540,588 research outputs found

    Sensitization profiles to purified plant food allergens among pediatric patients with allergy to banana.

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    Banana fruit allergy is well known, but neither immunoglobulin E recognition patterns to purified plant food allergens nor true prevalences of putative banana allergens have been established. This study aimed to characterize β-1,3-glucanase and thaumatin-like protein (TLP) as banana allergens, testing them, together with other plant food allergens, in 51 children with allergic reactions after banana ingestion and both positive specific IgE and skin prick test (SPT) to banana. Banana β-1,3-glucanase and TLP were isolated and characterized. Both banana allergens, together with kiwifruit TLP Act d 2, avocado class I chitinase Pers a 1, palm pollen profilin Pho d 2 and peach fruit lipid transfer protein (LTP) Pru p 3, were tested by in vitro and in vivo assays. Banana β-1,3-glucanase (Mus a 5) was glycosylated, whereas banana TLP (Mus a 4) was not, in contrast with its homologous kiwi allergen Act d 2. Specific IgE to both banana allergens, as well as to peach Pru p 3, was found in over 70% of sera from banana-allergic children, and Mus a 4 and Pru p 3 provoked positive SPT responses in 6 of the 12 tested patients, whereas Mus a 5 in only one of them. Both peptidic epitopes and cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants were involved in the IgE-binding to Mus a 5, whereas cross-reactivity between Mus a 4 and Act d 2 was only based on common IgE protein epitopes. Profilin Pho d 2 elicited a relevant proportion of positive responses on in vitro (41%) and in vivo (58%) tests. Therefore, Mus a 4 and LTP behave as major banana allergens in the study population, and profilin seems to be also a relevant allergen. Mus a 5 is an equivocal allergenic protein, showing high IgE-binding to its attached complex glycan, and low in vivo potency


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    Tikus adalah rodensia yang berperan sebagai tuan rumah perantara untuk beberapa jenis penyakit yang dikenal sebagai penyakit tular rodensia, selain dapat menimbulkan berbagai gangguan dan kerugian ekonomi. Dalam setahun tikus mampu berbiak menjadi 50 ekor. Umpan dengan bahan aktif Warfarin 0,105% dan Brodifacoum 0,005% termasuk jenis racun yang bekerja secara lambat dan menghambat proses koagulasi serta memecah pembuluh darah kapiler. Binatang yang sering digunakan dalam penelitian di laboratorium adalah Mencit (Mus Musculus) Strain albino, sehingga dilakukan penelitian tentang perbandingan daya bunuh Warfarin 0,105% dan Brodifacoum 0,005% terhadap Mencit ( Mus Musculus). Sampel penelitian sebanyak 20 ekor untuk perlakuan Warfarin 0,105% dan 20 ekor untuk perlakuan Brodifacoum 0,005%, sedangkan seekor untuk kontrol. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen murni dengan sistem randomisasi. Penelitian selama 7 hari mendapatkan data kematian Mencit karena Warfarin 0,105% mulai terjadi pada hari ke 4, sedangkan kematian mencit karena Brodifacoum 0,005% mulai terjadi pada hari ke 3. Bobot kematian terendah pada 19,4 gram dan tertinggi dengan berat 30 gram. Uji statistik dengan rancangan Acak Lengkap dan analisis ragam menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan daya bunuh nyata antara Warfarin 0,105% dan Brodifacoum 0,005% terhadap Mencit (Mus Musculus). Hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai F-Hitung> nilai F-tabel pada alfa 0,05 dan 0,01 yaitu 37,69> 4,10 dan 7,35. Perbandingan daya bunuh warfarin 0,105% dan Brodifacoum 0,005% terhadap Mencit (Mus Musculus) adalah 1:8, artinya daya bunuh Brodifacoum 0,005% terhadap Mencit (Mus Musculus) 8 kali lebih besar dibandingkan Warfarin 0,105%. Warfarin 0,105% dan Brodifacum 0,005% sama-sama mempunyai daya bunuh terhadap Mencit (Mus Musculus), sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai pengendalian tikus dan mencit liar, tetapi dalam cakupan yang luas agar menggunakan Brodifacoum 0,005%. Kata Kunci: Warfarin 0,105%, Brodifacoum 0,005%, Mencit

    The effects of pictures on the order of accessing online war stories

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    Research on how people read news stories has shown that readers chose to read and access news stories associated with pictures that contained an element of attraction. Researchers have found that the emotional elements within the picture could also play a role. It is unclear how neutral human interest pictures influence readers to access news stories. Is the access process influenced by less emotive pictures or more human interest elements? These issues were explored in an experiment in which 24 students participated. The experiment compared similar news that was accompanied with a human interest picture, information graphic and without information graphic. The focus of the news stories was on war news which almost always contained human interest elements that could be neutral or emotion-laden. The experiment suggested that human interest pictures of war stories could be equally effective in attracting readers to read and remember the news stories
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