm, a complexity analysis and preferably a few validating examples. There are many such great papers. This paradigm has served computer algebra well for many years, and indeed continues to do so where it is applicable. However, it is much less applicable to sparse problems, where there are many NP-hardness results, or to many problems coming from algebraic geometry, where the worst-case complexity seems to be rare.We argue that, in these cases, the field should take a leaf out of the practices of the SAT-solving community, and adopt systematic benchmarking, and benchmarking contests, as a way measuring (and stimulating) progress. This would involve a change of culture

    Good pivots for small sparse matrices

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    For sparse matrices up to size 8×88 \times 8, we determine optimal choices for pivot selection in Gaussian elimination. It turns out that they are slightly better than the pivots chosen by a popular pivot selection strategy, so there is some room for improvement. We then create a pivot selection strategy using machine learning and find that it indeed leads to a small improvement compared to the classical strategy.Comment: 11 page

    A machine learning based software pipeline to pick the variable ordering for algorithms with polynomial inputs

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    We are interested in the application of Machine Learning (ML) technology to improve mathematical software. It may seem that the probabilistic nature of ML tools would invalidate the exact results prized by such software, however, the algorithms which underpin the software often come with a range of choices which are good candidates for ML application. We refer to choices which have no effect on the mathematical correctness of the software, but do impact its performance. In the past we experimented with one such choice: the variable ordering to use when building a Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (CAD). We used the Python library Scikit-Learn (sklearn) to experiment with different ML models, and developed new techniques for feature generation and hyper-parameter selection. These techniques could easily be adapted for making decisions other than our immediate application of CAD variable ordering. Hence in this paper we present a software pipeline to use sklearn to pick the variable ordering for an algorithm that acts on a polynomial system. The code described is freely available online.Comment: Accepted into Proc ICMS 202

    Algorithmically generating new algebraic features of polynomial systems for machine learning

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    There are a variety of choices to be made in both computer algebra systems (CASs) and satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) solvers which can impact performance without affecting mathematical correctness. Such choices are candidates for machine learning (ML) approaches, however, there are difficulties in applying standard ML techniques, such as the efficient identification of ML features from input data which is typically a polynomial system. Our focus is selecting the variable ordering for cylindrical algebraic decomposition (CAD), an important algorithm implemented in several CASs, and now also SMT-solvers. We created a framework to describe all the previously identified ML features for the problem and then enumerated all options in this framework to automatically generation many more features. We validate the usefulness of these with an experiment which shows that an ML choice for CAD variable ordering is superior to those made by human created heuristics, and further improved with these additional features. We expect that this technique of feature generation could be useful for other choices related to CAD, or even choices for other algorithms with polynomial systems for input.Comment: To appear in Proc SC-Square Workshop 2019. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1904.1106

    Comparing machine learning models to choose the variable ordering for cylindrical algebraic decomposition

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    There has been recent interest in the use of machine learning (ML) approaches within mathematical software to make choices that impact on the computing performance without affecting the mathematical correctness of the result. We address the problem of selecting the variable ordering for cylindrical algebraic decomposition (CAD), an important algorithm in Symbolic Computation. Prior work to apply ML on this problem implemented a Support Vector Machine (SVM) to select between three existing human-made heuristics, which did better than anyone heuristic alone. The present work extends to have ML select the variable ordering directly, and to try a wider variety of ML techniques. We experimented with the NLSAT dataset and the Regular Chains Library CAD function for Maple 2018. For each problem, the variable ordering leading to the shortest computing time was selected as the target class for ML. Features were generated from the polynomial input and used to train the following ML models: k-nearest neighbours (KNN) classifier, multi-layer perceptron (MLP), decision tree (DT) and SVM, as implemented in the Python scikit-learn package. We also compared these with the two leading human constructed heuristics for the problem: Brown's heuristic and sotd. On this dataset all of the ML approaches outperformed the human made heuristics, some by a large margin.Comment: Accepted into CICM 201

    Improved cross-validation for classifiers that make algorithmic choices to minimise runtime without compromising output correctness

