7 research outputs found

    Virtual Texture with Wallis Filter for Terrain Visualization

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    As Boeing 737-800 Flight simulator get more and more demanding in terms of rendering time and authenticity. In order to reduce the amount of image data, we use the large region low-resolution remote sensing image mosaic with small region high-resolution remote sensing image. Meanwhile, for the color imbalances between images, we propose the global Wallis transform method based on HSI color space, So that the color is consistent among the images. Finally, we present a novel texture technique to achieve real-time performance. The experiment shows that the method can make sure the texture fit the requirement of Boeing 737-800 Flight Simulator

    Algorithms for division free perspective correct rendering

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    Dynamic Graph: un outil générique pour la modélisation multi-échelle

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    National audienceModéliser et afficher des scènes animées avec de grandes variations d'échelle est une tache très coûteuse et aujourd'hui impossible à réaliser en temps-réel. Nous montrons que seule la modélisation procédurale multi- échelle est apte à résoudre un tel problème. Une analyse des quelques travaux existants permet d'une part de constater l'efficacité de cette approche, et d'autre part de mettre en évidence l'un de ses plus gros défauts : la quantité de code à écrire pour créer chaque nouveau modèle. C'est là notre principale contribution : nous présentons Dynamic Graph (DG), le premier outil générique pour la modélisation procédurale multi-échelle. Autour d'un noyau basé sur des graphes acycliques dynamiques, de nombreuses fonctionnalités allègent le processus de création sans pour autant nuire à son expressivité

    Real-time per-face texture mapping on the GPU

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    Treball realitzat en el marc d'un programa de mobilitat amb el Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT - University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association)Se trata de la implementación de un método de texturación por caras en tiempo real que trabaja con "out-of-core textures". Texturas tan grandes que sobrepasan la capacidad de memoria de la GPU. En cuanto a esto se ha trabajado con varias estrategias de caché para ver cuál de ellas funcionaba mejor

    Tangible Scalar Fields

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    Data Visualization is a field that explores how to most efficiently convey information to the user, most often via visual representations like plots, graphs or glyphs. While this field of research has had great growth within the last couple of years, most of the work has been focused on the visual part of the human visual and auditory system - much less visualization work has been done in regards to the visually impaired. In this thesis, we will look at some previous methods and techniques for visualizing scalar fields via the sense of touch, and additionally provide two novel approaches to visualize a two-dimensional scalar field. Our first approach creates passive physicalizations from a scalar field in a semi-automatic pipeline by encoding the scalar value and field coordinates as positions in 3D space, which we use to construct a triangular mesh built from hexagonal pillars that can be printed on a 3D printer. We further enhance our mesh by encoding a directional attribute on the pillars, creating a visual encoding of the model orientation and improving upon a readability issue by mirroring the mesh. Our second approach uses a haptic force-feedback device to simulate the feeling of moving across a surface based on the scalar field by replicating three physical forces: the normal force, the friction force and the gravity force. We also further extend our approach by introducing a local encoding of global information about the scalar field via a volume representation build from the scalar field.Masteroppgave i informatikkINF399MAMN-PROGMAMN-IN

    Ray Tracing Gems

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    This book is a must-have for anyone serious about rendering in real time. With the announcement of new ray tracing APIs and hardware to support them, developers can easily create real-time applications with ray tracing as a core component. As ray tracing on the GPU becomes faster, it will play a more central role in real-time rendering. Ray Tracing Gems provides key building blocks for developers of games, architectural applications, visualizations, and more. Experts in rendering share their knowledge by explaining everything from nitty-gritty techniques that will improve any ray tracer to mastery of the new capabilities of current and future hardware. What you'll learn: The latest ray tracing techniques for developing real-time applications in multiple domains Guidance, advice, and best practices for rendering applications with Microsoft DirectX Raytracing (DXR) How to implement high-performance graphics for interactive visualizations, games, simulations, and more Who this book is for: Developers who are looking to leverage the latest APIs and GPU technology for real-time rendering and ray tracing Students looking to learn about best practices in these areas Enthusiasts who want to understand and experiment with their new GPU

    MIP-map Level Selection for Texture Mapping

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    Texture mapping is a fundamental feature of computer graphics image generation. In current PC-based acceleration hardware MIP-mapping with bilinear and trilinear filtering is a commonly used filtering technique for reducing spatial aliasing artifacts. The effectiveness of this technique in reducing image aliasing at the expense of blurring is dependent upon the MIP-map level selection and the associated calculation of screen-space to texture-space pixel scaling. This paper describes an investigation of practical methods for per-pixel and per-primitive level of detail calculation. This investigation was carried out as part of the design work for a screen-space rasterization ASIC. The implementations of several algorithms of comparable visual quality are discussed and a comparison is provided in terms of per-primitive and per-pixel computational costs