2 research outputs found

    On the resource abstraction, partitioning and composition for virtual GMPLS-controlled multi-layer optical networks

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    Virtual optical networking supports the dynamic provisioning of dedicated networks over the same network infrastructure, which has received a lot of attention by network providers. The stringent network requirements (e.g., Quality of Service -QoS-, Service Level Agreement -SLA-, dynamicity) of the emerging high bandwidth and dynamic applications such as high-definition video streaming (e.g., telepresence, television, remote surgery, etc.), and cloud computing (e.g., real-time data backup, remote desktop, etc.) can be supported by the deployment of dynamic infrastructure services to build ad-hoc Virtual Optical Networks (VON), which is known as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Future Internet should support two separate entities: infrastructure providers (who manage the physical infrastructure) and service providers (who deploy network protocols and offer end-to-end services). Thus, network service providers shall request, on a per-need basis, a dedicated and application-specific VON and have full control over it. Optical network virtualization technologies allow the partitioning/composition of the network infrastructure (i.e., physical optical nodes and links) into independent virtual resources, adopting the same functionality as the physical resource. The composition of these virtual resources (i.e., virtual optical nodes and links) allows the deployment of multiple VONs. A VON must be composed of not only a virtual transport plane but also of a virtual control plane, with the purpose of providing the required independent and full control functionalities (i.e., automated connection provisioning and recovery (protection/restauration), traffic engineering (e.g., QoS, SLA), etc.). This PhD Thesis focuses on optical network virtualization, with three main objectives. The first objective consists on the design, implementation and evaluation of an architecture and the necessary protocols and interfaces for the virtualization of a Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) controlled Wavelength Switched Optical Network (WSON) and the introduction of a resource broker for dynamic virtual GMPLS-controlled WSON infrastructure services, whose task is to dynamically deploy VONs from service provider requests. The introduction of a resource broker implies the need for virtual resource management and allocation algorithms for optimal usage of the shared physical infrastructure. Also, the deployment of independent virtual GMPLS control plane on top of each VON shall be performed by the resource broker. This objective also includes the introduction of optical network virtualization for Elastic Optical Networks (EON). The second objective is to design, implement and experimentally evaluate a system architecture for deploying virtual GMPLS-controlled Multi-Protocol Label Switching Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) networks over a shared WSON. With this purpose, this PhD Thesis also focuses on the design and development of MPLS-TP nodes which are deployed on the WSON of the ADRENALINE Testbed at CTTC premises. Finally, the third objective is the composition of multiple virtual optical networks with heterogeneous control domains (e.g., GMPLS, OpenFlow). A multi-domain resource broker has been designed, implemented and evaluated.La gesti贸 de xarxes 貌ptiques virtuals permet la provisi贸 din脿mica de xarxes dedicades a sobre la mateixa infraestructura de xarxa i ha cridat molt l鈥檃tenci贸 als prove茂dors de xarxes. Els requisits de xarxa (per exemple la qualitat de servei, els acords de nivell de servei o la dinamicitat) s贸n cada cop m茅s astringents per a les aplicacions emergents d'elevat ample de banda i din脿miques, que inclouen per exemple la reproducci贸 en temps real de v铆deo d'alta definici贸 (telepres猫ncia, televisi贸, telemedicina) i serveis d鈥檌nform脿tica en n煤vol (c貌pies de seguretat en temps real, escriptori remot). Aquests requisits poden ser assolits a trav茅s del desplegament de serveis de infraestructura din脿mics per construir xarxes 貌ptiques virtuals (VON, en angl猫s), fet que 茅s conegut com a infraestructura com a servei (IaaS). La internet del futur hauria de suportar dos entitats diferenciades: els prove茂dors d'infraestructures (responsables de gestionar la infraestructura f铆sica), i els prove茂dors de serveis (responsables dels protocols de xarxa i d'oferir els serveis finals). D'aquesta forma els prove茂dors de serveis podrien sol鈥icitar i gestionar en funci贸 de les necessitats xarxes 貌ptiques virtuals dedicades i espec铆fiques per les aplicacions. Les tecnologies de virtualitzaci贸 de xarxes 貌ptiques virtuals permeten la partici贸 i composici贸 de infraestructura de xarxa (nodes i enlla莽os 貌ptics) en recursos virtuals independents que adopten les mateixes funcionalitats que els recursos f铆sics. La composici贸 d'aquests recursos virtuals (nodes i enlla莽os 貌ptics virtuals) permet