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    Our topic is the use of machine learning to improve software by making choices which do not compromise the correctness of the output, but do affect the time taken to produce such output. We are particularly concerned with computer algebra systems (CASs), and in particular, our experiments are for selecting the variable ordering to use when performing a cylindrical algebraic decomposition of nn-dimensional real space with respect to the signs of a set of polynomials. In our prior work we explored the different ML models that could be used, and how to identify suitable features of the input polynomials. In the present paper we both repeat our prior experiments on problems which have more variables (and thus exponentially more possible orderings), and examine the metric which our ML classifiers targets. The natural metric is computational runtime, with classifiers trained to pick the ordering which minimises this. However, this leads to the situation were models do not distinguish between any of the non-optimal orderings, whose runtimes may still vary dramatically. In this paper we investigate a modification to the cross-validation algorithms of the classifiers so that they do distinguish these cases, leading to improved results.Comment: 16 pages. Accepted into the Proceedings of MACIS 2019. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1906.0145

    The Role of Benchmarking in Symbolic Computation:(Position Paper)

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    There is little doubt that, in the minds of most symbolic computation researchers, the ideal paper consists of a problem statement, a new algorithm, a complexity analysis and preferably a few validating examples. There are many such great papers. This paradigm has served computer algebra well for many years, and indeed continues to do so where it is applicable. However, it is much less applicable to sparse problems, where there are many NP-hardness results, or to many problems coming from algebraic geometry, where the worst-case complexity seems to be rare.We argue that, in these cases, the field should take a leaf out of the practices of the SAT-solving community, and adopt systematic benchmarking, and benchmarking contests, as a way measuring (and stimulating) progress. This would involve a change of culture

    Cylindrical algebraic decomposition with equational constraints

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    Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (CAD) has long been one of the most important algorithms within Symbolic Computation, as a tool to perform quantifier elimination in first order logic over the reals. More recently it is finding prominence in the Satisfiability Checking community as a tool to identify satisfying solutions of problems in nonlinear real arithmetic. The original algorithm produces decompositions according to the signs of polynomials, when what is usually required is a decomposition according to the truth of a formula containing those polynomials. One approach to achieve that coarser (but hopefully cheaper) decomposition is to reduce the polynomials identified in the CAD to reflect a logical structure which reduces the solution space dimension: the presence of Equational Constraints (ECs). This paper may act as a tutorial for the use of CAD with ECs: we describe all necessary background and the current state of the art. In particular, we present recent work on how McCallum's theory of reduced projection may be leveraged to make further savings in the lifting phase: both to the polynomials we lift with and the cells lifted over. We give a new complexity analysis to demonstrate that the double exponent in the worst case complexity bound for CAD reduces in line with the number of ECs. We show that the reduction can apply to both the number of polynomials produced and their degree.Comment: Accepted into the Journal of Symbolic Computation. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1501.0446

    Using Machine Learning to Improve Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition

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    Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (CAD) is a key tool in computational algebraic geometry, best known as a procedure to enable Quantifier Elimination over real-closed fields. However, it has a worst case complexity doubly exponential in the size of the input, which is often encountered in practice. It has been observed that for many problems a change in algorithm settings or problem formulation can cause huge differences in runtime costs, changing problem instances from intractable to easy. A number of heuristics have been developed to help with such choices, but the complicated nature of the geometric relationships involved means these are imperfect and can sometimes make poor choices. We investigate the use of machine learning (specifically support vector machines) to make such choices instead. Machine learning is the process of fitting a computer model to a complex function based on properties learned from measured data. In this paper we apply it in two case studies: the first to select between heuristics for choosing a CAD variable ordering; the second to identify when a CAD problem instance would benefit from Groebner Basis preconditioning. These appear to be the first such applications of machine learning to Symbolic Computation. We demonstrate in both cases that the machine learned choice outperforms human developed heuristics.This work was supported by EPSRC grant EP/J003247/1; the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 712689 (SC2); and the China Scholarship Council (CSC)