3 research outputs found

    Scalable and perceptual audio compression

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    This thesis deals with scalable perceptual audio compression. Two scalable perceptual solutions as well as a scalable to lossless solution are proposed and investigated. One of the scalable perceptual solutions is built around sinusoidal modelling of the audio signal whilst the other is built on a transform coding paradigm. The scalable coders are shown to scale both in a waveform matching manner as well as a psychoacoustic manner. In order to measure the psychoacoustic scalability of the systems investigated in this thesis, the similarity between the original signal\u27s psychoacoustic parameters and that of the synthesized signal are compared. The psychoacoustic parameters used are loudness, sharpness, tonahty and roughness. This analysis technique is a novel method used in this thesis and it allows an insight into the perceptual distortion that has been introduced by any coder analyzed in this manner

    Coprojeto de um decodificador de áudio AAC-LC em FPGA

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2013.A Codificação de áudio está presente hoje nos mais diversos aparelhos eletrônicos desde o rádio, a televisão, o computador, os tocadores de música portáteis e nos celulares. Em 2007, o governo do Brasil definiu o padrão do Sistema Brasileiro de TV Digital (SBTVD) que adotou o AAC Advanced Audio Coding para codificação de áudio. Neste trabalho, utilizamos a abordagem de coprojeto combinando software e hardware para implementar uma solução de alto desempenho e baixo consumo de energia em um FPGA, capaz de decodificar até 6 canais de áudio em tempo real. Apresentamos os detalhes da solução bem como os testes de desempenho e qualidade. Por fim, apresentamos os resultados de utilização de hardware e performance juntamente com uma comparação com as demais soluções encontradas na literatura. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTAudio Coding is present today in many electronic devices. It can be found in radio, tv, computers, portable audio players and mobile phones. In 2007 the Brazilian Government defined the brazilian Digital TV System standard (SBTVD) and adopted the AAC - Advanced Audio Coding as the audio codec. In this work we use the co-design of hardware and software approach to implement a high performance and low energy solution on an FPGA, able to decode up to 6 channels of audio in real-time. The solution architecture and details are presented along with performance and quality tests. Finally, hardware usage and performance results are presented and compared to other solutions found in literature

    Very low bit rate parametric audio coding

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