el desplegament de m煤ltiples VONs. Una VON no sols est脿 composada per un pla de transport virtual, sin贸 tamb茅 per un pla de control virtual, amb l'objectiu d'incorporar les funcionalitats necess脿ries a la VON (provisi贸 de connexions autom脿tiques i recuperaci贸 (protecci贸/restauraci贸), enginyeria de tr脿fic, etc.). Aquesta tesis es centra en la virtualitzaci贸 de xarxes 貌ptiques amb tres objectius principals. El primer objectiu consisteix en el disseny, implementaci贸 i avaluaci贸 de l'arquitectura i els protocols i interf铆cies necessaris per la virtualitzaci贸 de xarxes encaminades a trav茅s de la longitud d'ona i controlades per GMPLS. Tamb茅 inclou la introducci贸 d'un gestor de recursos per desplegar xarxes 貌ptiques virtuals de forma din脿mica. La introducci贸 d'aquest gestor de recursos implica la necessitat d'una gesti贸 dels recursos virtuals i d鈥檃lgoritmes d鈥檃ssignaci贸 de recursos per a la utilitzaci贸 貌ptima dels recursos f铆sics. A m茅s el gestor de recursos ha de ser capa莽 del desplegament dels recursos assignats, incloent un pla de control GMPLS virtual independent per a cada VON desplegada. Finalment, aquest objectiu inclou la introducci贸 de mecanismes de virtualitzaci贸 per a xarxes el脿stiques 貌ptiques (EON, en angl猫s). El segon objectiu 茅s el disseny, la implementaci贸 i l鈥檃valuaci贸 experimental d'una arquitectura de sistema per oferir xarxes MPLS-TP virtuals controlades per GMPLS sobre una infraestructura i WSON compartida. Per aix貌, aquesta tesis tamb茅 es centra en el disseny i desenvolupament d'un node MPLS-TP que ha estat desplegat al demostrador ADRENALINE, al CTTC. Finalment, el tercer objectiu 茅s la composici贸 de m煤ltiples xarxes 貌ptiques virtuals en dominis de control heterogenis (GMPLS i OpenFlow). Un gestor de recursos multi-domini ha estat dissenyat, implementat i avaluat.La gesti贸n de redes 贸pticas virtuales permite la provisi贸n din谩mica de redes dedicadas encima la misma infraestructura de red y ha llamado mucho la atenci贸n a los proveedores de redes. Los requisitos de red (por ejemplo la calidad de servicio, los acuerdos de nivel de servicio o la dinamicidad) son cada vez m谩s estringentes para las aplicaciones emergentes de elevado ancho de banda y din谩micas, que incluyen por ejemplo la reproducci贸n en tiempo real de v铆deo de alta definici贸n (telepresencia, televisi贸n, telemedicina) y servicios de computaci贸n en la nube (copias de seguridad en tiempo real, escritorio remoto). Estos requisitos pueden ser logrados a trav茅s del despliegue de servicios de infraestructura din谩micos para construir redes 贸pticas virtuales (VON, en ingl茅s), hecho que es conocido como infraestructura como servicio (IaaS). La internet del futuro tendr谩 que soportar dos entidades diferenciadas: los proveedores de infraestructuras (responsables de gestionar la infraestructura f铆sica), y los proveedores de servicios (responsables de los protocolos de red y de ofrecer los servicios finales). De esta forma los proveedores de servicios podr谩n solicitar y gestionar en funci贸n de las necesitados redes 贸pticas virtuales dedicadas y espec铆ficas por las aplicaciones. Las tecnolog铆as de virtualizaci贸n de redes 贸pticas virtuales permiten la partici贸n y composici贸n de infraestructura de red (nodos y enlaces 贸pticos) en recursos virtuales independientes que adoptan las mismas funcionalidades que los recursos f铆sicos. La composici贸n de estos recursos virtuales (nodos y enlaces 贸pticos virtuales) permite el despliegue de m煤ltiples VONs. Una VON no s贸lo est谩 compuesta por un plan de transporte virtual, sino tambi茅n por un plan de control virtual, con el objetivo de incorporar las funcionalidades necesarias a la VON (provisi贸n de conexiones autom谩ticas y recuperaci贸n (protecci贸n/restauraci贸n), ingenier铆a de tr谩fico, etc.). Esta tesis se centra en la virtualizaci贸n de redes 贸pticas con tres objetivos principales. El primer objetivo consiste en el dise帽o, implementaci贸n y evaluaci贸n de la arquitectura y los protocolos e interfaces necesarios por la virtualizaci贸n de redes encaminadas a trav茅s de la longitud de ola y controladas por GMPLS. Tambi茅n incluye la introducci贸n de un gestor de recursos para desplegar redes 贸pticas virtuales de forma din谩mica. La introducci贸n de este gestor de recursos implica la necesidad de una gesti贸n de los recursos virtuales y de algoritmos de asignaci贸n de recursos para la utilizaci贸n 贸ptima de los recursos f铆sicos. Adem谩s el gestor de recursos tiene que ser capaz del despliegue de los recursos asignados, incluyendo un plan de control GMPLS virtual independiente para cada VON desplegada. Finalmente, este objetivo incluye la introducci贸n de mecanismos de virtualizaci贸n para redes el谩sticas 贸pticas (EON, en ingl茅s). El segundo objetivo es el dise帽o, la implementaci贸n y la evaluaci贸n experimental de una arquitectura de sistema para ofrecer redes MPLS-TP virtuales controladas por GMPLS sobre una infraestructura WSON compartida. Por eso, esta tesis tambi茅n se centra en el dise帽o y desarrollo de un nodo MPLS-TP que ha sido desplegado al demostrador ADRENALINE, en el CTTC. Finalmente, el tercer objetivo es la composici贸n de m煤ltiples redes 贸pticas virtuales en dominios de control heterog茅neos (GMPLS y OpenFlow). Un gestor de recursos multi-dominio ha sido dise帽ado, implementado y evaluado

    Optimizing total cost of ownership (TCO) for 5G multi-tenant mobile backhaul (MBH) optical transport networks

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    Legacy network elements are reaching end-of-life and packet-based transport networks are not efficiently optimized. In particular, high density cell architecture in future 5G networks will face big technical and financial challenges due to avalanche of traffic volume and massive growth in connected devices. Raising density and ever-increasing traffic demand within future 5G Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) will result in huge deployment, expansion and operating costs for upcoming Mobile BackHaul (MBH) networks with flat revenue generation. Thus, the goal of this dissertation is to provide an efficient physical network planning mechanism and an optimized resource engineering tool in order to reduce the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and increase the generated revenues. This will help Service Providers (SPs) and Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to improve their network scalability and maintain positive Project Profit Margins (PPM). In order to meet this goal, three key issues are required to be addressed in our framework and are summarized as follows: i) how to design and migrate to a scalable and reliable MBH network in an optimal cost?, ii) how to control the deployment and activation of the network resources in such MBH based on required traffic demand in an efficient and cost-effective way?, and iii) how to enhance the resource sharing in such network and maximize the profit margins in an efficient way? As part of our contributions to address the first issue highlighted above and to plan the MBH with reduced network TCO and improved scalability, we propose a comprehensive migration plan towards an End-to-End Integrated-Optical-Packet-Network (E2-IOPN) for SP optical transport networks. We review various empirical challenges faced by a real SP during the transformation process towards E2-IOPN as well as the implementation of an as-built plan and a high-level design (HLD) for migrating towards lower cost-per-bit GPON, MPLS-TP, OTN and next-generation DWDM technologies. Then, we propose a longer-term strategy based on SDN and NFV approach that will offer rapid end-to-end service provisioning with costefficient centralized network control. We define CapEx and OpEx cost models and drive a cost comparative study that shows the benefit and financial impact of introducing new low-cost packet-based technologies to carry traffic from legacy and new services. To address the second issue, we first introduce an algorithm based on a stochastic geometry model (Voronoi Tessellation) to more precisely define MBH zones within a geographical area and more accurately calculate required traffic demands and related MBH infrastructure. In order to optimize the deployment and activation of the network resources in the MBH in an efficient and cost-effective way, we propose a novel method called BackHauling-as-a-Service (BHaaS) for network planning and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) analysis based on required traffic demand and a "You-pay-only-for-what-you-use" approach. Furthermore, we enhance BHaaS performance by introducing a more service-aware method called Traffic-Profile-asa- Service (TPaaS) to further drive down the costs based on yearly activated traffic profiles. Results show that BHaaS and TPaaS may enhance by 22% the project benefit compared to traditional TCO model. Finally, we introduce a new cost (CapEx and OpEx) models for 5G multi-tenant Virtualized MBH (V-MBH) as part of our contribution to address the third issue. In fact, in order to enhance the resource sharing and maximize the network profits, we drive a novel pay-as-yougrow and optimization model for the V-MBH called Virtual-Backhaul-as-a-Service (VBaaS). VBaaS can serve as a planning tool to optimize the Project Profit Margin (PPM) while considering the TCO and the yearly generated Return-on-Investment (ROI). We formulate an MNO Pricing Game (MPG) for TCO optimization to calculate the optimal Pareto-Equilibrium pricing strategy for offered Tenant Service Instances (TSI). Then, we compare CapEx, OpEx, TCO, ROI and PPM for a specific use-case known in the industry as CORD project using Traditional MBH (T-MBH) versus Virtualized MBH (V-MBH) as well as using randomized versus Pareto-Equilibrium pricing strategies. The results of our framework offer SPs and MNOs a more precise estimation of traffic demand, an optimized infrastructure planning and yearly resource deployment as well as an optimized TCO analysis (CapEx and OpEx) with enhanced pricing strategy and generated ROI. Numerical results show more than three times increase in network profitability using our proposed solutions compared with Traditional MBH (T-MBH) methods